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domenica 6 maggio 2012

Ice-T - I Aint New Ta This

Uncensored & Unrestricted Music Videos you can't find on other Social Networks! 
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Tracy Marrow (born February 16, 1958), better known by his stage name Ice-T, is an American musician and actor. He was born in Newark, New Jersey and moved to district Crenshaw, Los Angeles, California when he was in the 7th grade. After graduating from high school he served in the United States Army for four years. He began his career as a rapper in the 1980s and was signed to Sire Records in 1987, when he released his debut album Rhyme Pays. The next year, he founded the record label Rhyme Syndicate Records (named after his collective of fellow hip hop artists called the Rhyme Syndicate) and released another album, Power. He co-founded the heavy metal band Body Count, which he introduced in his 1991 album O.G.: Original Gangster. Body Count released its self-titled debut album in 1992. Ice-T encountered controversy over his track "Cop Killer", which was perceived to glamorize killing police officers. Ice-T asked to be released from his contract with Warner Bros. Records, and his next solo album, Home Invasion was released later in the Fall of 1993 through Priority Records. Body Count's next album was released in 1994, and Ice-T released two more albums in the late 1990s. Since 2000, he has portrayed NYPD Detective Odafin Tutuola on the NBC police drama Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. After leaving the Army, Marrow wanted to stay away from gang life and violence, and decided to make use of stereo equipment he had purchased in Hawaii, and make a name for himself as a disc jockey. As a tribute to Iceberg Slim, Marrow adopted the stage name Ice-T. While performing as a DJ at parties, he received more attention as a rapper, and decided to pursue a career as a rapper. After breaking up with Adrienne, he returned to crime life, and robbed jewelry stores with his high school friends, pretending to be customers in order to plan the thefts, and later smashing the display glass with baby sledgehammers, events Marrow later described in his raps. In 1982, Marrow met producer William Strong from Saturn Records, who recorded his first single, "Cold Wind Madness", also known as "The Coldest Rap", which became an underground success, becoming popular even though radio stations did not play it due to the song's hardcore lyrics.Despite the single's success, Marrow did not consider seriously pursuing rapping as a professional career. One of Marrow's friends, Sean E. Sean, was arrested for possession of not only cannabis, which Sean sold, but also material stolen by Marrow. Sean took the blame for the stolen material, and served 25 years in prison. Marrow stated that he owed a gratitude to Sean, because his prison time allowed Marrow to pursue a career as a rapper. Marrow wound up in a car accident, and was hospitalized as a John Doe because he did not carry any form of identification due to his criminal activities. After being discharged from the hospital, he decided to abandon the criminal lifestyle and pursue a professional career rapping.” (on Youtube)

Le mirabolanti avventure di Spazz-Never di Nathan K. Raven (Lulu)

“Si narrano le gesta di Spazz-Never, l'eroe che si batte contro le ingiustizie e le perfidie della sua nemesi: il diabolico Dottor Maleficus. Così cattivo che per le troppe malefatte ha letteralmente perso la faccia, ma non la voglia di conquistare il mondo o distruggerlo, questo non lo sa nemmeno lui. E così il nostro paladino, spazzaneve di professione e picchiaduro per passione, non solo dovrà risolvere un'assurda situazione climatica nel paese di BelTempo, ma dovrà anche opporsi ad un folle bombardamento, all'inarrestabile dilagare di un subdolo social network e alle letali invenzioni del Dottor Maleficus. Tutto questo cercando di trovare il tempo per badare ai cavoli suoi: presto Spazz scoprirà che anche le attività più semplici come fare merenda o godersi in santa pace una partita di football possono diventare un incubo. Riuscirà Spazz a sopravvivere e a tifare per i suoi amati Schiappers? Il destino del mondo non è mai stato tanto in bilico! Buona lettura e… GO SCHIAPPERS!!”



“Youcanprint sarà al Salone del libro di Torino per raccontare il suo modo di intendere il self-publishing, e spiegare agli autori e ai lettori cosa contraddistingue questo settore, come è possibile fare self-publishing di qualità e perchè il fattore umano può fare ancora la differenza. Il nostro stand sarà al n. K149 nell’area Book to the future, l’area del Padiglione 2 interamente dedicata all’editoria digitale e alle nuove tecnologie di fruizione culturale. LA PROMOZIONE. Abbiamo ideato una promozione destinata a coloro che non potranno visitare il Salone del Libro. Dal 1 maggio fino al 19 maggio sarà possibile pubblicare il proprio ebook gratuitamente in formato pdf e in formato epub e mobi con il 20% di sconto sul costo di conversione (0,45 centesimi a pagina). L'isbn è sempre in omaggio! E per chi sceglie la pubblicazione cartacea insieme a quella digitale avrà uno sconto del 10% anche sul cartaceo. Per usufruire della promozione è sufficiente inviare una mail di richiesta con il codice K149! Per maggiori informazioni scrivi a info@youcanprint.it” (Alessandro De Giorgi – Direzione Youcanprint)



“Driven by Passion. Guided by Values - At Limited Brands, we are guided in our work and our interactions with others by four core principles – our values. These are the same beliefs that have made us successful since our start in 1963. They are:
The Customer Rules! - Everything we do must begin and end with an insatiable drive to anticipate and fulfill our customers’ desires.
Passion Leads to Success - We pursue excellence because we are emotionally, intellectually and spiritually engaged in our work ... and that makes our talents formidable and our results extraordinary.
Inclusion Makes Us Stronger - We cherish our diversity because embracing others’ thoughts, experiences, hopes and dreams makes our own more complete and connects us to our customers.
It Matters How We Play the Game - Doing what is right means following our beliefs – and the rules – when no one is watching. Winning means nothing unless how we get there is fair, collaborative, rooted in our values and contributes to the greater good. Our values are at the heart of everything we do. They are the foundation for the Limited Way - our unique mindset at Limited Brands that guides our behaviors and determines our results. They’re a connection to our history and a guide for our future. And they’re the measure of success for how we do things today.”

