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lunedì 21 novembre 2011


“La bâtisse années 30 est majestueuse. Campée aux pieds de l'un des plus vieux avocatiers de France, prolongée par un jardin dans lequel poussent menthe, ciboulette, sauge, absinthe, origan et autre sarrriette à l'ombre des orangers, elle domine la Méditerranée. Dans son dos, les Alpes viennent mourir au pied de la grande bleue. Mauro se souvient avec émotion être passé sur cette route qui sépare la mer de la montagne. A l'époque, il était encore élève à l'école hôtelière de La Rochelle. Un périple en Peugeot 104 l'avait mené à Rome via Menton. Sans le savoir, il passait devant son futur restaurant.
Un décor idyllique - La salle du restaurant offre une vue magnifique sur la Méditerranée et sur Menton. Personne n'y reste insensible même si très vite, le regard ne se porte plus sur l'horizon mais sur les fascinantes assiettes de Mauro. Construite à flanc de montagne, la bâtisse épouse les terrasses. Au niveau de la route, la salle de restaurant au décor épuré dans lequel s'intègrent quelques œuvres signées par la designer Stéphanie Marin. Les tables espacées se posent entre cheminée et baie vitrée. Au niveau inférieur, le bar prolongé par une petite terrasse. Afin d'avoir un regard sur la mer depuis sa cuisine, Mauro a profité des mois d'hiver pour abattre le mur, permettant ainsi à ses clients de détourner le regard de la mer vers la cuisine vitrée où s'active la brigade, elle aussi sans frontière, trois Italiens, deux Argentins, un Japonais et un Mexicain. Désormais il est possible de s'installer au comptoir pour déguster quelques assiettes du chef. Quelques marches et l'on se retrouve dans le jardin d'herbes de d'agrumes de Mauro. Outre l'avocatier, ce jardin-verger regorge de citronniers, d'orangers, de mandariniers, de clémentiniers et de pamplemoussiers qui offrent leur ombre à une dizaine de variétés d'herbes que chaque convive peut sentir, toucher avant ou après le repas.
Les jardins du Mirazur - Quand un légume pousse naturellement à côté d'un autre, c'est qu'ils sont faits pour être ensemble dans l'assiette" De ce constat, est née la volonté de faire produire ses propres légumes.Quelques restanques, aux environs de Menton, sont consacrées aux jeunes pousses et aux légumes rares. Face à la mer, chaque matin, la brigade vient ramasser les fleurs, fruits et légumes que dame nature leur offre. Outre les 40 variétés de tomates dont une qui possède un gout de truffe très marqué, il y a tout ce qu'un cuisinier peut espérer : brocolis, betteraves, cresson de Para pour ses fleurs, raifort, radis sauvages pour leurs feuilles, blettes sanguines, roquette, carottes blanches, jaunes ou rouges... en tout, pas moins de 100 variétés. La terre comme source d'inspiration et de création au bord de la méditerranée. De cette richesse offerte par le sol, Mauro a orienté sa cuisine en s'appuyant sur cette production qui devient le cœur de ses créations.
L'équipe du Mirazur - "Au Mirazur, nous avons la chance de travailler avec des équipes extrêmement cosmopolites, l’ensemble des continents sont souvent représentés, ce qui engendre une émulation et une grande sensibilité culinaire. Chacun fait part de ses techniques et des produits spécifiques de son propre pays afin de les introduire dans les recettes que nous élaborons chaque jour.”
Mauro Colagreco – “Il a choisi la cuisine comme moyen d'expression en Argentine, son pays natal, où il a grandi dans une famille qui a toujours cultivé une ambiance de bonne table. Passionné par les voyages, partisan du sac à dos, il a traversé son pays, l'Amérique latine et les Caraïbes ou il a été pétri des goûts et des différentes traditions culinaires. Formé entre1998 et 2000 dans une école hôtelière de Buenos aires, il a fait ses premières armes dans de prestigieux restaurants de la Capitale. Passionné par son métier et séduit par l'idée d'approfondir ses études, en 2001 il voyage en France pour suivre sa formation au Lycée Hôtelier de la Rochelle. En 2002 il se déplace à Seaulieu pour faire un stage chez Bernard Loiseau au restaurant la Côte d'Or (trois étoiles au guide Michelin). Il y restera pendant un an et demi. Les plus beaux souvenirs seront, le travail avec une grande brigade auprès d'un maitre infatigable, et tous les secrets dérivés de l'attention prêtée aux modes de cuissons. C'est avec le décès tragique de Bernard Loiseau en février 2003, qu'il décide de déménager à Paris pour travailler à l'Arpège, le mythique restaurant d'Alain Passard. Il y restera un an et demi pour travailler avec ce véritable artisan de la cuisine qui va lui permettre de développer son sens de la créativité, son exigence et son imagination. En 2004 il va continuer son parcours avec la curiosité de connaître la cuisine d'un palace et il aura la chance de travailler, au restaurant d'Alain Ducasse au Plazza Athénée. Cette expérience va lui apporter le sens de la perfection, le raffinement et la rigueur. Il va finir son séjour à Paris avec un passage d'une année au restaurant Le Grand Véfour. Le travail avec Guy Martin va lui permettre d'affirmer sa personnalité de chef.
2006-2007 Il exploite le Restaurant MIRAZUR à MENTON et très vite au bout de 6 mois, il obtient la reconnaissance du Gault et Millau avec le prix de la révélation de l’année, suivi par la 1ère ETOILE au GUIDE MICHELIN en 10 mois seulement. 2008-2009De nouveau récompensé en octobre 2008 par GAULT MILLAU qui lui décerne le prix de «Chef de l’année» Début 2009Le Mirazur est éu 35ème meilleur restaurant au monde par le classement San Pelligrino.
2010 4 Toques dans la Nouvelle édition du GAULT MILLAU
Avec ce besoin permanent d'apprendre, de découvrir des choses nouvelles, toutes ses expériences aussi différentes soient-elle permettent à Mauro de s’exprimer pleinement au sein de ce magnifique établissement qu’est le Mirazur.
Il développe une cuisine gastronomique créative tout en sublimant la cuisine Méditerranéenne à deux enjambées de l’ancien poste frontière qui sépare la France de l’Italie.


