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sabato 24 aprile 2021

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk M.D



#1 New York Times bestseller

“Essential reading for anyone interested in understanding and treating traumatic stress and the scope of its impact on society.” —Alexander McFarlane, Director of the Centre for Traumatic Stress Studies

A pioneering researcher transforms our understanding of trauma and offers a bold new paradigm for healing in this New York Times bestseller

Trauma is a fact of life. Veterans and their families deal with the painful aftermath of combat; one in five Americans has been molested; one in four grew up with alcoholics; one in three couples have engaged in physical violence. Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, one of the world’s foremost experts on trauma, has spent over three decades working with survivors. In The Body Keeps the Score, he uses recent scientific advances to show how trauma literally reshapes both body and brain, compromising sufferers’ capacities for pleasure, engagement, self-control, and trust. He explores innovative treatments—from neurofeedback and meditation to sports, drama, and yoga—that offer new paths to recovery by activating the brain’s natural neuroplasticity. Based on Dr. van der Kolk’s own research and that of other leading specialists, The Body Keeps the Score exposes the tremendous power of our relationships both to hurt and to heal—and offers new hope for reclaiming lives.

venerdì 23 aprile 2021

Leading Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Guide for Systemic Change in Multinational Organizations by Rohini Anand



How can multinational companies implement DEI initiatives across different countries and cultures? This book offers five proven principles for advancing social justice with a nuanced understanding of local customs.

DEI cannot be addressed globally through a single-culture worldview. The specifics of a successful DEI change effort in the United States may be irrelevant in another country. Succeeding locally - understanding the market and acknowledging local beliefs, regulations, and customs - is essential to succeeding globally. Thus, the question is, How do companies find the right balance between anchoring their efforts in the local context while pushing for change that may disrupt some of the cultural norms?

This book offers five overarching principles for transforming cultures to be inclusive globally:
1. Make it local.
2. Leaders change to lead change.
3. And it's good business too.
4. Go deep, wide, and inside out.
5. Know what matters, and count it.

These principles arise from Rohini Anand's own journey, as well as examples of more than thirty leaders from a variety of industries. Despite the urgency of the topic, little has been written on how to take cultural nuances into account while promoting social justice. This book makes a powerful contribution.

giovedì 22 aprile 2021

Etnobotanica in Calabria. Viaggio alla scoperta di antichi saperi intorno al mondo delle piante di Antonella Lupia, Carmine Lupia, e al.



«... questo lavoro vuole essere soprattutto un riconoscimento al sistema di valori incarnato dalla civiltà contadina, un vero e proprio tributo di riconoscenza al mondo rurale calabrese, depositario di un sistema di saperi di altissimo livello, anche se sprezzantemente e sbrigativamente liquidato - nel recente passato e sull’onda di un vuoto intellettualismo di maniera - come apparato residuale di superstizioni e credenze popolari privo di qualsivoglia spessore culturale». In queste parole si può cogliere il senso più profondo di questo libro, capace di guidare il lettore lungo un percorso che suscita continua meraviglia e stupore, in quanto aiuta a scoprire la straordinaria ricchezza del patrimonio floristico calabrese, non solo in termini di biodiversità, ma anche come patrimonio di risorse naturali sapientemente utilizzate dal mondo rurale. «In un mondo tacciato di ignoranza, come quello contadino, si ritrova invece una straordinaria capacità di apprendimento dei più intimi meccanismi di funzionamento della natura, una competenza esemplare su piante e animali, una padronanza incredibile di esperienze e conoscenze pratiche, un bagaglio inesauribile di consapevolezze inerenti l’ordine naturale che regna nel Creato, tanto da suscitare un profondo sentimento di rispetto e di ammirazione in chiunque si avvicina a questo mondo, con la curiosità dell’intelligenza viva e la serenità di giudizio degli spiriti liberi». Questo libro è un invito a scoprire i segreti della natura e a rispettarne le preziose risorse, di cui l’uomo deve imparare a divenire amorevole custode.

