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martedì 13 aprile 2021

Camicia Vintage Skyline Bologna Città Bologna Maglietta

I sotterranei di Bologna di Loriano Macchiavelli



Bologna svela il suo volto più sinistro al sergente Sarti Antonio, quando gli mostra il cadavere di Zodiaco Mainardi galleggiante nelle acque di un antico approdo. L'ucciso è in odore di mafia e nella sua casa viene trovata della droga. La soluzione del mistero sembrerebbe semplice. Troppo semplice per Sarti Antonio, che ha imparato a non fidarsi delle apparenze. E la fine poco chiara di altri personaggi lo convince che ci sia ben altro su cui far luce. Con la sensazione che in alto qualcuno stia tessendo trame indecifrabili, inizia un'indagine che lo porta a stretto contatto con il potere politico, con la curia, con la magistratura. Incontra importanti personaggi che lo conoscono, lo stimano, lo temono. Ma non lo aiutano. I suoi alleati saranno imprevedibili personaggi, che tra antichi canali, fogne e sotterranei lo porteranno a conoscere una Bologna inimmaginabile, un mondo sepolto dove la legge non si avventura. Quel mondo in cui Mainardi è stato ucciso e trascinato via dal terrificante "ruggito del drago".

Bologna. Con cartina di Adriana Malandrino



Da non perdere: tutti i luoghi da vedere e i consigli degli esperti per rendere il vostro viaggio indimenticabile. In più: cartine di ogni zona, itinerari a piedi, giorno per giorno, suggerimenti indipendenti al 100%.

111 luoghi di Bologna che devi proprio scoprire di Devis Bellucci



Anticonformista, goliardica, dotta e solidale, Bologna è un intarsio di terracotta che rosseggia al sole mentre un misterioso labirinto di vie d’acqua gorgoglia nel suo sottosuolo; una città piena di contraddizioni e chiaroscuri, abituata a far convivere spiriti diversi, che sotto i suoi straordinari portici accoglie studenti, artisti e idee da ogni dove. 111 luoghi, storie e personaggi rivelano la sua sfuggente anima, gli angoli più insoliti e la sua incontenibile creatività: dal fumetto alla gastronomia, dal cinema ai motori alla letteratura.

Storie segrete della storia di Bologna. Curiosità, misteri e aneddoti della città delle torri di Luca Baccolini



Dove l'aneddotica si ferma, entrano in scena i segreti. Dall'ippodromo in cui gareggiavano gli struzzi, alla statua di Mussolini che troneggiava nello stadio Littoriale, ricavata col bronzo dei cannoni austriaci, poi decapitata alla fine della guerra. E, ancora, le tracce di personaggi transitati per la città, come il violoncellista Roger Bricoux, diplomatosi al conservatorio di Bologna e imbarcatosi sul Titanicper cercare fortuna; lo spartito di Madama Burterfly rubato da un soldato tedesco e restituito in circostanze misteriose all'Accademia Filarmonica; l'invasione dei pipistrelli in San Petronio; il terribile mestiere degli acchiappagatti, il lato torbido dei segreti e le calamità naturali...

Bologna Fc 1909, Plaid Logo Bologna FC Unisex – Adulto, RossoBlù, No Size




Viola e il Blu di Matteo Bussola



Questa è la storia di Viola, una bambina che gioca a calcio, sfreccia in monopattino e ama vestirsi di Blu. Viola i colori li scrive tutti con la maiuscola, perché per lei sono proprio come le persone: ciascuno è unico. Ma non tutti sono d'accordo con lei, specialmente gli adulti. Tanti pensano che esistano cose 'da maschi' e cose 'da femmine', ma Viola questo fatto non l'ha mai capito bene. Così un giorno decide di chiedere al suo papà, che di lavoro fa il pittore e di colori se ne intende. È maggio, un venerdì pomeriggio, il cielo è azzurrissimo e macchiato di nuvole bianche, il papà è in giardino che cura le genziane. Le genziane hanno un nome da femmine, eppure fanno i fiori Blu. Però ai fiori, per fortuna, nessuno dice niente. Non è come con le persone, pensa Viola. Un fiore va bene a tutti così com'è... In questa storia, ispirata dalle conversazioni con le sue figlie, Matteo Bussola indaga gli stereotipi di genere attraverso gli occhi di Viola, una bambina che sa già molto bene chi è e cosa vuole diventare. Un racconto per tutti, che celebra la forza della diversità e l'importanza di crescere nella bellezza e nel rispetto delle sfaccettature che la vita ci propone. Una storia dedicata a tutti quelli che vogliono dipingere la propria vita con i colori che preferiscono. 