“When it was founded by Dan Wolf, Ed Fancher and Norman Mailer in October of 1955, the Village Voice introduced free-form, high-spirited and passionate journalism into the public discourse. As the nation's first and largest alternative newsweekly, the Voice maintains the same tradition of no-holds-barred reporting and criticism it first embraced when it began publishing more than fifty years ago. The recipient of three Pulitzer prizes, the National Press Foundation Award and the George Polk Award, the Voice has earned a reputation for its groundbreaking investigations of New York City politics, and as the premier expert on New York's cultural scene. Writing and reporting on local and national politics, with opinionated arts, culture, music, dance, film and theater reviews, daily web dispatches and comprehensive entertainment listings, the Voice is the authoritative source on all that New York has to offer. In addition, the Voice’s daily-updated Web site www.villagevoice.com has twice been recognized as one of the nation’s premier online sites for journalistic quality and local content. The site is a past winner of both the National Press Foundation's Online Journalism Award and the Editor and Publisher Eppy Award for Best Overall US Weekly Newspaper Online.”


“Alessandro Robecchi, classe 1960, milanese, giornalista e autore televisivo e teatrale. Attualmente è editorialista del quotidiano il Manifesto. Scrive per l’inserto satirico de Il Fatto Quotidiano, il Misfatto. In tivù, è autore (insieme a Peter Freeman) della striscia quotidiana Figu - Album di persone notevoli, in onda su Rai Tre dal lunedì al venerdì. Sempre a Rai Tre, è conduttore di Doc3, programma di documentari di cui cura la presentazione in video. E’ tra gli autori di Maurizio Crozza per il quale scrive sia per la tivù che per il teatro. Tra le collaborazioni giornalistiche attuali: Micromega, GQ, D, la Repubblica delle Donne, Style del Corriere della Sera. Ha pubblicato due libri. Piovono Pietre, cronache marziane da un paese assurdo (Laterza, 2011) e Manu Chao, Musica y Libertad (Sperling e Kufner, 2000), tradotto in sei lingue. In passato ha lavorato (caporedattore) al settimanale satirico Cuore, ha diretto i programmi di Radio Popolare Network di Milano, ha fondato e diretto il pirmo mensile free-press italiano, Urban ed è stato per oltre dieci anni critico musicale de l’Unità con lo pseudonimo di Roberto Giallo. Ha una moglie, due figli, un cane. Se proprio devi dire la verità, dilla in modo divertente. Quelli che fanno ridere verranno risparmiati (Billy Wilder)
Riassuntino, vita e opere - Giornalista professionista dal 1982.
Ho cominciato all’Ifg e alla cronaca milanese dell’Unità. Quindi al mensile Costruire per Abitare dove mi occupavo di attualità e, inopinatamente, di architettura e urbanistica. All’Unità sono poi passato alle pagine nazionali, a fare il critico musicale, qualunque cosa voglia dire. Ho scelto lo pseudonimo di Roberto Giallo e con quello ha scritto per una dozzina di anni per l’Unità (sciroppandomi la bellezza di 11 festival di San Remo, ma in compenso lavorando con colleghi