DECAMERONE di Giovanni Boccaccio (Einaudi). Intervento di Vittoria Coppola

Follia, beffa, scherno. E ancora follia, specie per amore, per cui, a volte, si giunge persino alla morte. Un raccolta di novelle che diviene romanzo. Un pubblico di donne, soprattutto: perchè capaci di “nobile amore” .  E dunque, uno stile “medio”, facilmente comprensibile ad un lettore non specializzato. È questo e molto altro ancora il Decamerone (o Decameron) di Giovanni Boccaccio, poeta del Trecento che parla di erotismo bucolico e che è perciò a lungo censurato o non adeguatamente considerato. L'autore, con il suo onnipresente realismo, reinventa il mito cortese.  Scrive pensando alla condizione femminile del tempo, alle donne chiuse nelle loro stanze, in completa sottomissione alla volontà dei padri, delle madri, dei fratelli. Da voce ad un gruppo di giovani, tre ragazzi e sette fanciulle, tutti benestanti, che fuggono dalla peste che devasta Firenze nel 1348 (circa).  Il loro obiettivo è dimostrare come, grazie alle proprie forze e alla propria intelligenza, sia loro possibile dare ordine alle cose, sconvolte e scompigliate dalla malattia.  Nella determinazione e nel coraggio giovanile, Boccaccio si rivela anticipatore dell'Umanesimo. Giunta in campagna, la brigata trascorre i giorni tra canti, balli, giochi. E preghiere.  Per occupare le prime ore serali ognuno dei ragazzi racconta una novella, seguento un tema fissato dal re di turno. E' straordinaria la capacità del Boccaccio nel curare ogni minimo dettaglio.
La scelta dei nomi, per esempio: Dioneo è “Dio Nuovo”, dunque ribelle. Panfilo è “Tutto amore”, dunque colui che racconterà novelle piene di carica erotica. Il Decameron si propone come libro di intrattenimento che, con la sua tematica autobiografica, sanziona la connessione tra la maturità e la giovinezza dell'autore. È la sua cornice narrativa, finemente descritta, a rendere l'opera del Boccaccio un innovativo romanzo, controverso e ineluttabilmente amato.

Il libro del giorno: Celiachia, Intolleranze, Allergie Alimentari di Teresa Tranfaglia (Macro Edizioni)

Celiachia, Intolleranze,
Allergie Alimentari - Libro Da non

“Dagli antipasti ai dessert, 800 ricette per una tavola equilibrata e un'alimentazione naturale a misura della salute, proposta in una nuova e più moderna veste grafica a un prezzo strepitoso! Tantissimi consigli, spunti e ricette in un long seller presentato oggi in un formato più fruibile e leggero. La scienza ha ormai dimostrato l'importante ruolo che allergie e intolleranze alimentari rivestono in molte patologie come la celiachia o intolleranza permanente al glutine che, se trascurata, può provocare danni anche molto gravi all'organismo. Celiachia, intolleranze, allergie alimentari nasce proprio per chi, affetto da intolleranza o allergie, desidera gustare pietanze deliziose a base di ingredienti biologici che restituiscano equilibrio e forza al proprio organismo. Preparazioni senza glutine e senza proteine del latte vaccino, uova, maiale, zucchero bianco, lieviti ecc., vi aiuteranno a seguire le indicazioni dell'omeopata, dell'omotossicologo e dei test praticati. Finalmente anche voi potrete assaporare un trancio di pizza, un cremoso gelato e dei soffici bigné. Troverete inoltre: teorie di orientamento per una sana alimentazione, indicazioni sui metodi di cottura e gli utensili da adoperare, tante informazioni utili circa le allergie e le intolleranze alimentari e per una sana alimentazione.

Trust Me, I'm Dr. Ozzy: Advice from Rock's Ultimate Survivor by Ozzy Osbourne and Chris Ayres (Contributor). Publisher - Grand Central Publishing

“Wondering if science could explain how he survived his 40-year avalanche of drugs and alcohol, Ozzy Osbourne became one of a handful of people in the world to have his entire DNA mapped in 2010. It was a highly complex, $65,000 process, but the results were conclusive: Ozzy is a genetic anomaly. The "Full Ozzy Genome" contained variants that scientists had never before encountered and the findings were presented at the prestigious TEDMED Conference in San Diego-making headlines around the world. The procedure was in part sponsored by The Sunday Times of London, which had already caused an international fururoe by appointing Ozzy Osbourne its star health advice columnist. The newpaper argued that Ozzy's mutliple near-death experiences, 40-year history of drug abuse, and extreme hypocondria qualified him more than any other for the job. The column was an overnight hit, being quickly picked up by Rolling Stone to give it a global audience of millions. In TRUST ME, I'M DR. OZZY, Ozzy answers reader's questions with his outrageous wit and surprising wisdom, digging deep into his past to tell the memoir-style survival stories never published before-and offer guidance that no sane human being should follow. Part humor, part memoir, and part bad advice, TRUST ME, I'M DR. OZZY will include some of the best material from his published columns, answers to celebrities' medical questions, charts, sidebars, and more.”


Gundam Wing (Shin Kidō Senki Gandamu Uingu), conosciuto come New Mobile Report Gundam W, è una serie anime nipponica di stampo mecha. La versione home video è stata curata dalla Shin Vision.