20 borghi da non perdere in Calabria di Gianfrancesco Solferino


C'è una Calabria nascosta, inesplorata e poco conosciuta, quella dei piccoli borghi che racchiudono tesori artistici, maestranze architettoniche, tradizioni e culture che sono testimonianze della storia millenaria della regione. Il libro di Gianfrancesco Solferino vuole raccontare questa Calabria, ricca di bellezza e di fascino, una Calabria che cattura e ammalia il visitatore, e lo fa attraverso 20 itinerari, alla scoperta di altrettanti borghi: Aieta, Altomonte, Aiello, Tropea, Soriano, Scilla, Bova, Gerace, Stilo, Serra San Bruno, Badolato, Squillace, Tiriolo, Cropani, Taverna, Santa Severina, Caccuri, Civita, Morano Calabro, Oriolo.

Daydream Journals: Memories, ideas and inspiration in stitch, cloth & thread by Tilly Rose



Begin your creative journey and memory collection with your own gorgeous stitched daydream journals.

Talented textile artist Tilly Rose shows you how to create beautiful cloth journals, among other lovely items, to record precious thoughts and ideas - from fleeting memories to treasured items, sketches, poems and photographs.

mercoledì 21 aprile 2021

101 cose da fare in Abruzzo almeno una volta nella vita (eNewton Manuali e Guide) di Luisa Gasbarri



Ci sono luoghi la cui bellezza è quasi paga di sé e l’energia vitale è capace di contagiarci con la sua insinuante malia. In Abruzzo la natura ti coinvolge. Ci sono le montagne, come la Maiella – la Montagna Madre, sacra alla dea Maia – o la Bella Addormentata, indimenticabile nel rosso aranciato dei tramonti. Ci sono i boschi dove si incontrano ancora orsi e lupi. C’è il mare, l’Adriatico cantato da d’Annunzio, e la poesia dei trabocchi sospesi su maree profumate d’Oriente. I laghi si fanno porte d’accesso su mondi che paiono magici; all’escursionismo, alle immersioni avventurose nella natura, si affianca il turismo dell’anima, il turismo del mistero, il turismo del cuore… Siamo nelle terre in cui l’ingegno umano è celebrato da capolavori artistici che hanno incantato nei secoli i viaggiatori, da prodezze architettoniche ma anche dalla varietà della cucina, delle ricette, dei magnifici vini. In Abruzzo si riscopre la fierezza delle misteriose civiltà che dominarono prima dei Romani. Mura megalitiche o castelli, borghi antichi o tratturi mediterranei: il passato riaffiora ovunque in storie di saraceni e paladini, donne speciali e miracoli inattesi, briganti e re in fuga… Mentre l’Abruzzo di oggi si scatena nella movida più trendy, tra Star Party e Street Party, festival del jazz, della danza e del cinema, aprendosi al futuro nella sua ferita ma irriducibile bellezza che i 101 suggerimenti di questo libro provano a catturare.
L’Abruzzo come non l'avete mai visto!
Ecco alcune delle 101 esperienze:

Cenare in un “trabocco” al chiaro di luna
Fare una visita notturna alla cattedrale del santo fantasma
Concedersi un ballo con “la pupa”
Esplorare gli Stonehenge d’Abruzzo
Partecipare a una festa del fuoco
Ritrovarsi sul set di Blade Runner
Purificarsi tra vapori luciferini
Seguire le orme dei briganti
Inseguire il Femminino sacro
Superare un top-runner
Salutare il ghiacciaio che svanisce
Afferrare al cuore l’erotismo
Raggiungere le miniere all’aperto dell’oro rosso

Luisa Gasbarri

saggista, sceneggiatrice, studiosa del pensiero gender e docente di creative writing, ha inaugurato nel 2005 il genere noir shocking con il romanzo L’istinto innaturale. Autrice di racconti apparsi in volume per diverse case editrici, ha curato lei stessa antologie di narrativa dedicate a scrittori contemporanei. Con la Newton Compton ha pubblicato con successo nel 2010 il manuale 101 cose da fare in Abruzzo almeno una volta nella vita. Dialoga costantemente con i lettori dalle pagine del mensile «La Dolce Vita», che ospita da anni la sua rubrica, Scritto sul Kuore.


In Her Tracks (Tracy Crosswhite Book 8) by Robert Dugoni



An Amazon Charts and Wall Street Journal bestselling series.