Max90. La mia storia. I miti e le emozioni di un decennio fighissimo di Max Pezzali



Erano i primi anni 90 quando gli 883 si fecero conoscere da milioni di giovani con canzoni destinate a entrare nella storia della musica italiana. In quei brani c'erano la vita di provincia, i ragazzi senza cellulare (perché era roba da manager in giacca e cravatta) che per darsi un appuntamento si incontravano al bar e la domenica ascoltavano le partite alla radio; c'erano i gruppi di amici in giro con un «deca» in tasca e la certezza che la serata si sarebbe conclusa con un nulla di fatto; c'erano il sogno americano e la nebbia di Pavia, la radio a 1.000 watt e i pomeriggi d'inverno trascorsi in sala giochi. C'erano le immagini vivide di un decennio che Max Pezzali ha saputo consegnare come nessun altro, fino a renderle mitiche. In questo libro, Max ha selezionato oggetti (alcuni ormai spariti), espressioni, icone presenti nelle canzoni del suo repertorio e li ha disposti in fila - proprio come le tracce di un album - per raccontare gli anni 90, una generazione e il suo immaginario. In quegli anni, cosa rappresentava la maglietta nera citata in "Non me la menare"? Che cosa voleva dire scrivere lunghe lettere d'amore come si canta in "Come mai", o «trafficare» con i VHS e le riviste a luci rosse, come fanno i protagonisti di "Cumuli"? E molto, moltissimo altro ancora, in una carrellata di aneddoti e racconti personali capaci di dare forma a una singolare e divertente «autobiografia» per temi e di consegnarci lo spirito di un decennio indimenticabile. Sempre con i brani degli 883 e di Max a scandire le tappe di questo viaggio straordinario. Prefazione di Lodo Guenzi. Con una nota di Mauro Repetto.

The Elephant of Belfast: A Novel by S. Kirk Walsh



Inspired by true events, this vivid and moving story of a young woman zookeeper and the elephant she's compelled to protect through the German blitz of Belfast during WWll speaks to not only the tragedy of the times, but also to the ongoing sectarian tensions that still exist in Northern Ireland today—perfect for readers of historical and literary fiction alike.

Belfast, October 1940. Twenty-year-old zookeeper Hettie Quin arrives at the city docks in time to meet her new charge: an orphaned three-year-old Indian elephant named Violet. As Violet adjusts to her new solitary life in captivity and Hettie mourns the recent loss of her sister and the abandonment of her father, new storm clouds gather. A world war rages, threatening a city already reeling from escalating tensions between British Loyalists and those fighting for a free and unified Ireland.

The relative peace is shattered by air-raid sirens on the evening of Easter Tuesday 1941. Over the course of the next five hours, hundreds of bombs rain down upon Belfast, claiming almost a thousand lives and decimating the city. Dodging the debris and carnage of the Luftwaffe attack, Hettie runs to the zoo to make sure that Violet is unharmed. The harrowing ordeal and ensuing aftermath set the pair on a surprising path that highlights the indelible, singular bond that often brings mankind and animals together during horrifying times.

Inspired by a largely forgotten chapter of World War II, S. Kirk Walsh deftly renders the changing relationship between Hettie and Violet, and their growing dependence on each other for survival and solace. The Elephant of Belfast is a complicated and beguiling portrait of hope and resilience--and how love can sustain us during the darkest moments of our lives.

A Season with Mom: Love, Loss, and the Ultimate Baseball Adventure by Katie Russell Newland



“Maybe you’ve been putting your own dreams on hold. Maybe you’re recovering from your own illness. Maybe you’ve lost someone you care about . . . After reading this book, you’ll be eager to imagine your own amazing next season.” -- Peyton Manning, from the foreword

 A Season with Mom offers readers an intimate, true story about the bond shared between a mother and daughter, a road trip to all 30 Major League Baseball (MLB) parks, and the importance of relishing every joy and struggle along the way.

The book is highly recommended for

  • mothers and daughters
  • cancer survivors
  • baseball and sports fans of all ages
  • anyone who has experienced loss . . . and maybe fallen in love along the way

Join Katie as she travels more than 30,000 miles to all 30 MLB parks in a single season, a rare feat covered by the likes of ESPN. Along with black-and-white photographs, Katie shares letters written to her mom, who died of cancer before the two of them could go on the adventure of a lifetime together.

During the journey, Katie beautifully illustrates the brevity of life, the impetus of adventure, and the clarity that comes by watching America’s favorite pastime.

