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venerdì 2 aprile 2021

Pochi amano veramente. Aforismi e versi in prosa di Emily Dickinson - Silvio Raffo (De Piante Editore)



Una inedita raccolta di aforismi di Emily Dickinson, illuminano le profondità dell'animo umano e comunicano le gioie e i dolori dell'amore e della vita.

Sparare a una colomba di David Grossman (Mondadori)



Da sempre la presenza di David Grossman sulla scena internazionale va oltre i suoi romanzi: i suoi saggi e interventi su politica, società e letteratura sono ormai diventati un punto di riferimento ineludibile per tantissimi lettori ai quattro angoli del mondo. "La situazione è troppo disperata per lasciarla ai disperati" sostiene. La dimensione personale che è al centro della sua narrativa è indissolubilmente legata a quella politica. Ed è per questo motivo che, nei saggi e nei discorsi che compongono questo libro, Grossman non si limita ad analizzare la situazione di Israele cinquant'anni dopo la Guerra dei Sei Giorni, a descrivere le conseguenze dell'impasse politica in Medio Oriente o dell'abbandono della letteratura nell'era post-fattuale, o a parlare di Covid, ma finisce sempre per raccontarci qualcosa della sua esperienza personale. Questa appassionata e lucida difesa dei valori della libertà e dell'individualità, la strenua opposizione a disfattismo e disimpegno prendono corpo in questi testi, che faranno certamente breccia nelle menti e nei cuori dei suoi lettori.

Maschi e murmaski di Chiara Bongiovanni (Feltrinelli)



Da Claudine et les chats, la libreria più anticonvenzionale di Parigi, nulla è mai scontato, a partire dal motto: "Leggere non serve a niente". È la filosofia di madame Albertine, proprietaria del negozio e grande sacerdotessa del tout-Paris alternativo da oltre sessant'anni, convinta che nessuna esperienza di lettura sia completa se non lascia spazio alla sperimentazione. Ed è l'ideale e l'incubo di Babette, giovane libraia animalista, affascinata dalle stravaganze della titolare ma intimorita dalla sua intraprendenza. Ogni terzo martedì del mese, alle cinque in punto, madame Albertine riceve la visita di un misterioso amico: Simon, soprannominato l'Orco per la sua aria scorbutica e accigliata. Freddo e distante, lui. Impulsiva e passionale, Babette. Sembra l'inizio di un romanzo ottocentesco, ma Simon è un biologo favorevole alla sperimentazione animale, mentre Babette vive con un porcospino nel cassetto della biancheria, raccoglie firme contro la vivisezione e complotta per scardinare i cancelli di un allevamento clandestino di murmaski (a proposito, cosa diavolo è un murmaski?). È solo il primo ostacolo di una accidentata corsa che, dalla libreria sul canale Saint-Martin, si snoda fino a un castello isolato dove, in una notte buia e tempestosa, risuonano urla disumane e si aggirano enigmatiche cameriere basche e bellissime scienziate turche. Tra feste in costume e svampite matriarche, Babette sperimenterà che anche i porcospini nel loro piccolo si incazzano, che Mr Darcy è sexy ma in certi casi Maigret è più affidabile, e che il vero amore, come la vera via di Kafka, "passa per una corda che non è tesa in alto, ma appena al di sopra del suolo. Sembra destinata a far inciampare più che a essere percorsa".

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Schwab




Recommended by Entertainment Weekly, Real Simple, NPR, Slate, and Oprah Magazine
#1 Library Reads PickOctober 2020
#1 Indie Next PickOctober 2020
BOOK OF THE YEAR (2020) FINALISTBook of The Month Club

A “Best Of” Book From: Oprah Mag * CNN * Amazon * Amazon Editors * NPR * Goodreads * Bustle * PopSugar * BuzzFeed * Barnes & Noble * Kirkus Reviews * Lambda Literary * Nerdette * The Nerd Daily * Polygon * Library Reads * io9 * Smart Bitches Trashy Books * LiteraryHub * Medium * BookBub * The Mary Sue * Chicago Tribune * NY Daily News * SyFy Wire * Powells.com * Bookish * Book Riot * Library Reads Voter Favorite *

In the vein of The Time Traveler’s Wife and Life After Life, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue is New York Times bestselling author V. E. Schwab’s genre-defying tour de force.

A Life No One Will Remember. A Story You Will Never Forget.

France, 1714: in a moment of desperation, a young woman makes a Faustian bargain to live forever―and is cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets.

Thus begins the extraordinary life of Addie LaRue, and a dazzling adventure that will play out across centuries and continents, across history and art, as a young woman learns how far she will go to leave her mark on the world.