What family secrets are behind two disappearances? Seattle detective Tracy Crosswhite is determined to uncover the truth in the latest installment of New York Times bestselling author Robert Dugoni’s heart-stopping series.

Returning from an extended leave in her hometown of Cedar Grove, Detective Tracy Crosswhite finds herself reassigned to the Seattle PD’s cold case unit. As the protective mother of an infant daughter, Tracy is immediately drawn to her first file: the abduction of a five-year-old girl whose parents, embattled in a poisonous divorce, were once prime suspects.

While reconstructing the days leading up to the girl’s disappearance, Tracy is brought into an active investigation with former partner Kinsington Rowe. A young woman has vanished on an isolated jogging trail in North Seattle. Divided between two critical cases, Tracy has little to go on except the treacherous deceptions behind a broken marriage—and now, the secrets hiding behind the closed doors of a deceptively quiet middle-class neighborhood.

To find two missing persons, Tracy will have to follow more than clues, which are both long cold and unsettlingly fresh. Given her own traumatic past, Tracy must also follow her instincts—to whatever dark and dangerous places they may lead.


lunedì 19 aprile 2021

Viaggio in Basilicata: Coast to coast da Maratea a Matera sui sentieri del film di Rocco Papaleo di Carmine Rubicco



Cronaca di un viaggio a piedi tra storia e reportage. L’itinerario tocca le cittadine di Maratea, Trecchina, Lauria, Tramutola, Pertusillo, Aliano, Craco, Nova Siri, Scanzano Jonico e Matera. Gl incontri, la gastronomia, le feste, la cordiale ospitalità e l’avventura.

Porco e aglianico. Storie, riti e miti alimentari in Basilicata di Nino Calice



"Noi intendiamo partire da bisogni e da pulsioni primarie, come la fame, la sete, la salute, nella loro materialità naturale, nel loro vissuto, ma anche nelle risposte che stimolano, nell'organizzazione che ne delimita o ne discrimina soddisfazioni e/o insoddisfazioni. Quindi intendiamo studiare e, possibilmente, capire il loro nesso ineludibile con il potere e con i poteri, espliciti e/o sotteranei [...]" (dalla presentazione di Nino Calice).

Faucian Bargain: The Most Powerful and Dangerous Bureaucrat in American History by Steve Deace and Todd Erzen



#1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller

As seen on Tucker Carlson Tonight

As heard on Glenn Beck and Mark Levin

“In his famous Farewell Address, President Eisenhower warned about allowing public policy to become captive to a scientific elite without regard to the principles of our constitutional system and the goals of a free society. Eisenhower was prescient. During the COVID crisis, states like New York that embraced unadulterated Faucism saw poor results across the board, while states that pursued an Eisenhower-style approach like Florida protected freedom and performed better in education, economy and health outcomes. Executives are elected to lead and make tough decisions, and such leadership cannot be outsourced to health bureaucrats like Fauci.” —Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

“In this important book the authors do the job our uninquisitive media has failed to do throughout this ordeal. Confirming with cited and sourced details the enemy of both liberty and logic the lockdowns have proven to be. Which also proves too much power in the hands of an unelected bureaucrat, regardless of his intentions, can no longer be our new normal.” —U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)

Can liberty survive in the hands of one all-powerful, unchallenged, and unelected bureaucrat?

It wasn’t too long ago that the average American didn’t know who Anthony Fauci was. Now, after the coronavirus has spread nationwide, he’s arguably the most powerful bureaucrat in American history. But is it dangerous for a free society to concentrate so much power in the hands of an unelected official? Who or what holds Fauci accountable?

“Steve Deace is a true patriot whose zeal for liberty is undeniable. Every day, Steve walks the walk when it comes to fighting for Americans' fundamental rights. This book is written with a keen understanding of the pain and devastation we've all seen throughout this pandemic. Throughout, Steve's passion for protecting Americans' freedoms is ever-present.” —U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (TX)

“This is an important book, to both get answers to how we got here and to help us never succumb to something like this ever again. Permitting unelected bureaucrats to hold this much power indefinitely doesn't end well.” —Mark Levin, New York Times best-selling author and talk show host

“In their typical fashion, Steve Deace and Todd Erzen spare no expense in pursuit of truth. We’ve been told a lot of things during this pandemic, and a lot of them contradict each other. This book uses documented data and sources to cut through the clutter, most of it Fauci’s, and bring us to a place of reason and science.” —Glenn Beck, New York Times bestselling author and Radio Hall of Fame broadcaster


venerdì 16 aprile 2021

In Her Tracks (Tracy Crosswhite, 8) by Robert Dugoni



An Amazon Charts and Wall Street Journal bestselling series.