A Season with Mom reminds readers that in life, as in baseball, sometimes you strike out, but sometimes you hit home runs. And even if the wait is longer than you’d hoped--like it was for the Chicago Cubs’ long-sought World Series win--dreams can come true.


I'll Be Strong for You: A Novel by Nasim Marashi, Poupeh Missaghi (Translator)



This award-winning debut novel by Iranian journalist Nasim Marashi follows the lives of three young women in Tehran over the course of two seasons as they pursue their wildly different dreams even as they discover that it may mean breaking with the past and endangering their longstanding friendship.

Three recent college graduates in Tehran struggle to find their footing in this award-winning debut by Iranian journalist Nasim Marashi. Roja, the most daring of the three, works in an architecture firm and is determined to leave Tehran for graduate school in Toulouse. Shabaneh, who is devoted to her disabled brother and works with Roja, is uncertain about marrying a colleague as it would mean leaving her family behind. Leyla, who was unable to follow her husband abroad because of her commitment to her career as a journalist, is wracked with regret. Over the course of two seasons, summer and fall, in bustling streets and cramped family apartments, the three women weather setbacks and compromises, finding hope in the most unlikely places. Even as their ambitions cause them to question the very fabric of their personalities and threaten to tear their friendship apart, time and again Roja, Shabaneh and Leyla return to the comfort of their longtime affection, deep knowledge and unquestioning support of each other. Vividly capturing three very distinct voices, Marashi's deeply wrought narrative lovingly brings these young women and their friendship to life in all their complexity.

Japanese Home Cooking: Simple Meals, Authentic Flavors by Sonoko Sakai and Rick Poon (Photographer)



The essential guide to Japanese home cooking—the ingredients, techniques, and over 100 recipes—for seasoned cooks and beginners who are craving authentic Japanese flavors.

Using high-quality, seasonal ingredients in simple preparations, Sonoko Sakai offers recipes with a gentle voice and a passion for authentic Japanese cooking. Beginning with the pantry, the flavors of this cuisine are explored alongside fundamental recipes, such as dashi and pickles, and traditional techniques, like making noodles and properly cooking rice. Use these building blocks to cook an abundance of everyday recipes with dishes like Grilled Onigiri (rice balls) and Japanese Chicken Curry.

From there, the book expands into an exploration of dishes organized by breakfast; vegetables and grains; meat; fish; noodles, dumplings, and savory pancakes; and sweets and beverages. With classic dishes like Kenchin-jiru (Hearty Vegetable Soup with Sobagaki Buckwheat Dumplings), Temaki Zushi (Sushi Hand Rolls), and Oden (Vegetable, Seafood, and Meat Hot Pot) to more inventive dishes like Mochi Waffles with Tatsuta (Fried Chicken) and Maple Yuzu Kosho, First Garden Soba Salad with Lemon-White Miso Vinaigrette, and Amazake (Fermented Rice Drink) Ice Pops with Pickled Cherry Blossoms this is a rich guide to Japanese home cooking. Featuring stunning photographs by Rick Poon, the book also includes stories of food purveyors in California and Japan. This is a generous and authoritative book that will appeal to home cooks of all levels.

Food Between Friends: A Cookbook by Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Julie Tanous



Best friends Jesse Tyler Ferguson, star of Modern Family, and recipe developer Julie Tanous pay homage to their hometowns as they whip up modern California food with Southern and Southwestern spins in their debut cookbook.
Modern Family star Jesse Tyler Ferguson and chef Julie Tanous love to cook together. They love it so much that they founded a blog, and now put all their favorite recipes into a cookbook for you to dig into with the people you love.
In Food Between Friends, they cook up delightful food, spiced with fun stories pulled right from their platonic marriage.

Drawing inspiration from the regional foods of the South and Southwest they grew up with, Jesse and Julie put smart twists on childhood favorites, such as Hatch Green Chile Mac and Cheese, Grilled Chicken with Alabama White BBQ Sauce, and Little Grits Soufflés.
So come join Jesse and Julie in the kitchen. This book feels just like cooking with a friend—because that’s exactly what it is.

Made in India: Recipes from an Indian Family Kitchen by Meera Sodha



The best Indian food is cooked (and eaten) at home.

Real Indian food is fresh, simple, and packed with flavor. In Made In India, Meera Sodha introduces you to the food she grew up eating every day. Unlike the fare you get at your local Indian takeout joint, her food is vibrant and surprisingly quick and easy to make.