eccellenti come Michele Serra e Maria Novella Oppo). Sempre in bilico tra rock’n'roll, musica, culture giovanili e politica, ho scritto per una decina d’anni per il Mucchio Selvaggio diretto da Max Stefani. Nel 1990 sono stato chiamato da Michele Serra a Cuore, che usciva dall’Unità e diventava settimanale indipendente. Mi sono trasferito a Bologna e poi di nuovo a Milano durante la direzione Sabelli Fioretti. Nel 1996 mi ha chiamato Piero Scaramucci a Radio Popolare e ho fatto per un paio di stagioni il direttore dei programmi alla Radio. Per cinque anni ho scritto e condotto Piovono Pietre, trasmissioncina fast della mattina che ebbe i suoi momenti di gloria. Nel frattempo collaboravo a giornali e riviste, come il Diario della settimana, Gente Viaggi, Smemoranda.
Nell’aprile del 1999 è nato Giovanni. Nel 2000 ho scritto un libro, Manu Chao, musica y libertad, che è stato inspiegabilmente tradotto in cinque lingue compreso il gallego, che non sapevo nemmeno esistesse. Nel 2000 comincio a collaborare con il Manifesto. Nel 2001 sono stato chiamato a inventare e dirigere Urban, primo mensile di free press in Italia, esperienza divertente soprattutto per la presenza di una strepitosa redazione (Dambrosio, Buscalferri, Pandolfi, Casu, Tedeschi) che ha avuto il buon gusto di essere licenziata in tronco insieme a me nel 2004.
Intanto ho ricominciato a scrivere di musica per  D, la Repubblica delle Donne. Nel frattempo, però, non sono sfuggito alla televisione. Nel 2002, chiamato da Rai Tre, ho conosciuto Peter Freeman e firmato con lui i corsivi delle tre prime edizioni di Ballarò. Nel dicembre del 2003 è nato Giulio.
Nel 2004 comincia (sempre Rai Tre) Verba Volant, sempre in coppia con Freeman, trasmissione che ha raggiunto e superato le 600 puntate. Si trattava di una striscia quotidiana della durata di cinque minuti, che analizzava ogni giorno una parola diversa: significati, modi di dire, evoluzioni della lingua, ideologie del linguaggio.  Nello stesso anno comincia la collaborazione con Rolling Stone. Dal 2005 scrivo testi satirici per  Markette, il programma di Piero Chiambretti. Nel 2006 capito dalle parti di GQ, direttore Michele Lupi, per cui scrivo rubriche varie, interviste e altro.
Nel 2007 mi chiamano per fare l’autore di Crozza Italia Live, il programma in diretta di Maurizio Crozza. Quello con Crozza e gli altri autori (Grattarola, Zalone e altri) è unn sodalizio che continua per tre edizioni del programma e in teatro, con la tournèe di Fenomeni, un nei maggiori teatri italiani nell’inverno del 2009. Sempre nel 2008, comincia la collaborazione con Doc3, un programma di Flavia Scollica e Lorenzo Hendel, in cui presento in video alcuni ottimi documentari. Anche qui due edizioni (2008 e 2008), con oltre una ventina di eccellenti documentari presentati al grande pubblico. In preparazione l’edizione 2010. Nel 2010 e 2011 continua la collaborazione con il gruppo autorale di Maurizio Crozza, sia in televisone (La 7) in Italialand e Italialand, nuove attrazioni. Nell’ottobre del 2011 ho pubblicato con Laterza Piovono Pietre, cronache marziane da un paese assurdo.”