But everything changes when, after nearly 300 years, Addie stumbles across a young man in a hidden bookstore and he remembers her name.

A Little History of Philosophy by Nigel Warburton



For readers of E. H. Gombrich's A Little History of the World, an equally irresistible volume that brings history's greatest philosophers to life

"A primer in human existence: philosophy has rarely seemed so lucid, so important, so worth doing and so easy to enter into. . . . A wonderful introduction for anyone who's ever felt curious about almost anything."—Sarah Bakewell, author of How To Live: A Life of Montaigne in One Question and Twenty Attempts at an Answer

Philosophy begins with questions about the nature of reality and how we should live. These were the concerns of Socrates, who spent his days in the ancient Athenian marketplace asking awkward questions, disconcerting the people he met by showing them how little they genuinely understood. This engaging book introduces the great thinkers in Western philosophy and explores their most compelling ideas about the world and how best to live in it.

In forty brief chapters, Nigel Warburton guides us on a chronological tour of the major ideas in the history of philosophy. He provides interesting and often quirky stories of the lives and deaths of thought-provoking philosophers from Socrates, who chose to die by hemlock poisoning rather than live on without the freedom to think for himself, to Peter Singer, who asks the disquieting philosophical and ethical questions that haunt our own times.

Warburton not only makes philosophy accessible, he offers inspiration to think, argue, reason, and ask in the tradition of Socrates. A Little History of Philosophy presents the grand sweep of humanity's search for philosophical understanding and invites all to join in the discussion.


DARK AGENDA: The War to Destroy Christian America by David Horowitz



"Read this disturbing but vital book." Tucker Carlson

“One of the most intellectually compelling and rational defenses of Christianity’s role in America." — Gov Mike Huckabee

"Exposes the intolerance of many atheists toward those who believe in God. As a Jewish agnostic, I think it is imperative that disbelievers not demonize believers and that believers not demonize disbelievers." — Alan Dershowitz

DARK AGENDA is an extraordinary look into the left’s calculated efforts to create a godless, heathen American society — and how these efforts must be stopped.

And it is written by David Horowitz, a Jew.

A New York Times bestselling author and leading conservative thinker, Horowitz warns that the rising attacks on Christians and their beliefs threaten all Americans — including Jews like himself. The liberal establishment and their radical allies envision a new millennium in which Christianity is banished, Horowitz argues. He says that Judeo-Christian values are at the very root of America’s democracy. Kill off such values and all of our freedoms could perish.

In Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America, Horowitz examines how our elites — increasingly secular and atheist — are pushing a radical agenda:

  • How the left trashes Christian doctrines critical to the American Republic, much like radical Islam’s war on “infidel” cultures like ours.
  • Why the left fights to keep prayer and religion out of public schools, and how those efforts fly in the face of Founding Father Thomas Jefferson’s intentions.
  • How fanatical liberals helped create the religious right by targeting evangelicals and believing Catholics and other conservatives.
  • How Barack Obama’s ultra-liberal agenda galvanized the anti-God, anti-religious left.
  • The violent and shocking manifesto of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger who advocated the use of dynamite to promote “revolutionary solidarity.”

Filled with stories that demonstrate the mind-numbing reasons behind the secular Left’s smug disdain for Christianity, Horowitz traces the history of religious liberty from the Founding Fathers to now. He shows how the Founding Fathers put aside their own skepticisms about God and religion to write The Declaration of Independence.

Today, he writes Donald Trump’s “genuine love for his country” has galvanized Christians to fight the secular war waged against them — as the president has become a lightning rod for the radical left.

David Horowitz’s powerful new book brings vital insights into the war against Christianity and names the global radicals, leftist Democrats, and money-hungry fat cats of Hollywood and Wall Street responsible for it. Finally, a clear and sensible American voice — one that is not Christian but Jewish — stands up to the twisted rantings of those who want to tear down faith and bedrock of American values. In Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America, David Horowitz delivers an impassioned plea for the restoration of political sanity in America, a perspective that made America great by respecting the faiths of our fathers and mothers.

The Best Book on Politics for Christians in 2019 — The Stream


Of Women and Salt: A Novel by Gabriela Garcia




A sweeping, masterful debut about a daughter's fateful choice, a mother motivated by her own past, and a family legacy that begins in Cuba before either of them were born

In present-day Miami, Jeanette is battling addiction. Daughter of Carmen, a Cuban immigrant, she is determined to learn more about her family history from her reticent mother and makes the snap decision to take in the daughter of a neighbor detained by ICE. Carmen, still wrestling with the trauma of displacement, must process her difficult relationship with her own mother while trying to raise a wayward Jeanette. Steadfast in her quest for understanding, Jeanette travels to Cuba to see her grandmother and reckon with secrets from the past destined to erupt.