Silent Hill: Downpour è l'ottavo capitolo della saga omonima, prodotta dal Silence Team, sviluppato da Vatra Games e pubblicato da Konami per piattaforma PlayStation 3 e Xbox 360.

sabato 5 maggio 2012


“Patrice Evans is The Assimilated Negro, a hyperobservant, savagely pop-savvy instigator bent on pranking the crap out of our modern racial discourse. Since the debut of his popular “Ghetto Pass” column for Gawker.com, Evans has been the rare voice capable of speaking to junkies for both White Castle and Colson Whitehead with equal insight and aplomb. His first book, Negropedia, is a wide-ranging, deeply idiosyncratic tour through the tricky racial landscape of the Obama era, aimed at pop-culture consumers at the intersecting fan bases of South Park and Chappelle’s Show, Scott Pilgrim and The Boondocks. Whether deconstructing Lil Wayne’s “no homo hypocrisy,” outlining the all-important Clair Huxtable code for finding a mate, or assessing Susan Sontag’s street cred, Evans provides a stream of daring outsider anthropology.”

Masami Teraoka solo exhibition

Japanese born and classically trained, Masami Teraoka left for America in the 1960s where his deep understanding of Japanese traditions was to combine with Western modernism. His watercolours and woodblock prints invoked the Japanese Ukiyo-e tradition of beauty and faultless craftsmanship, but his interest in social commentary and the globalisation of culture saw him create work which is elegantly witty and candidly ironic. His recent paintings are consumed with an elegant grandeur in which personal, political and religious conduct is presented like fantastic allegories of the Northern Renaissance. They have all the passion and torment of his European precursors but are unambiguously of our time. Teraoka has exhibited and been collected internationally, and is the subject of widely published articles. Ascending Chaos: The Art of Masami Teraoka 1966-2006 was published in 2007. His exhibition with New Albion Gallery is rare and important; it is a retrospective and includes work from his formative years to the present.
23 May - 16 June 2012 at the New Albion Gallery, Australia. Opening reception on Wednesday 23 May from 6 to 8pm. Presentation of Teraoka's work by Doug Hall AM, in the presence of the artist, please RSVP to Adam Sims on 02 9287 0609 or email adam@newalbiongallery.com

New Albion Gallery, 55 Oxford Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010, Australia.
phone +61 2 9287 0609, fax +61 2 9287 0611.