Hugh Jackman è Charlie Kenton, un ex pugile diventato promoter di poco conto, che una volta sognava di combattere per il titolo e che ha visto il suo sogno infrangersi quando i ring sono stati presi d'assalto da enormi robot che combattono al posto degli umani. Charlie guadagna quello che può costruendo robot fatti di materiali di scarto. Quando Max, il figlio che non vedeva da tempo, viene affidato a lui, i due uniscono le forze e iniziano a lavorare insieme. Una notte, Max trova Atom, un robot abbandonato in un deposito, e insieme queste tre anime perse troveranno il modo per unire le loro forze e diventare una squadra. Scaltri, testardi e con animo da veri campioni, questi tre perdenti combatteranno alla loro maniera nella più famosa arena del WRB dove, contro ogni pronostico, avranno la loro ultima possibilità di riscatto.

VIVERE SOCIAL - Manuale per imprenditori ai tempi di Facebook DI FEDERICO GUERRINI (EDIZIONI DELLA SERA)

Un libro per il manager e l'imprenditore che faticano a districarsi nella “giungla” dei nuovi media, fra gergo fumoso e promesse di marketing raramente mantenute. Un volume agile e piacevole con un obiettivo importante: fare chiarezza. All'interno del testo vengono analizzati i principali social network che le aziende possono sfruttare per promuovere il loro brand: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr e YouTube; particolare attenzione viene riservata ad alcune reti ancora poco utilizzate nel contesto italiano, come SlideShare e Foursquare, che si presta molto bene ad attività promozionali. Dopo una breve introduzione, seguono capitoli dedicati ai vari network corredati da numerosi esempi concreti: si descrive nei dettagli la rete su cui è incentrata la relazione, mettendone in evidenza pregi e difetti ai fini di un utilizzo commerciale. Il lettore viene guidato attraverso una serie di case history aziendali in grado di offrire spunti di ispirazione e riflessione. L’ultima sezione è dedicata al tema della brand reputation e del ritorno in termini economici e di immagine degli investimenti sui social media e ai principali sistemi (gratuiti o a pagamento) per misurare tali obiettivi. "Vivere social" offre, infine, con una serie di consigli per ottimizzare
la propria esperienza in rete.