What family secrets are behind two disappearances? Seattle detective Tracy Crosswhite is determined to uncover the truth in the latest installment of New York Times bestselling author Robert Dugoni’s heart-stopping series.

Returning from an extended leave in her hometown of Cedar Grove, Detective Tracy Crosswhite finds herself reassigned to the Seattle PD’s cold case unit. As the protective mother of an infant daughter, Tracy is immediately drawn to her first file: the abduction of a five-year-old girl whose parents, embattled in a poisonous divorce, were once prime suspects.

While reconstructing the days leading up to the girl’s disappearance, Tracy is brought into an active investigation with former partner Kinsington Rowe. A young woman has vanished on an isolated jogging trail in North Seattle. Divided between two critical cases, Tracy has little to go on except the treacherous deceptions behind a broken marriage―and now, the secrets hiding behind the closed doors of a deceptively quiet middle-class neighborhood.

To find two missing persons, Tracy will have to follow more than clues, which are both long cold and unsettlingly fresh. Given her own traumatic past, Tracy must also follow her instincts―to whatever dark and dangerous places they may lead.


I'm in Seattle, Where Are You?: A Memoir by Mortada Gzar (Author), William Hutchins (Translator)



An award-winning Iraqi writer creates a new world for himself in Seattle in search of lost love.

As the US occupation of Iraq rages, novelist Mortada Gzar, a student at the University of Baghdad, has a chance encounter with Morise, an African American soldier. It’s love at first sight, a threat to them both, and a moment of self-discovery. Challenged by society’s rejection and Morise’s return to the US, Mortada takes to the page to understand himself.

In his deeply affecting memoir, Mortada interweaves tales of his childhood work as a scrap-metal collector in a war zone and the indignities faced by openly gay artists in Iraq with his impossible love story and journey to the US. Marginalized by his own society, he is surprised to discover the racism he finds in a new one. At its heart, I’m in Seattle, Where Are You? is a moving tale of love and resilience.


giovedì 15 aprile 2021

Dear Earth…From Your Friends in Room 5 by Erin Dealey, illustrated by Luisa Uribe



"A well-thought-out presentation of an important environmental message." —Kirkus

When the kids in Room 5 write to Earth asking what they can do to help save our planet, they are delighted to get a letter back. This beautiful picture book is a celebration of every child’s ability to connect with the environment and make a positive impact .

A monthly exchange of ideas between the kids and Earth becomes a lasting friendship in this affectionate story about how to be an Earth Hero, lyrically written by Erin Dealey and gorgeously illustrated by Dilys Evans Founder Award-winning illustrator Luisa Uribe.

Young readers will learn about environmental conservation, along with simple things they can do to help care for the planet—like recycling and reducing energy consumption. There is even a reversible jacket cover that features a poster printed on the inside with twelve months of Earth Hero activities. These fun and interactive activities will encourage children to help protect our planet year-round.

Dear Room 5,

Your letter arrived on the wind.

A whisper of hope in the night.

I’m thankful for helpers who care for their planet…


mercoledì 14 aprile 2021

The Future In A Nutshell by Chris Williams



Should Christians study eschatology--the part of theology concerned with death, judgment, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind? What does the Bible say about End Times and how can laypeople learn about it without having to scale "Mount Prophecy" to get there? Biblical prophecy is the topic of countless books, many that are long and use theological language that often escapes the average, faithful member of a Bible-believing church. The Future in a Nutshell covers in simple language the basic tenets of Biblical eschatology, providing a useful overview about what the Bible teaches about the future.

martedì 13 aprile 2021

Made in India: Recipes from an Indian Family Kitchen by Meera Sodha



The best Indian food is cooked (and eaten) at home.