From 19th-century cigar factories to present-day detention centers, from Cuba to Mexico, Gabriela Garcia's Of Women and Salt is a kaleidoscopic portrait of betrayals―personal and political, self-inflicted and those done by others―that have shaped the lives of these extraordinary women. A haunting meditation on the choices of mothers, the legacy of the memories they carry, and the tenacity of women who choose to tell their stories despite those who wish to silence them, this is more than a diaspora story; it is a story of America’s most tangled, honest, human roots.

Broken (in the best possible way) by Jenny Lawson




From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Furiously Happy and Let’s Pretend This Never Happened comes a deeply relatable book filled with humor and honesty about depression and anxiety.

As Jenny Lawson’s hundreds of thousands of fans know, she suffers from depression. In Broken, Jenny brings readers along on her mental and physical health journey, offering heartbreaking and hilarious anecdotes along the way.

With people experiencing anxiety and depression now more than ever, Jenny humanizes what we all face in an all-too-real way, reassuring us that we’re not alone and making us laugh while doing it. From the business ideas that she wants to pitch to Shark Tank to the reason why Jenny can never go back to the post office, Broken leaves nothing to the imagination in the most satisfying way. And of course, Jenny’s long-suffering husband Victor―the Ricky to Jenny’s Lucille Ball―is present throughout.

A treat for Jenny Lawson’s already existing fans, and destined to convert new ones, Broken is a beacon of hope and a wellspring of laughter when we all need it most.

Includes Photographs and Illustrations


Wild Willful Heart by W. Boone Hedgepeth




Take a wild megalomaniacal trip into the American spiritual and Cultural Revolution of the 1960s-1990s, as a young southern man gives fresh perspective to the propaganda, bad marriages, a collection of strange gurus and some bizarre mystical places. For many years, author W. Boone Hedgepeth was a magnet for unusual occurrences of an ethereal nature which vigorously affected the world around him. Suffering a life threatening illness and after a near death experience, Boone goes on an adrenalized journey from the American south and across the country seeking answers. Here, force of will and prayer are the proven best weapons against very unusual circumstances. Literally seeking the face of God, the author plunges into the magical medicine of his native ancestors, the new age metaphysical movement, Christian fundamentalism, and other wild and life-changing experiences before coming out of the fires to the other side.

Shaken Awake: The Complete Trilogy by T. Allen Madding , Priska Jordan , Crystal Rowe , Alan Graham,



A dreadful chill ravages the city and a homeless man is found frozen to death on the church steps…The city of Atlanta had weathered a thousand wet and chilly days in winter with occasional snowfall… but never one like this. A snowfall that begins in the noon turns into a vicious ice storm by evening, obliterating everything in its way. People are stuck into the whiteout, and trying to look for a way out.Now, as the Peachtree Church opens its door to those out in cold, the church members come face to face with a stark reality.As uncomfortable truths make themselves known, this storm will prove be to an eye opener for many.Enlightening and compelling, Shaken Awake brings to surface a truth we either ignore or just don’t know. With richly textured characters, haunted by the memories of their past, Shaken Awake is both a deeply engrossing novel and a thought-provoking piece of social commentary.

Dear Maude (The Dear Maude Trilogy) (Volume 1) by Denise Liebig



An Unforgettable Time Travel Adventure

”Beautifully written, this story brings time travel to life!”

Upstate New York, 2012. Emily Stanton, a sociology major, graduates from college and is obligated to work for the mysterious company that funded her education. But a job with Evergreen Research Corporation is not what she expected. From fancy balls and operas to corsets and kid gloves, Emily learns to be a specialist in 1910 society. In the process, she finds herself fully immersed in the lives of wealthy aristocrats and industry leaders, whose thirst for power leads them to manipulate everything, including time. Thrust into this strange and dangerous world, Emily becomes their most important asset.

Unable to trust her coworkers or her surroundings, however, Emily finds herself alone--with her very survival in the hands of a handsome stranger, Wendell Beringer. Unfortunately, Emily soon discovers that he has a few secrets of his own. Can she trust this man or the feelings she develops for him? Only time will tell.

Follow Emily's unexpected journey, where journal entries to her deceased aunt and the powerful secrets they contain, become her only link to the life she once knew and the future she must choose to follow.

Get a copy and go on an adventure you will never forget!