“Williams F1 is one of the world’s leading Formula One teams – and the Williams name has been synonymous with top-level motor racing since the 1960s. After running teams on the sport’s nursery slopes, patron Frank Williams entered the F1 arena in 1969 and soon earned a reputation as one of the industry’s most determined individuals. Having sold his controlling interest in the original team, Frank founded Williams Grand Prix Engineering in 1977 and built his first eponymous car the following year. Since then, Williams has won 16 FIA Formula One World Championships (nine for constructors, in partnership with Cosworth, Honda and Renault, and seven for drivers, with Alan Jones, Keke Rosberg, Nelson Piquet, Nigel Mansell, Alain Prost, Damon Hill and Jacques Villeneuve). Williams employs about 500 personnel at its technology campus in Grove, Oxfordshire, where it designs and manufactures Formula One racing cars that compete in every grand prix (19 races in 2010). The team’s endeavours have earned Frank Williams a knighthood as well as the French equivalent, the Légion d’honneur. The company also has two Queen’s Awards for Export Achievement and is recognised as one of the most enduring and successful organisations in sport. Williams’ Formula One business model is unique. while many of the teams against which it competes are extensions of multinational companies’ marketing departments, Williams is wholly independent. That means commercial partnerships must work harder to drive value back into its partners’ companies… it has no publicly funded automotive giant to bail it out should things go wrong. It exists solely to go racing. It is driven by a hunger to win. It is – unusually on the modern Formula One grid – purely about racing. Frank Williams and Patrick Head’s alliance began in 1977. With a staff of 17, the company’s first self-built car was 1978’s FW06, designed by Patrick and financed by a portfolio of Saudi Arabian sponsors recruited by Frank. In the hands of Australian ace Alan Jones the FW06 proved to be a competitive proposition and finished second in the 1978 US GP East. Swiss driver Clay Regazzoni joined Alan for 1979 and the pair showed very strongly in the new FW07 chassis. Alan was disappointed to retire while leading the team’s home race at Silverstone, but Clay went on to win – it was Williams’ maiden F1 success. Alan won four GPs during the remainder of the ’79 season and then took the drivers’ championship in 1980, helping the team to its first constructors’ title in the process – an accolade it retained in 1981. When Jones retired at the end of that season, the charismatic Keke Rosberg took his place and became Finland’s first F1 World Champion in 1982. In 1983 Williams began working with a new engine partner – Honda – and unveiled its first turbocharged car at the season-closing South African GP (in which Rosberg finished fifth). Together, Williams and Honda learned how to manage the pioneering turbocharger technology that was to change the face of F1 during the 1980s. Rosberg scored the partnership’s first win on 8 July 1984, in the Dallas Grand Prix. The following year Keke was joined by Nigel Mansell and the duo raced Patrick Head’s first carbon fibre chassis, the FW10. They scored two wins apiece and that put the team in an optimistic frame of mind for the following season, when double world champion Nelson Piquet arrived to partner Mansell. Before the season began, though, Frank Williams was involved in a road accident while returning from a test session at the Paul Ricard circuit in France. He suffered a broken neck and would henceforth be confined to a wheelchair. While he convalesced, Piquet and Mansell notched up nine victories to clinch the constructors’ championship, the team’s fifth F1 world title. Nelson won his third drivers’ title in 1987 as Williams swept to another title double – but he had to work hard to keep Nigel at bay. Their fantastic on-track battles evolved into one of the sport’s most enduring rivalries, and Frank’s reluctance to intervene or impose team orders reflected the purity of the team’s approach. Having established itself as the decade’s most successful team, however, Williams’ fortunes were about to dip as Honda defected to McLaren and Piquet left to join Lotus. The 1988 season – the last in which turbochargers were permitted – was one of consolidation, with experienced Italian Riccardo Patrese joining Mansell and the team using naturally aspirated Judd V8 engines as it waited to begin an exclusive three-year engine deal with Renault. Patrick developed the FW13 chassis to accommodate Renault’s new V10 and Thierry Boutsen signed up to replace the Ferrari-bound Mansell. Boutsen took Williams-Renault’s first F1 victory in the 1989 Canadian GP and the team finished an encouraging second in the constructors’ championship. They matched that result in 1990, and enticed Mansell to return as Patrese’s team-mate in ’91. Between them they won seven races and, for the third consecutive season, Williams finished second to McLaren in the constructors’ championship. The balance of power, though, was shifting in Williams’ favour. Nigel won the first five races of 1992, added another four victories during the year, and qualified on pole position for 14 of the 16 races. He clinched the world title during the Hungarian GP, in August, and Riccardo finished second as the team romped to another constructors’ championship success. There was an all-new driver pairing in 1993 (Alain Prost and Damon Hill) but the team’s successful run continued seamlessly. Prost scored seven victories en route to his fourth world title and Hill won three. At the end of the campaign Prost brought his illustrious F1 career to an end and another multiple world champion, Ayrton Senna, took his place. In only the third race of 1994, however, Senna crashed at high speed while leading the San Marino GP at Imola. He suffered fatal injuries. Since then, every Williams race chassis has borne Senna’s name. Thrust into the role of team leader, and partnered by the team’s former test driver David Coulthard (with four appearances from Nigel Mansell, when his commitments in the US-based Champ Car series permitted), Damon battled Michael Schumacher for the world title and lost out only after the pair collided during the seasonal finale in Adelaide, Australia. His endeavours – and some mature performances from David – helped the team to retain its status as the sport’s leading constructor, a considerable source of pride given the tragic circumstances. Coulthard’s performances earned him a full-time role with the team. Schumacher successfully defended his title in 1995, but Williams-Renault scored five wins and Damon was the German’s only credible challenger. At the end of that season the team moved from its former base in Didcot to a new, purpose-built facility in Grove. Champ Car star Jacques Villeneuve joined the team for 1996 and emerged as Damon’s sternest title rival. Between them they won 12 of the 16 grands prix and the team was F1’s champion constructor once more. The Hill-Villeneuve battle raged until the last race, where Damon prevailed. Heinz-Harald Frentzen joined in 1997 and Jacques, who came so close to winning the title in his rookie year, went one better this time. It was a landmark year because Williams scored its 100th grand prix victory (at Silverstone, scene of the team’s first F1 win 18 years earlier). The drivers’ title remained open until the final race, where Villeneuve survived a clash with rival Michael Schumacher to become Canada’s first F1 champion. There were wholesale changes to the F1 technical regulations in 1998 – and it was a time of significant change for Williams, too. Renault had withdrawn from F1 although the team continued to use an engine – branded Mecachrome – that was derived from the familiar French V10. It was to be a difficult campaign, although the team was buoyed by confirmation of an engine partnership with BMW. That, though, would come into force in 2000, so the team marked time for another year with the old engine (rebranded as a Supertec). The partnership with BMW got off to a promising start as Ralf Schumacher and rookie Jenson Button brought Williams to third place in the constructors’ championship. In 2001 Jenson moved on to make way for Juan Pablo Montoya – one of the team’s former test drivers – and Williams scored its first victories since 1997, the Schumacher/Montoya partnership yielding four wins. Ferrari utterly dominated 2002, leaving little space for anyone else. Juan Pablo had a strong second season, though, qualifying on pole position seven times and breaking Keke Rosberg’s record (set 17 years previously, in a FW10 at Silverstone) for the fastest lap in F1 history. During qualifying for the Italian GP at Monza he averaged 161.449mph. Ralf won in Malaysia – one of only two non-Ferrari successes during the campaign – and Williams finished second in the constructors’ championship. After a disappointing start to 2003, Juan Pablo won in Monaco and Ralf followed that by leading his team-mate to consecutive one-twos at the Nürburgring and Magny-Cours. Juan Pablo secured that season’s fourth and final victory on BMW’s home soil, at Hockenheim. Both cars proved reliable – the drivers scored in 12 of the 16 races – and Williams remained in contention for the constructors’ title throughout, although Ferrari emerged on top. The 2004 campaign was beset with misfortunes. Both cars were excluded in Canada because of a minor technical infringement and Montoya was disqualified for a procedural error at Indianapolis, where his team-mate was hospitalised after a sizeable accident. But the year finished on a high as Juan Pablo won in Brazil.  Mark Webber and Nick Heidfeld formed an all-new line-up in 2005, but although they recorded a handful of podium finishes it was a turbulent campaign and proved to be the last with BMW. The team finished fifth in the constructors’ standings. Williams returned to its roots in 2006 as a fully independent entrant with a new Cosworth engine, Nico Rosberg alongside Mark Webber in the race team and Alex Wurz and Narain Karthikeyan taking on test and development roles. There was a new tyre deal, too, as Bridgestone replaced Michelin. With so many different things to get used to – including a new full-scale wind tunnel at Grove – Williams ended the season without any wins, although Nico had the distinction of becoming the youngest driver ever to set fastest lap during a world championship GP. Further changes came in 2007 as the team entered partnerships with engine giant Toyota and title sponsor AT&T, while Wurz was promoted from the test team to partner Nico Rosberg. Karthikeyan continued testing duties alongside rising Japanese star Kazuki Nakajima. After one of the closest seasons in recent F1 history, Williams finished the year as fourth best constructor. Performances improved dramatically in every domain: its points tally tripled from 11 in 2006 to 33, the cars were 60 per cent more reliable and their race pace picked up noticeably towards the season’s end. Following Alex’s decision to retire, Kazuki made his F1 race debut at the final GP of the 2007 season and earned a full-time promotion to the race team for 2008. Nico Hülkenberg joined as test driver. The Williams-Toyota FW30 made an impressive debut at the season opener in Melbourne, taking Nico Rosberg to a career-first podium and Kazuki to a commendable sixth place in only his second GP. The 2008 season encompassed the team’s 500th grand prix and Frank’s 600th. Some great performances, including Nico’s stunning second place finish at Singapore, were tempered by a car that struggled for pace on the faster circuits. This, combined with several missed opportunities and one of the most competitive battlefields the sport has ever seen (seven different drivers took victories and all bar two scored points), meant that the team ended its 30th year in Formula One a disappointing eighth place in the constructors’ championship. The Rosberg/Nakajima partnership continued unchanged into 2009, with Hülkenberg retained as test driver, and the team’s performances picked up significantly. Although the FW31 was an obvious improvement on the previous year’s car, circumstances dictated that results didn’t always reflect as much. Rosberg led the opening stages of the Malaysian GP, before rain’s intervention compromised his strategy, and he was unlucky to lose a certain podium finish in Singapore after making a minor misjudgement in the pit lane. He scored points in 11 of the 17 races, though, and took seventh place in the final standings. Just a stone’s throw away, meanwhile, Nico Hülkenberg stormed to the GP2 Series title and earned himself a place in the Williams race team for 2010. With Rosberg and Nakajima moving on, he partnered the sport’s elder statesman Rubens Barrichello. The duo’s efforts in the Cosworth-powered FW32 were supported by rising Finnish star Valtteri Bottas as the team's test driver. The team had a difficult start to the 2010 season, but started to turn things around just before the half way mark and concluded the year in sixth position in the Constructors' Championship. Barrichello, already the most experienced racer on the grid, celebrated his 300th Grand Prix in Spa-Francorchamps and scored his best result of the season, fifth, at the British Grand Prix in July. Hülkenberg provided one of the team's highlights of the year when he dominated qualifying for the Brazilian Grand Prix to take pole position in variable conditions. For 2011, the team retain Rubens Barrichello's services and have a new recruit in Venezuelan-born Pastor Maldonado, signed up fresh from winning the GP2 crown. Stability with Cosworth remaining as engine partner means greater focus on car development over the winter placing the team in a solid position entering another new season of Formula One racing..”