L'AUTORE - Federico Guerrini è nato a Milano nel 1972 e vive a Genova. Giornalista freelance, scrive di tecnologia per il quotidiano La Stampa e collabora con Sky.it, Wired.it, L'Espresso, il Sole 24 Ore Nord Est e altri magazine. Ha scritto vari libri sul tema di Internet e di social media, fra cui "Tutto su Facebook", "Trovare lavoro in Rete" e "Facebook Reloaded" (Hoepli), "Alla scoperta di Twitter" e "Internet Utile" (Pc World).

domenica 20 novembre 2011

Chocolate bar - made in New York

"Chocolate Bar opened in the West Village in 2002 featuring premium chocolates, coffee, teas and baked goods, many produced locally, all created with natural ingredients of the highest standards. Drawing upon classic New York City culture, art and humor while remaining a neighborhood staple has been the crux of Chocolate Bar’s mission. In working with some of the top chocolate makers and artists we have discovered that the best products are created when we’re having fun! Chocolate Bar’s signature items include our house baked classic and spicy brownies, peanut butter & jelly truffle, spicy hot chocolate and salty pretzel retro bar."



“Presentazione - La catena goldenpoint vanta dal 2001, 800 punti vendita in Italia ed Europa e in prestigiose località. Un formidabile sviluppo reso possibile da un mix congiunto di fattori di successo. La grande varietà in assortimento di calze e collant, intimo e moda mare, resa possibile grazie alla continua ricerca ed al lavoro dello staff stilistico e creativo. La presenza di marche prestigiose sinonimo e garanzia della migliore qualità; il negozio, progettato da un team di architetti con grande conoscenza del settore, che risulta nuovo, moderno con un'atmosfera dinamica, colorata, allegra ed accogliente. I negozi goldenpoint sono studiati su misura con un'immagine forte, coerente e riconoscibile: il naturale punto di visibilità di un gruppo leader. Grandi assortimenti delle migliori marche di calzetteria, intimo e moda mare, importanti investimenti in comunicazione sui mezzi più autorevoli, punti vendita con efficaci soluzioni di layout e di visual merchandising, completa assistenza in tutte le fasi ed un attento servizio di riassortimento, sono i punti di forza del progetto franchising di goldenpoint.
Le collezioni - Le collezioni goldenpoint sono caratterizzate da marche conosciute ed apprezzate dalla consumatrice, quali Golden Lady, Omsa, SiSi, Philippe Matignon e Hue... Marche leader, fashion e trendy che soddisfano le esigenze di tutte le consumatrici.
Dai collant per la donna e per le bambine, ai capi underwear e corsetteria, alle calze da uomo, fino alle numerose collezioni mare, le proposte goldenpoint sono sempre originali, fantasiose ed accattivanti. Tantissime proposte che si rinnovano ogni settimana per creare uno stile unico ed esclusivo. In altre parole: innovazione, ricerca, cura riservata ai dettagli e stile sono le parole d'ordine del mondo goldenpoint.”


Il Dominio di Se Stessi
- Libro

Bis Edizioni ripropone Il Dominio di se stessi una delle pietre miliari in fatto di guarigione attraverso la scienza della mente e dell’autosuggestione. Il metodo del Dott. Emile Coué intende insegnare a ciascun lettore la tecnica dell’autoguarigione, realizzata attraverso il dominio di sé, ossia la conoscenza ed il controllo delle due forze che agiscono sull’uomo: la volontà e l’immaginazione. Grazie al suo eclettico percorso di studi e di esperienze professionali, che si sviluppò a ridosso tra letteratura, scienza e medicina, il terapeuta francese comprese che l’immaginazione è la forza che agisce nell’individuo in modo incosciente, una forza che nello scontro con la volontà cosciente risulta sempre vincitrice. Questo libro è uno strumento utilissimo per migliorare la propria vita, per guarire dai propri malesseri, per imparare a non ammalarsi, ma soprattutto risulta lettura preziosa per coloro che nella vita quotidiana sono impegnati nell’educazione dei ragazzi, alla quale Couè dedicò un’attenzione particolare.