Married to Maggie (Texas Boys Falling Fast) by Jan Romes



Ty Vincent needs a short-term wife to convince his grandfather and the Board of Directors of Vincent Oil that he's changing his carefree ways, so they'll name him CEO. He gives into one last temptation and ditches an environmental conference in Atlanta to play in Reno. At the airport, karma catches up. The woman who renders aid fibs to keep airport security and paparazzi from descending on him. She's brilliant, unemployed, and not his type; which makes her the perfect choice for a temporary spouse.Cardiac rehab nurse, Maggie Gray finds herself the victim of hospital downsizing. A former patient - Ty's grandfather - offers her a deal to get his grandson under control and Maggie is pressured into accepting it. She tracks Ty down at the Reno Airport and finds him in the middle of chest issues. Soon she's eyebrow-deep in a second deal.Six months. No sex. No telling each other what to do. It should've been a win-win for them both, but it wasn't -- not even close. Enjoy the chaos and surprises that are in store for Ty and Maggie.

Kellcey by Kacey Kells



"Kellcey is not just a book. It's the women's rights bible!".Kellcey by Kacey Kells tells the story of a bright happy teenager living in Victoria, British Columbia, with her parents and sister, Cindy. Their idyllic family life is shattered by the untimely death of Cindy and Kellcey becomes increasingly lonely as her grief stricken parents constantly bicker, blaming each other for the untimely death of their daughter. Kacey (alias Kellcey), a beautiful teenage girl, is unable to find the love and attention she needs at home and finds it in Ben, a fellow student at her high school. Head over heels in love with Ben, she commits herself totally to him, despite her reservations about the company he keeps. A horrific sexual assault at a party where Ben fails her badly, is to leave Kellcey traumatized and unable to continue to live in her beloved Canada.She tries to rebuild her shattered life in far off London with a new friend and an online alter ego: ‘Kellcey'. Kacey Kell's compelling and at times disturbing book takes us on the teenager's life journey. Courageously, she deals with the dramatic issue of violence against girls and women, and its consequences.

The Innocent Children by Peter C Bradbury



Human Traffickers earn up to 35 Billion Dollars a year. They are ruthless and give no thought whatsoever to the victims and what happens to them. They take them, buy them, then sell them to anybody.80% of the trafficked are sold into the sex trade and the biggest demand is for the children. Taken away from their families, these children are drugged, tortured, then repeatedly raped. They have nowhere to run to, are unable to fight back, and their average age is 11. Their life expectancy once they are taken, is 7 years.In the US, like everywhere else, human trafficking is getting worse. Thousands of children who flee their homes looking for adventure and excitement, or just an escape, get picked up by the traffickers. Their lives, along with those who are smuggled into the country, and others who are taken literally from their own doorsteps, are suddenly lost.The Innocent Children is a novel about those who are affected by the child sex trade in the US, what they have to go through, and how difficult it is for law enforcement, especially the FBI, to find them and prosecute the traffickers.

An Impossible Alliance Kindle Edition by Susanne Marie Knight



New Time-Travel Regency Romance!

Lights, camera, action... time travel! Modern day Willa, on-site on a movie set in England, makes a wish and then wakes up in the year 1815!


Eighteen-year-old Willa Berkeley lives in the shadow of her famous actress mother. Although Willa’s greatest hope is to be a ballet dancer, she agrees to her mother’s desire for her to journey to England and take a small acting part in a major film production. Once on-site at Highbridge Hall, she learns the horrendous reason behind her mother’s “request.” Distraught, she makes a wish for happiness at the Hall’s supposedly enchanted lake. When morning comes, Willa is still at Highbridge Hall, however the film’s crew are no longer around. What in the world happened?


Ian Laydon, the Earl of Wrexham, returns to his father, the Marquess of Dunhaven’s, estate, Highbridge Hall, after an exhausting tour of duty mediating at the Congress of Vienna. His father wants Ian to marry a neighbor’s daughter, Arabella. Ian is a dutiful son; he plans to propose but his heart is unengaged. He wishes he could have a marriage as loving as the one his parents have. Oddly enough, right after his wish, he comes across an enigmatic young woman sitting against the granite bridge in front of him. Can she possibly be the answer to his wish?


5 Stars! One of the things I love about Susanne Marie Knight’s time-travels is that she uses a different method of time-travel in each book. Here, the method is a lake enchanted by fairy folk. The protagonist is a contemporary young woman on the verge of adulthood who struggles to find her way in her unsympathetic world. Willa has very real concerns; she comes alive for the reader. The novel is filled with believable characters: from the consumed-by-duty hero; to the headstrong, flighty Regency miss; to the sullen cousin; to name only a few. For a magically different romantic read, head over to the enchanted lake and read AN IMPOSSIBLE ALLIANCE!--Regency Fiction World