Vita Ambiente Comunita' d'Appennino a cura di Roberto Carriero

Vivere in Appennino vuol dire aver ricevuto una cittadinanza speciale che nasce a contatto e confronto diretto con l’ambiente naturale. La vita afferma la sua continuità in uno spazio che tiene legati tradizione e trasformazione. Il progresso apre possibilità ovunque, ma in Appennino il passato, remoto e recente, segna indelebilmente campagne e paesi, condiziona la vita condivisa. La comunità montanara risponde, persona per persona, dell’equilibrio uomo-ambiente. Ieri come oggi e come domani, le persone umane e gli altri animali si contendono risorse, compartecipano della sopravvivenza, contribuiscono allo sviluppo della montanità. Nulla resta immutabile, eppure tutto deve rispettare i misteriosi limiti della natura e dell’umanità, gli equilibri delicati fra le forze fisiche e antropiche in campo. I Fotografi Sarzanesi costituiscono oggi un gruppo di autori legati all’Appennino reggiano che discutono insieme il tema e fotografano autonomamente l’italianità dell’Appennino attraverso la tecnica fotografica e la propria personalità. Hanno partecipato alla edizione 2011 di Fotografia Europea con la mostra collettiva “Verde Bianco Rosso D’Appennino”, esposta al Castello di Sarzano nel mese di maggio e alla Pieve di Pianzo nel mese di luglio, ottenendo l’apprezzamento dei visitatori per la varietà dei temi trattati e delle tecniche utilizzate. La nuova edizione vede l’ingresso nel gruppo di due giovani studenti, Riccardo Benvenuti e Laura Tognetti. FOTOGRAFI SARZANESI  - Riccardo Benvenuti, Elisa Bertacchini, Barbara Brigati, Giuliano Costi, Francesco Desiante, Anna Maria Domenichini, Maria Alberta Ferrari,Lorenza Filippi,Andrea Ganapini, Marisa Marazzi, Elisa Morini,Elena Rossi, Laura Tognetti, Roberto Vassallo

Roberto Carriero, Curatore
COMUNE DI CASINA, Assessorato Cultura, Turismo e Promozione del Territorio.  Servizi culturali e Ufficio stampa
Roberto Carriero
mail cultura@comune.casina.re.it
Inaugurazione 6 maggio ore 16
Chiesa del Castello di Sarzano - via Sarzano - Casina (Re)
Orario: il sabato e la domenica dalle 16 alle 19
ingresso libero (fonte Undo.Net)


Tre studenti delle scuole superiori fanno una scoperta incredibile, che riesce a sviluppare dei super-poteri negli esseri umani. Man mano che imparano a controllare le loro abilità e ad usarle a proprio vantaggio, le loro vite iniziano a andare fuori controllo, e il loro lati più oscuri iniziano a prendere il sopravvento.