Real Indian food is fresh, simple, and packed with flavor. In Made In India, Meera Sodha introduces you to the food she grew up eating every day. Unlike the fare you get at your local Indian takeout joint, her food is vibrant and surprisingly quick and easy to make.

domenica 11 aprile 2021

The Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water by Zen Cho



A Lambda Literary Award Finalist

A Book Riot Must-Read Fantasy of 2020

Amazon's Best of 2020 So Far

“Fantastic, defiant, utterly brilliant.” ―Ken Liu

Zen Cho returns with The Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water, a found family wuxia fantasy that combines the vibrancy of old school martial arts movies with characters drawn from the margins of history.

A bandit walks into a coffeehouse, and it all goes downhill from there. Guet Imm, a young votary of the Order of the Pure Moon, joins up with an eclectic group of thieves (whether they like it or not) in order to protect a sacred object, and finds herself in a far more complicated situation than she could have ever imagined.

giovedì 8 aprile 2021

Nine Nasty Words: English in the Gutter: Then, Now, and Forever by John McWhorter



One of the preeminent linguists of our time examines the realms of language that are considered shocking and taboo in order to understand what imbues curse words with such power--and why we love them so much.

Profanity has always been a deliciously vibrant part of our lexicon, an integral part of being human. In fact, our ability to curse comes from a different part of the brain than other parts of speech--the urgency with which we say "f&*k!" is instead related to the instinct that tells us to flee from danger.

Language evolves with time, and so does what we consider profane or unspeakable. Nine Nasty Words is a rollicking examination of profanity, explored from every angle: historical, sociological, political, linguistic. In a particularly coarse moment, when the public discourse is shaped in part by once-shocking words, nothing could be timelier.

martedì 6 aprile 2021

Arsenio Lupin. Ladro gentiluomo. Nuova edizione in occasione della serie Netflix Maurice Leblanc



Il romanzo originale di Maurice Leblanc in una nuova edizione ufficiale, in pelle simulata e con lamina dorata. Include le foto dal set della serie Netflix.

Arsenio Lupin – l'imprendibile fuorilegge che ha messo a soqquadro i salotti di Francia – è stato arrestato. La sua avventura è giunta al termine? Nient'affatto, è appena cominciata. Lupin, infatti, è dotato di inesauribili risorse, scaltrezza smisurata e fascino a volontà. Maestro della truffa e del travestimento, sa cambiare in un baleno nome, abito e indirizzo. Ogni suo furto è un capolavoro d'ingegno e abilità, ecco perché nessuna cassaforte può dirsi al sicuro dal più gentiluomo di tutti i ladri! Un grande classico, ricco di humor e colpi di scena, torna in libreria in una pregiata edizione con un inserto fotografico a colori.


The Last Bookshop in London: A Novel of World War II by Madeline Martin



“An irresistible tale which showcases the transformative power of literacy, reminding us of the hope and sanctuary our neighborhood bookstores offer during the perilous trials of war and unrest.”

—KIM MICHELE RICHARDSON, author of The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek

August 1939: London prepares for war as Hitler’s forces sweep across Europe. Grace Bennett has always dreamed of moving to the city, but the bunkers and blackout curtains that she finds on her arrival were not what she expected. And she certainly never imagined she’d wind up working at Primrose Hill, a dusty old bookshop nestled in the heart of London.

Through blackouts and air raids as the Blitz intensifies, Grace discovers the power of storytelling to unite her community in ways she never dreamed—a force that triumphs over even the darkest nights of the war.

“A gorgeously written story of love, friendship, and survival set against the backdrop of WWII-era London.”

—JILLIAN CANTOR, author of In Another Time and Half Life

“A love letter to the power of books to unite us, to hold the world together when it’s falling apart around our ears. This fresh take on what London endured during WWII should catapult Madeline Martin to the top tier of historical fiction novelists.”

—KAREN ROBARDS, author of The Black Swan of Paris

lunedì 5 aprile 2021

In Defense of Innocence by Mr. David Wickenden



Abused as a child, Janice Williams became a cop to make a difference. When a vigilante starts killing child abusers, she is tasked with capturing the killer. But the vigilante knows her every move. When Janice uncovers the identity of the vigilante, she is faced with the dilemma to do her job to uphold the law or help this person escape a nation-wide manhunt.

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