5 Stars! AN IMPOSSIBLE ALLIANCE is a charming time-travel Regency, complete with vivid characters, an interesting plot, and set in 1815 with accurate historical details. The main character, Willa, is only eighteen. How she grows from an insecure teen to confident young woman took this particular reader back to her youth! I stayed up all night to read this one. Enjoy this trip back to the past!--Twists On Romance Reviews

I eagerly awaited Ms. Knight’s newest time-travel Regency and oh yes, I love AN IMPOSSIBLE ALLIANCE!--Reader Comment

Welcome to Sochi: A laugh out loud life-altering trip! by Jude Haste



Julia, an unemployed scriptwriter goes on a journey of self-discovery, in this quirky romantic comedy, flying off to distant lands. Coming to terms with a broken relationship and her own shortcomings, Julia finds herself lost. But when her plane finds itself lost too, it forces her to take a step back and realize that in order to progress forward, she needs to do some soul-searching. But where will she land?All the characters and events in this story are fictitious and come straight from the author's imagination

Living Beautifully: with Uncertainty and Change Paperback by Pema Chödrön



Instant bestseller: Buddhist teacher Pema Chödrön shares life-changing practices for living with wisdom, confidence, and integrity amidst confusing situations and uncertain times

We live in difficult times. Life so often seems like a turbulent river threatening to drown us and destroy our world. Why, then, shouldn’t we cling to the certainty of the comfortable—to our deep-seated habits and familiar ways? Because, Pema Chödrön teaches, that kind of fear-based clinging keeps us from the infinitely more powerful experience of being fully alive. The Buddhist teachings she presents here—known as the “Three Commitments”—provide a treasure trove of wisdom for learning to step right into the unknown, to completely and fearlessly embrace the groundlessness of being human, for people of all faiths. When we do, we begin to see not only how much better it feels to live an openhearted life, but we find that we begin to naturally and more effectively reach out to help and heal all those around us.

Bitter Almonds & Jasmine: an electrifying and explosive modern detective thriller (PI Daniel Beckett Series) by Dominic Piper



It was all going so well.

A cabal of corrupt intelligence officials and convicted criminals organising secret, lavish orgies for important movers and shakers in the world of international business

.All tastes catered for, no matter how extreme, debauched and distasteful.

Discretion assured. Security leaks dealt with quickly, efficiently and mercilessly.

Then they make a mistake.

And they've just pissed off the wrong person.

Bitter Almonds & Jasmine is the fourth novel by Dominic Piper featuring private investigator Daniel Beckett. The first three novels, Kiss Me When I'm Dead, Death is the New Black and Femme Fatale are critically acclaimed Amazon best sellers

giovedì 1 aprile 2021

Le novità a fumetti della settimana

Gli occhi di Sara di Maurizio De Giovanni



A volte un incontro inatteso spalanca le porte del passato. Succede a Sara mentre sta lottando per salvare la vita del piccolo Massimiliano, il nipotino colpito da una grave malattia. Due occhi riappaiono dalla nebbia di giorni lontani, Sara li conosce bene. Sono gli stessi che tanti anni prima aveva cercato in ogni modo di dimenticare. La donna invisibile è catapultata indietro nel tempo: Napoli, 1990. È caduto il muro di Berlino, gli stati satelliti dell'URSS sono in crisi e in Italia sono esplosi i movimenti studenteschi. Il mondo di prima si sta sgretolando, ma i preparativi fervono e la città si veste a festa per la visita di Papa Giovanni Paolo II. Sara Morozzi, detta Mora, è membro attivo della più segreta unità dei Servizi. A lei e a Bionda, la collega Teresa Pandolfi, viene affidata la missione più importante e delicata della loro carriera. Proprio in quei giorni, Sara incrocia quello sguardo. Occhi a cui è impossibile restare indifferenti. Così, mentre il tempo scorre all'indietro, la Sara di oggi deve fare i conti con le passioni e i tradimenti di ieri. In un intreccio che si dipana al pari di un perfetto meccanismo a orologeria, Maurizio de Giovanni scava tra le pieghe della nostra Storia recente e racconta gli inconfessabili segreti di Sara, come non l'abbiamo mai vista. Perché, per la prima volta, gli occhi della donna impenetrabile tradiscono un dolore misterioso e svelano la sua più sincera umanità.