Regista: Josh Trank
Sceneggiatura: Max Landis
Cast: Michael B. Jordan, Michael Kelly, Dane DeHaan, Ashley Hinshaw
Produzione: Adam Schroeder Productions, Davis Entertainment
Distribuzione: 20th Century Fox Italia
Genere: Fantascienza.

Dopo il lampo bianco di Silvio Bernelli (Agenzia X)

Nel primo pomeriggio dell’8 agosto 2005, in una strada che non avrei saputo ritrovare neanche su una cartina, mi sorpresi a guardare il mio sangue arterioso che allagava l’asfalto. Ayuthaya, Thailandia, 8 agosto 2005. Un turista italiano è vittima di un terribile incidente stradale. I dettagli del suo corpo lacerato sono descritti come lo scorrere di un film al rallentatore. È lucido ma gravissimo, deve essere immediatamente operato a Bangkok. Lì uno staff di chirurgia vascolare lo attende per l’operazione che potrebbe salvarlo. In compagnia del solo amico Pietro, in un paese sconosciuto, l’uomo si ritrova a lottare per la sopravvivenza contro il tempo e le proprie paure. L’uomo è Silvio Bernelli, l’autore di I ragazzi del Mucchio. Dopo aver narrato il suo bollente vissuto durante l’epopea dei gruppi hardcore punk, qui cerca di ricostruire lo svolgimento di una vicenda che lo ha profondamente cambiato, avvalendosi delle testimonianze di altri autori, da Stephen King a Jon Krakauer. Un libro dove l’arte letteraria si confronta senza filtri con un’esperienza sul filo della morte, dimostrando in maniera definitiva che la scrittura e la vita sono inscindibili.
Silvio Bernelli (Torino, 1965) ha pubblicato il romanzo I ragazzi del Mucchio (Sironi, 2003), un reportage su Torino in Periferie (Laterza, 2006) e racconti in diverse antologie. Insegna alla Scuola Holden, collabora con “l’Unità” e “Il primo amore”. Negli anni ottanta suonava il basso nelle band Declino e Indigesti, con cui è stato in tour in Europa e negli Stati Uniti.
(Illustrazione di copertina: Andrea Bruno)

Il libro del giorno: CATASTROFI NATURALI DI SABRINA MUGNOS (Macro Edizioni)

Catastrofi Naturali -

“Negli ultimi anni i fenomeni naturali hanno colpito sempre più duramente l'umanità. Centinaia di migliaia di persone in tutto il mondo, infatti, sono rimaste vittime di violenti terremoti, pericolosi tsunami e cruenti tempeste causate dalle bizzarrie del clima. Ma non solo.. si osserva con una certa apprensione anche il comportamento del Sole, prossimo ad un periodo di intensa attività, e quello di alcune anomalie del campo magnetico terrestre. Cosa sta accadendo, dunque? Il nostro pianeta si sta forse accanendo contro di noi? E può qualcuno di questi fenomeni naturali produrre eventi che possano cancellare la nostra civiltà? Scatenare, insomma, la famigerata fine del mondo? E quanto ne saremmo responsabili? In questa nuova e straordinaria opera, Sabrina Mugnos risponde a tutte queste domande, spiegando la dinamica di gran parte dei fenomeni naturali che ci affliggono in un linguaggio semplice ed accessibile a tutti. Il tutto senza tralasciare di affrontare diffuse credenze popolari come quella che la Terra sia cava nel suo interno, o colossali disinformazioni del tipo che il nostro pianeta possa smettere di ruotare da un giorno all'altro! Il lettore sarà condotto a riflettere sul rapporto tra uomo e natura, e su quanto la tecnologia ci abbia reso vulnerabili nei confronti di quest'ultima esponendoci così alle sue manifestazioni.” 

Rolling Stones: 50 Years of Rock by Howard Kramer (Krause Publications)

“The Rolling Stones’ origins date back to the boyhood friendship of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, forged in 1951. Their acquaintance was interrupted when both families moved in the mid-Fifties but got rekindled in October 1960, when the two ran into each other at a train station and Richards noticed the imported R&B albums Jagger was carrying under his arm. Jagger, a student at the London School of Economics, was a hardcore blues aficionado, while Richards’ interest leaned more toward Chuck Berry-style rock and roll. Richards soon joined Jagger’s group, Little Boy Blue and the Blue Boys. Several years later Richards and Jagger met Brian Jones and the three clicked, forming the Rolling Stones. Joined by drummer Charlie Watts and bassist Bill Wyman, the band would come to epitomize the darker, bluesier and more boldly sexual side of rock and roll in a kind of ongoing counterpoint with the Beatles’ sunnier, more pop-oriented vistas. Five decades later, no one has yet stripped the Rolling Stones of their title as the World’s Greatest Rock and Roll Band. In a 2002 interview in USA Today, Richards said: "People thought it couldn’t be done. We never thought of trying it. We are just here. It’s a vague mission you can’t give up until you keel over."”


Seisenshi Dunbine ("Il guerriero sacro Dunbine"), noto anche con il titolo Aura Battler Dunbine, è un anime – mecha prodotto dalla Sunrise,  e mandato in onda per la prima volta dalla Nagoya TV. L’ideatore è Yoshiyuki Tomino, autore di serie quali Mobile Suit Gundam e Jūsenki L-Gaim

venerdì 4 maggio 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man

The film, which is now in production and is being shot entirely in 3D, will be released on July 3, 2012. The film stars Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, Denis Leary, Campbell Scott, Irrfan Khan, Martin Sheen, and Sally Field. The film is directed by Marc Webb from a screenplay by James Vanderbilt and Alvin Sargent and Steve Kloves based on the Marvel Comic Book by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. Laura Ziskin, Avi Arad, and Matt Tolmach are producing the Marvel Entertainment production for Columbia Pictures. The executive producers are Stan Lee, Kevin Feige, and Michael Grillo.