Balancing Act: Teach Coach Mentor Inspire by Andrew Temte



"This is a great book for both experienced and beginning leaders looking for a fresh outlook on the leadership development cannon."
Jon Kaplan, Principal & Founder, Corvantus Consulting and former CLO, Discover Card

"Andy delivers authentic and practical advice on how to be an effective leader by focusing on ethics, truthfulness, listening, and lifelong learning."
Paul Smith, CEO, Warlencourt Limited and Former CEO, CFA Institute

"His blend of wisdom and sincerity draws you in and makes you want to become a better manager."
Kate Eberle Walker, CEO, PresenceLearning and author of The Good Boss 

“Success without balance is often more disastrous than failure with balance.” So begins Dr. Andrew Temte’s collection of candid observations on the challenges facing business leaders today. From top student to high school dropout, from aspiring rock star to successful business leader, Temte shares lessons learned on the importance of balance in all aspects of life and work. 

Balancing Act explores the characteristics required of a new generation of leaders who must find balance between strength and vulnerability; confidence and selflessness; passion and measure; single mindedness and inclusivity; determination and curiosity; and leadership and followership. He stresses that balance is a journey, not a destination.

In Balancing Act, readers will learn:

  • How to identify and curtail organizational entropy
  • How leaders can facilitate a culture of trust
  • How to realize the benefits of a diverse organization by fostering a culture that encourages everyone to bring their ‘whole self’ to work. 
  • How embarking on a continuous improvement journey can result in more balanced individuals, teams and organizations. 

We are all seeking opportunity, joy, and purpose; the commitment to “teach, coach, mentor, and inspire,” is a contribution we can all make as we seek balance in our workplace and home life.

"A brilliant read by a global leader."
Milo-Arne Wilkinson, Eleven Program Director and Curator  

“Andy's chapter on the six words he leans on can change a leader's life for the better."
Anthony Fasano, PE
CEO, Engineering Management Institute and Author of Engineer Your Own Success

"A must read for anyone who wishes to create sustainable business success as a leader while experiencing true fulfillment as a person."
Amir Ghannad, President, The Ghannad Group and Author of The Transformative Leader

“After 50 years in business, I got lots of good ideas from Andrew Temte's book. You will too.”
Donald E. Graham, Chairman, Graham Holdings Company


Design Remix: A New Spin on Traditional Rooms by Corey Damen Jenkins (Author), Jamie Drake (Foreword)



The first book from AD100 interior designer Corey Damen Jenkins, known for his colorful, youthful traditionalism.

Corey Damen Jenkins's bold interiors have won a devoted following. In his first book, he presents his take on classic interiors that have been beautifully reimagined for today's taste, sharing the building blocks of this fun, vibrant traditional look. "Bold Standard" is about how to use color in unexpected ways. "Good Bones" showcases architectural details. "Less Is More" focuses on creating a minimal look within a traditional interior. "Eclectic Exuberance" celebrates a collected appeal. "Night and Day" is a new look at the classic, graphic pairing of dark and light colors. "Haute House" looks at accessorizing with fashion-inspired elements. "Age Appropriate" is about creating rooms that cater to lounging, and nesting: kids' bedrooms, family rooms, reading nooks, homework areas. With sidebars on practical questions such as how to hang a salon-style picture wall and choosing the right window treatment, this is a must-have book for fans of a fresh, traditional look.
With sidebars on practical questions such as how to hang a salon-style picture wall and choosing the right window treatment, this is a must-have book for fans of a fresh, traditional look.

Visions of Home: Timeless Design, Modern Sensibility by Andrew Cogar (Author), Marc Kristal (Author), Eric Piasecki (Photographer), James L. Strickland (Introduction)



A new volume from the esteemed architecture firm Historical Concepts features extraordinary homes rooted in tradition and enriched with a modern sensibility.

Known for designing welcoming Southern homes, Historical Concepts, one of today's leading traditional architecture firms, is now working on diverse projects across America and in exotic locales, such as the Caribbean and Patagonia. A multigenerational team of architects is extending the firm's founding philosophy--expressing both timeless and inventive perspectives on design. Showcased are beautifully photographed country estates, coastal retreats, and pastoral properties, all weaving the classical principles of symmetry, scale, and proportion with vernacular motifs and artisanal craftsmanship to create stylish and comfortable backdrops for contemporary living. Sophisticated interior decoration and stunning landscapes accompany the architecture, creating a harmonious sense of place. Through engaging stories that inform, Andrew Cogar shows how to reimagine the traditional home--whether an elegant Greek Revival pavilion, a chic Hamptons summer house, or a reinterpretation of a historic Charleston single house--to capture one's unique point of view. Visions of Home is an invaluable resource for those who enjoy the warmth and charm of traditional architecture.