Il frutto della passione di Eva Giusti



“Ero giovane, fresca e vitale. Dalla mia parte avevo il tempo, ma non gli strumenti. Eppure il tempo scorre, imperterrito e indifferente; la vita continua nell'unica direzione possibile, avanti. È la sua crudeltà e anche il suo miracolo.” Eva è sempre stata abituata ad agire di slancio, a vivere in velocità, ad accogliere le novità a braccia aperte, a fare affidamento sul proprio istinto: è così che ha trovato l'uomo della sua vita, che insieme hanno deciso di trasferirsi in Brasile e poi di mettere al mondo un figlio. Ma le famiglie non nascono tutte allo stesso modo, Eva adesso lo sa. Sa quanto può essere difficile fare i conti con un corpo che non ne vuole sapere di far nascere spontaneamente una vita, e sa che per realizzare i sogni servono una tenacia incrollabile e un grandissimo gioco di squadra. E soprattutto serve l'amore, indispensabile quando sul tuo cammino incontri un ostacolo dietro l'altro, anche il cancro. "Il frutto della passione" è un inno alla rinascita, alla gioia, alla vita, scritto con la consapevolezza che, se anche non si ha alcuna scelta sul proprio destino, certamente si può scegliere come affrontarlo.

Demolition man. Matteo Renzi, la tragedia della politica italiana di Andrea Scanzi



Tutti sanno chi è il responsabile della crisi di governo scatenata nel pieno di una tragica pandemia: Matteo Renzi. Perse le elezioni del 2018, Renzi ha prima aperto le porte al governo Salvimaio, inaugurando la cosiddetta “politica del popcorn” (“consistente più o meno nel vedere il proprio Paese che si sfascia per poi chiosare: io l'avevo detto”). A seguito della crisi del Papeete, nell'agosto 2019, ha appoggiato un accordo tra Pd e Cinque Stelle, solo per creare subito dopo il “partito ossimoro” Italia Viva. Ha quindi iniziato a cannoneggiare dall'interno la maggioranza del Conte II, fino all'epilogo che tutti conosciamo. A colpi di “stai sereno”, Renzi è riuscito dunque nella triplice impresa di accoltellare politicamente prima Letta, poi Marino e infine Conte. Andrea Scanzi ha sempre sostenuto che fidarsi del senatore di Scandicci “significa darsi dei bischeri da soli”; l'ha scritto e dichiarato anche quando era reato – specie in tv – non dirsi renziani, e lo ribadisce oggi. Una critica smaliziata di Renzi, dei renziani e del renzismo, cui si accompagna una lucida riflessione sulla crisi atavica della sinistra e sul futuro del Paese, nelle mani dell'anomala maggioranza che sostiene il governo Draghi. "Demolition Man" è il ritratto di Matteo Renzi.

Get Good with Money: Ten Simple Steps to… by Tiffany the Budgetnista Aliche



A ten-step plan for finding peace, safety, and harmony with your money—no matter how big or small your goals and no matter how rocky the market might be—by the inspiring and savvy “Budgetnista.”

“No matter where you stand in your money journey, Get Good with Money has a lesson or two for you!”—Erin Lowry, bestselling author of the Broke Millennial series

Tiffany Aliche was a successful pre-school teacher with a healthy nest egg when a recession and advice from a shady advisor put her out of a job and into a huge financial hole. As she began to chart the path to her own financial rescue, the outline of her ten-step formula for attaining both financial security and peace of mind began to take shape. These principles have now helped more than one million women worldwide save and pay off millions in debt, and begin planning for a richer life.

Revealing this practical ten-step process for the first time in its entirety, Get Good with Money introduces the powerful concept of building wealth through financial wholeness: a realistic, achievable, and energizing alternative to get-rich-quick and over-complicated money management systems. With helpful checklists, worksheets, a tool kit of resources, and advanced advice from experts who Tiffany herself relies on (her “Budgetnista Boosters”), Get Good with Money gets crystal clear on the short-term actions that lead to long-term goals, including:

 A simple technique to determine your baseline or “noodle budget,” examine and systemize your expenses, and lay out a plan that allows you to say yes to your dreams.
 An assessment tool that helps you understand whether you have a “don't make enough” problem or a “spend too much” issue—as well as ways to fix both.
 Best practices for saving for a rainy day (aka job loss), a big-ticket item (a house, a trip, a car), and money that can be invested for your future.
 Detailed advice and action steps for taking charge of your credit score, maximizing bill-paying automation, savings and investing, and calculating your life, disability, and property insurance needs.
• Ways to protect your beneficiaries' future, and ensure that your financial wishes will stand the test of time.

An invaluable guide to cultivating good financial habits and making your money work for you, Get Good with Money will help you build a solid foundation for your life (and legacy) that’s rich in every way.

Life After Death: A Novel by Sister Souljah



Instant #1 New York Times Bestseller
Instant USA TODAY Bestseller

The long-anticipated sequel to Sister Souljah’s million copy New York Times bestseller The Coldest Winter Ever.