Official Site: http://theamazingspiderman.com

Director: Marc Webb

Cast: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, Denis Leary, Campbell Scott, Irrfan Khan, Martin Sheen, Sally Field

Writers: Steve Kloves, James Vanderbilt, Alvin Sargent

In theaters: July 3rd, 2012

Copyright © 2012 Sony Pictures

The Rum Diary - Cronache di una passione

The Rum Diary - Cronache di una passione (The Rum Diary) è un film diretto da Bruce Robinson, con Johnny Depp e basato sul romanzo di Hunter S. Thompson dal titolo Cronache del rum.

The Rum Diary: A Novel by Hunter S. Thompson (Simon and Schuster)

“Begun in 1959 by a twenty-two-year-old Hunter S. Thompson, The Rum Diary is a brilliantly tangled love story of jealousy, treachery, and violent alcoholic lust in the Caribbean boomtown that was San Juan, Puerto Rico, in the late 1950s. The narrator, freelance journalist Paul Kemp, irresistibly drawn to a sexy, mysterious woman, is soon thrust into a world where corruption and get-rich-quick schemes rule and anything (including murder) is permissible. Exuberant and mad, youthful and energetic, this dazzling comedic romp provides a fictional excursion as riveting and outrageous as Thompson’s Fear and Loathing books.”


“Liberty Global, Inc. (“Liberty Global”) is the leading international cable operator offering advanced video, telephone, and broadband internet services. We operate broadband communications networks in 13 countries principally located in Europe operating under the brands UPC, Unitymedia and KBW (Germany), and Telenet (Belgium) and VTR (Chile). Liberty Global’s operations also include significant media and programming businesses such as Chellomedia, a world class multimedia content provider based in Europe, as well as interests in content businesses in each of our regional markets. On December 15, 2011, Liberty Global completed the acquisition of 100% of Kabel BW GmbH (“KBW”), Germany’s third largest cable operator. Through the efforts of 22,000 employees worldwide, Liberty Global connects 19.5 million customers to the world of information, communications, and entertainment. As of December 31, 2011, Liberty Global’s networks passed approximately 33.3 million homes and served more than 32.8 million Revenue Generating Units (RGUs), including approximately 18.4 million video subscribers, of which 8.8 million were digital cable and Direct-to-Home (DTH) satellite subscribers, 8.2 million broadband internet subscribers, and 6.2 million voice subscribers. Liberty Global's business strategy emphasizes superior organic growth, opportunistic M&A activity, and a commitment to equity returns through a combination of appropriate leverage and share buy-backs.  We are internationally focused and well-positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for digital television, broadband internet and switched telephone services in markets across our diverse geographic footprint. In the converging world of broadband video, voice and internet, Liberty Global is at the forefront in driving technological innovation to deliver transformational new products and advanced services that are “simply for everyone”. Our affiliate operations are differentiated by the powerful combination of Liberty Global's global scale, robust network infrastructure, and centralized technology platforms, together with unparalleled local-level content and service expertise. Liberty Global shares are traded on the NASDAQ Global Select Market, under the symbols “LBTYA”, “LBTYB” and “LBTYK”. Liberty Global is part of the NASDAQ-100 Index, Fortune 500 Listing, Forbes 2000 Global Listing and FTSE4GOOD Index.”

Il libro del giorno: Deep Truth, La Verità Nascosta di Gregg Braden (Macro Edizioni)