Charlotte Moss Flowers by Charlotte Moss



 Renowned interior designer and tastemaker Charlotte Moss celebrates flowers and offers endless inspiration in their use as glorious additions to decorating, entertaining, and everyday living.

Charlotte Moss encourages readers to bring the garden indoors--with ideas for arranging flowers, selecting containers, and placing blossoms around the house. An inviting cluster of blooms on a guest room's bedside table, lavish floral displays for parties and holidays, single stems adding life to any corner of a room--Moss has been photographing her flower arrangements for over a decade. This book is a celebration of her artistry and a testament to flowers as part of day-to-day life.

From Moss's grander displays in the city to her more informal and breezy creations at her home in the country, as well as in the refined interiors of her clients, the visual result is a chronicle of the myriad ways flowers provide inspiration--indoors and out. Readers will be further motivated as Moss describes the contributions of past tastemakers: Gloria Vanderbilt for her ingenious use of floral patterns in her licensed products, Pauline de Rothschild for her fantastic tablescapes, Bunny Mellon for her profusive use of topiaries, Constance Spry for the use of inventive containers and for her groundbreaking artistry, and Lady Bird Johnson for her embrace of the simple, exquisite wildflower. With nature as her muse, Moss implores us to create the backdrop for a life well lived, imbuing every day with flair, beauty, and elegance.

100 Poems to Break Your Heart by Edward Hirsch



100 of the most moving and inspiring poems of the last 200 years from around the world, a collection that will comfort and enthrall anyone trapped by grief or loneliness, selected by the award-winning, best-selling, and beloved author of How to Read a Poem

Implicit in poetry is the idea that we are enriched by heartbreaks, by the recognition and understanding of suffering—not just our own suffering but also the pain of others. We are not so much diminished as enlarged by grief, by our refusal to vanish, or to let others vanish, without leaving a record. And poets are people who are determined to leave a trace in words, to transform oceanic depths of feeling into art that speaks to others.
In 100 Poems to Break Your Heart, poet and advocate Edward Hirsch selects 100 poems, from the nineteenth century to the present, and illuminates them, unpacking context and references to help the reader fully experience the range of emotion and wisdom within these poems.
For anyone trying to process grief, loneliness, or fear, this collection of poetry will be your guide in trying times.

Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe by Laura Lynne Jackson



NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A renowned psychic medium teaches us how to recognize and interpret the life-changing messages from loved ones and spirit guides on the Other Side.

“A collection of incredible stories . . . that speak to the universe’s endless capacity for magical moments.”—Goop 

Laura Lynne Jackson is a psychic medium and the author of the New York Times bestseller The Light Between Us. She possesses an incredible gift: the ability to communicate with loved ones who have passed, convey messages of love and healing, and impart a greater understanding of our interconnectedness. Though her abilities are exceptional, they are not unique, and that is the message at the core of this book. Understanding “the secret language of the universe” is a gift available to all. As we learn to ask for and recognize signs from the other side, we will start to find meaning where before there was only confusion, and see light in the darkness. We may decide to change paths, push toward love, pursue joy, and engage with life in a whole new way.

In Signs, Jackson is able to bring the mystical into the everyday. She relates stories of people who have experienced uncanny revelations and instances of unexplained synchronicity, as well as others drawn from her own experience. There’s the lost child who appears to his mother as a deer that approaches her unhesitatingly at a highway rest stop; the name written on a dollar bill that lets a terrified wife know that her husband will be okay; the Elvis Presley song that arrives at the exact moment of Jackson’s own father’s passing; and many others. This is a book that is inspiring and practical, deeply comforting and wonderfully motivational, in asking us to see beyond ourselves to a more magnificent universal design.

Praise for Signs

“This stirring guide . . . asserts that anyone can learn to understand messages that are sent from the ‘Other Side.’ . . . For readers struggling with loss who believe it’s possible to communicate with the deceased, this book will console and empower them to look beyond their suffering.”Publishers Weekly

“This brilliant book by the renowned psychic medium Laura Lynne Jackson is a guidebook to and translator of the mysterious spiritual language of the universe. Through a series of touching personal stories, Signs teaches us how to discern and understand the myriad spiritual signs in our lives. Laura Lynne’s beautiful and compassionate heart shines through every page. This book is both excellent and important, and I highly recommend it to all.”—Brian L. Weiss, M.D., author of Many Lives, Many Masters


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