Winter Santiaga hit time served. Still stunning, still pretty, still bold, still loves her father more than any man in the world, still got her hustle and high fashion flow. She’s eager to pay back her enemies, rebuild her father’s empire, reset his crown, and ultimately to snatch Midnight back into her life no matter which bitch had him while she was locked up. But Winter is not the only one with revenge on her mind. Simone, Winter’s young business partner and friend, is locked and loaded and Winter is her target. Will she blow Winter’s head off? Can Winter dodge the bullets? Or will at least one bullet blast Winter into another world? Either way Winter is fearless. Hell is the same as any hood and certainly the Brooklyn hood she grew up in. That’s what Winter thinks.

A heartwarming, heart-burning, passionate, sexual, comical, and completely original adventure is about to happen in real time—raw, s
hocking, soulful, and shameless. True fans won’t let Winter travel alone on this amazing journey.

The Lord of the Rings Illustrated Edition J.R.R. Tolkien



J.R.R. Tolkien’s grand masterwork in a new hardcover illustrated with the art created by Tolkien himself as he envisioned Middle-earth

A PBS Great American Read Top 100 Pick

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

In ancient times the Rings of Power were crafted by the Elven-smiths, and Sauron, the Dark Lord, forged the One Ring, filling it with his own power so that he could rule all others. But the One Ring was taken from him, and though he sought it throughout Middle-earth, it remained lost to him. After many ages it fell by chance into the hands of the hobbit Bilbo Baggins.

From Sauron’s fastness in the Dark Tower of Mordor, his power spread far and wide. Sauron gathered all the Great Rings to him, but always he searched for the One Ring that would complete his dominion.

When Bilbo reached his eleventy-first birthday he disappeared, bequeathing to his young cousin Frodo the Ruling Ring and a perilous quest: to journey across Middle-earth, deep into the shadow of the Dark Lord, and destroy the Ring by casting it into the Cracks of Doom.

The Lord of the Rings tells of the great quest undertaken by Frodo and the Fellowship of the Ring: Gandalf the Wizard; the hobbits Merry, Pippin, and Sam; Gimli the Dwarf; Legolas the Elf; Boromir of Gondor; and a tall, mysterious stranger called Strider.

This new edition is illustrated with J.R.R. Tolkien’s own artwork, created as he wrote the original text.


Hooked: Food, Free Will, and How the Food… by Michael Moss



From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Salt Sugar Fat comes a “gripping” (The Wall Street Journal) exposé of how the processed food industry exploits our evolutionary instincts, the emotions we associate with food, and legal loopholes in their pursuit of profit over public health. 
“The processed food industry has managed to avoid being lumped in with Big Tobacco—which is why Michael Moss’s new book is so important.”—Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit

Everyone knows how hard it can be to maintain a healthy diet. But what if some of the decisions we make about what to eat are beyond our control? Is it possible that food is addictive, like drugs or alcohol? And to what extent does the food industry know, or care, about these vulnerabilities? In Hooked, Pulitzer Prize–winning investigative reporter Michael Moss sets out to answer these questions—and to find the true peril in our food.
Moss uses the latest research on addiction to uncover what the scientific and medical communities—as well as food manufacturers—already know: that food, in some cases, is even more addictive than alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. Our bodies are hardwired for sweets, so food giants have developed fifty-six types of sugar to add to their products, creating in us the expectation that everything should be cloying; we’ve evolved to prefer fast, convenient meals, hence our modern-day preference for ready-to-eat foods. Moss goes on to show how the processed food industry—including major companies like Nestlé, Mars, and Kellogg’s—has tried not only to evade this troubling discovery about the addictiveness of food but to actually exploit it. For instance, in response to recent dieting trends, food manufacturers have simply turned junk food into junk diets, filling grocery stores with “diet” foods that are hardly distinguishable from the products that got us into trouble in the first place. As obesity rates continue to climb, manufacturers are now claiming to add ingredients that can effortlessly cure our compulsive eating habits. 
A gripping account of the legal battles, insidious marketing campaigns, and cutting-edge food science that have brought us to our current public health crisis, Hooked lays out all that the food industry is doing to exploit and deepen our addictions, and shows us why what we eat has never mattered more.

How to Do the Work: Recognize Your… by Dr. Nicole LePera




From Dr. Nicole LePera, creator of "the holistic psychologist"—the online phenomenon with more than two million Instagram followers—comes a revolutionary approach to healing that harnesses the power of the self to produce lasting change.

As a clinical psychologist, Dr. Nicole LePera often found herself frustrated by the limitations of traditional psychotherapy. Wanting more for her patients—and for herself—she began a journey to develop a united philosophy of mental, physical and spiritual wellness that equips people with the interdisciplinary tools necessary to heal themselves. After experiencing the life-changing results herself, she began to share what she’d learned with others—and soon “The Holistic Psychologist” was born.