La Verità Nascosta -
Deep Truth - Libro Da non perdere

“Le menti migliori del nostro tempo ci informano che stiamo vivendo in un'epoca diversa da qualunque altra nel corso della storia dell'umanità conosciuta degli ultimi 5000 anni. Ci stanno dicendo, infatti, che mai prima d'ora così tante sfide si sono concentrate in una finestra temporale così ristretta; crisi che dobbiamo risolvere entro i prossimi 5/8 anni, che hanno il potenziale di cambiare per sempre le nostre vite e il nostro mondo. La domanda è: come possiamo risolvere quelle crisi finchè non rispondiamo alla domanda più importante di tutte, una domanda che risulta essere anche la più antica? Chi siamo Nel nuovo libro Deep Truth, La Verità Nascosta, Gregg Braden esplora 4 principi che ci aiutano a rispondere a questa domanda. Da quanto tempo siamo in questo mondo? Siamo qui per uno scopo? O siamo qui per un incidente biologico? La guerra rappresenta davvero la nostra natura più profonda? Queste sono il tipo di domande che una volta compresa la vera natura delle loro risposte ci aiutano a comprendere la vera natura di noi stessi. Per la prima volta nella storia umana, il nostro futuro è affidato alle scelte di una singola generazione. Siamo giunti alla cosiddetta "ora zero" dell'opportunità che abbiamo di risolvere le minacce che si stanno manifestando nel nostro mondo e nella nostra vita. Le soluzioni che abbiamo per le crisi che ci sovrastano nell'immediato, quali i mutamenti climatici, il crollo economico globale, una crescente carenza di cibo e di acqua potabile, la crescita dei livelli di povertà e di malattia e l'incombente minaccia di una guerra globale, si fondano sul modo in cui noi concepiamo la nostra presenza nel mondo. Come possiamo compiere le scelte più importanti della nostra vita finché non veniamo a conoscenza della verità più profonda della nostra esistenza? In che modo possiamo sapere quali leggi approvare, quali politiche attuare e come affrontare le maggiori minacce del nostro futuro, finché non accettiamo le scoperte che ci rivelano qual è il nostro rapporto con la terra, la ciclicità della storia e il motivo che ci porta a scegliere fra la guerra o la pace? L'autore di bestseller Gregg Braden nel suo nuovo e straordinario libro, La Verità Nascosta - Deep Truth, ci offre l'opportunità di scoprire le prove inoppugnabili che stanno riscrivendo la storia delle nostre origini, della storia umana, del destino e del fato dell'umanità. Importanti scoperte che cambiano il modo in cui si concepisce tutto, dai nostri rapporti interpersonali alla civiltà stessa. Quando i fatti divengono chiari, le scelte a nostra disposizione si fanno evidenti. “Un nuovo mondo sta emergendo davanti ai nostri occhi. Dalle crisi globali del terrorismo, del crollo dei sistemi economici e della guerra, alle credenze profondamente personali che circondano l’aborto, i rapporti e la famiglia, i temi che ci dividono rappresentano un chiaro riflesso del modo in cui concepiamo noi stessi e il mondo. La veemente natura delle nostre divisioni è anche un chiaro segno che dobbiamo rinnovare la nostra concezione dei nostri più amati rapporti. Alcune nuove scoperte concernenti le nostre origini, il nostro passato e le convinzioni più radicate sulla esistenza umana ci inducono a ripensare le credenze tradizionali che definiscono il mondo e la nostra vita, credenze che provengono dalle false ipotesi di una scienza incompleta e obsoleta. Così facendo, le soluzioni alle sfide della vita diventano ovvie, e le scelte si fanno evidenti. Questo libro si impegna a rivelare le più profonde verità della vita umana mediante la condivisione di scoperte scientifiche che devono ancora comparire sui libri di scuola e nelle aule scolastiche, e che tuttavia detengono la chiave della nostra concezione del mondo, del nostro prossimo e di noi stessi.” (Gregg Braden)

Yervant Gianikian Angela Ricci Lucchi — NON NON NON curated by Andrea Lissoni with Chiara Bertola — dal 12.04 al 10.06.2012 presso Hangar Bicocca a Milano

Yervant Gianikian e Angela Ricci Lucchi sono due artisti visivi che lavorano utilizzando il cinema come punto di partenza per una riflessione a tutto campo sull’uso delle immagini e sulla loro intrinseca ambivalenza. A partire dalla fine degli anni Settanta i due artisti iniziano una ricerca che li porta a scoprire filmati recuperati negli archivi dei grandi cineasti del passato o trovati nel corso di avventurosi viaggi. Attraverso un dispositivo di loro invenzione, la “Camera Analitica”, i fotogrammi delle vecchie pellicole vengono riproiettati manualmente, rifotografati e rimontati realizzando nuove narrazioni di grande potenza evocativa che affrontano i grandi temi della storia del XX e del XXI secolo come la violenza coloniale, le grandi guerre, l’esilio, le migrazioni dei popoli, visti attraverso gli occhi delle moltitudini anonime. NON NON NON, la prima retrospettiva di installazioni e di opere di Yervant Gianikian e Angela Ricci Lucchi, comprende sette film originali e un display concepito dagli artisti che ospita disegni, acquerelli e un video. I film proiettati in HangarBicocca costituiscono nel loro insieme un grande affresco audiovisivo in cui si succedono una dopo l’altra le installazioni concepite dal 2000 in poi per spazi espositivi e museali.”

MADONNA CONFESSIONS by Guy Oseary (powerHouse Books)

“In conjunction with this summer's most talked about concert, Madonna's highly anticipated "Sticky and Sweet" Tour, powerHouse Books will release Madonna Confessions, the official book of quintessential images taken by über-manager Guy Oseary during the course of over 50 performances around the world during the Material Girl's sold out 2006 Confessions Tour. With over 250 never-before-seen images, the book showcases various provocative themes from that show including an iconographic equestrian opening to an urban Bedouin segment and on to glam punk and disco fever. The photographs celebrate what the New York Times called "the sheer spectacularity of her physical form" along with show stopping highlights and groundbreaking staging. Oseary, who is also Madonna's manager and has worked with her for the past twenty years, traveled with the artist and was given unprecedented access to each performance. As a result, the photographs in Madonna Confessions capture the essence, sheer energy, and excitement that came alive onstage every night. The photographs were each lovingly handpicked by Oseary and Madonna and are interspersed with quotes from Madonna. Long considered one of the most exciting live performers of our era, Madonna Confessions is a visual delight that highlights the multi-Grammy winner and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee's astounding career. - powerHouse is delighted to collaborate with one of the world's greatest live performers; Guy Oseary's exclusive access to each night's Confessions show allowed him the opportunity to capture unparalleled iconic moments in live performance photography. The intimacy and the sweep of the work put you front row center of an incredible experience  — (Daniel Power, CEO of powerHouse Books.)”


Metal Armor Dragonar (Kikō Senki Doragunā) è un anime mecha - fantascientifico nipponico che consta di ben 48 episodi e trasmesso nella stagione 1987/1988  su Nagoya TV e TV Asahi.

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Generation

Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations, meglio noto nel paese del Sol Levante come Naruto Shippuden: Narutimetto Sutōmu Generations è il terzo game della serie "Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm " per PlayStation 3 ed il secondo per Xbox 360.

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 PUBBLICITA' / ADVERTISING Sono passati 50 anni da quando il mondo ha perso Bruce Lee, leggenda delle arti marziali, attore e filosofo. ...