Now, Dr. LePera is ready to share her much-requested protocol with the world. In How to Do the Work, she offers both a manifesto for SelfHealing as well as an essential guide to creating a more vibrant, authentic, and joyful life. Drawing on the latest research from a diversity of scientific fields and healing modalities, Dr. LePera helps us recognize how adverse experiences and trauma in childhood live with us, resulting in whole body dysfunction—activating harmful stress responses that keep us stuck engaging in patterns of codependency, emotional immaturity, and trauma bonds. Unless addressed, these self-sabotaging behaviors can quickly become cyclical, leaving people feeling unhappy, unfulfilled, and unwell. 

In How to Do the Work, Dr. LePera offers readers the support and tools that will allow them to break free from destructive behaviors to reclaim and recreate their lives. Nothing short of a paradigm shift, this is a celebration of empowerment that will forever change the way we approach mental wellness and self-care.


The Women of the Bible Speak: The Wisdom… by Shannon Bream



The women of the Bible lived timeless stories—by examining them, we can understand what it means to be a woman of faith.

People unfamiliar with Scripture often assume that women play a small, secondary role in the Bible. But in fact, they were central figures in numerous Biblical tales. It was Queen Esther’s bravery at a vital point in history which saved her entire people. The Bible contains warriors like Jael, judges like Deborah, and prophets like Miriam. The first person to witness Jesus’ resurrection was Mary Magdalene, who promptly became the first Christian evangelist, eager to share the news which would change the world forever.

In The Women of the Bible Speak, Fox News Channel's Shannon Bream opens up the lives of sixteen of these Biblical women, arranging them into pairs and contrasting their journeys. In pairing their stories, Shannon helps us reflect not only on the meaning of each individual’s life, but on how they relate to each other and to us.

From the shepherdesses of ancient Israel who helped raise the future leaders of the people of God, to the courageous early Christians, the narrative of the Bible offers us many vivid and fascinating female characters. In their lives we can see common struggles to resist bitterness, despair, and pride, and to instead find their true selves in faith, hope, and love. In studying these heroes of the faith, we can find wisdom and warnings for how to better navigate our own faith journeys.

The Women of the Bible Speak outlines the lessons we can take from the valor of Esther, the hope of Hannah, the audacity of Rahab, and the faith of Mary. In broadening each woman’s individual story, Shannon offers us a deeper understanding of each, and wisdom and insights that can transform our own lives today.


The Hill We Climb: An Inaugural Poem for the Country by Amanda Gorman (Author), Oprah Winfrey (Foreword)




Amanda Gorman’s powerful and historic poem “The Hill We Climb,” read at President Joe Biden’s inauguration, is now available as a collectible gift edition.

“Stunning.” —CNN 
“Dynamic.” —NPR
“Deeply rousing and uplifting.” —Vogue

On January 20, 2021, Amanda Gorman became the sixth and youngest poet to deliver a poetry reading at a presidential inauguration. Taking the stage after the 46th president of the United States, Joe Biden, Gorman captivated the nation and brought hope to viewers around the globe. Her poem “The Hill We Climb: An Inaugural Poem for the Country” can now be cherished in this special gift edition. Including an enduring foreword by Oprah Winfrey, this keepsake celebrates the promise of America and affirms the power of poetry.

Faucian Bargain: The Most Powerful and Dangerous Bureaucrat in American History by Steve Deace and Todd Erzen (Author)



As heard on Glenn Beck

“In his famous Farewell Address, President Eisenhower warned about allowing public policy to become captive to a scientific elite without regard to the principles of our constitutional system and the goals of a free society. Eisenhower was prescient. During the COVID crisis, states like New York that embraced unadulterated Faucism saw poor results across the board, while states that pursued an Eisenhower-style approach like Florida protected freedom and performed better in education, economy and health outcomes. Executives are elected to lead and make tough decisions, and such leadership cannot be outsourced to health bureaucrats like Fauci.” —Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

“In this important book the authors do the job our uninquisitive media has failed to do throughout this ordeal. Confirming with cited and sourced details the enemy of both liberty and logic the lockdowns have proven to be. Which also proves too much power in the hands of an unelected bureaucrat, regardless of his intentions, can no longer be our new normal.” —U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)

Can liberty survive in the hands of one all-powerful, unchallenged, and unelected bureaucrat?

It wasn’t too long ago that the average American didn’t know who Anthony Fauci was. Now, after the coronavirus has spread nationwide, he’s arguably the most powerful bureaucrat in American history. But is it dangerous for a free society to concentrate so much power in the hands of an unelected official? Who or what holds Fauci accountable?


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