Lost Washington, D.C. by John DeFerrari (The History Press)

“Washington seems the eternal and unchanging Federal City with its grand avenues and stately monuments. Yet the city that locals once knew--lavish window displays at Woodies, supper at the grand Raleigh Hotel and a Friday night game at Griffith Stadium--is gone. Author John DeFerrari investigates the bygone institutions of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries with an engaging collection of new vignettes and reader favorites from his blog the Streets of Washington. From the raucous age of burlesque at the Gayety Theater and the once bustling Center Market to the mystery of Suter's Tavern and the disappearance of the Key mansion in Georgetown, DeFerrari recalls the lost Washington, D.C., of yesteryear. John DeFerrari, a native Washingtonian with a lifelong passion for local history, pens the Streets of Washington blog devoted to the history of the District of Columbia. He has a master's degree in English literature from Harvard University and works for the federal government.


“Since 1945, the United Nations has impressed visitors from around the world with its multi-cultural ambiance and panoramic views of the East River and New York City Skyline. When your event demands more than just a space, choose the place where dignitaries and heads of state dine each day.Schiller's Liquor Bar is a casual neighborhood restaurant with a continental menu. Dishes include rotisserie chicken with roasted potatoes, steak and French fries, fresh fish of the day, a selection of pastas and sandwiches, and a market oyster bar. We offer a seasonal list of house cocktails. The wine list consists of 3 wines: CHEAP, DECENT and GOOD. CHEAP is the best. Schiller's Liquor Bar is open daily for breakfast/brunch, lunch, dinner, and late night supper. The owner is Keith McNally and the chefs are Riad Nasr and Lee Hanson, who are also the executive chefs of Balthazar in Soho, Pastis in the Meatpacking District, and Minetta Tavern in Greenwich Village. MICHELIN guide 2011 Recommended. Inspired by the UN’s distinguished setting and dedicated to pleasing its many famous guests, our culinary team brings energy and creativity to the globally inspired cuisine of the Delegates Dining Room. Our eclectic and extensive catering menus feature meticulously researched recipes from Greece, Italy, China, Germany, Spain, Morocco and other nations, as well as authentic, high quality ingredients. Our chef's credentials include cooking for America’s leading corporations, as well as commanding the kitchens of some of Manhattan’s busiest restaurants. They fuse classic training with hands-on experience to tempt the diverse palates of our international clientele.”

OGGI MANGIO DA … 73: Ristorante dal Pescatore Santini

“Il ristorante è stato aperto nel 1925 da Teresa Mazzi , nata in Brasile da genitori italiani , e da Antonio Santini che di mestiere faceva il pescatore sul fiume Oglio. All’inizio era una semplice osteria costruita con canne palustri e qualche mattone ai bordi di un laghetto attualmente compreso nella Riserva naturale del parco dell’Oglio Sud .  Nel 1927 nacque Giovanni che contribuì alla vita dell’osteria di campagna fin da piccolo come venditore di pesce e successivamente occupandosi della cucina. Nel 1952 Giovanni si sposò con Bruna che affiancò Teresa in cucina; Gli anni passavano e le esigenze dei clienti cambiavano .Si iniziarono a preparare i tavoli con tovaglie bianche e tovaglioli in tessuto. Il nome dell’osteria era “Vino e Pesce”. Solo nel 1960 cambio in “dal Pescatore”. Nel 1953 nacque Antonio , che dopo gli studi   di scienze politiche a Milano , si sposò con Nadia nel 1974 e iniziarono l’avventura nel mondo della gastronomia con un viaggio di nozze in Francia per conoscere e capire le filosofie di lavoro dei celebri ristoranti francesi.
Iniziò una nuova fase di grande cambiamento sia nell’organizzazione del ristorante che nell’impostazione della cucina. Nel 1980 Antonio fondò con a Gaetano Martini , Roberto Ferrari ,Franco Colombani e altri amici  l’associazione Linea Italia in cucina e nel 1982 con Gualtiero Marchesi e altri celebri colleghi l’associazione "Le Soste" con l’obbiettivo di valorizzare e diffondere la cucina italiana nel mondo. Nel 1990 il ristorante entra a fare parte di  Relais & Chateaux come Relais Gourmand   e nel 1992 di    Tradition & Qualitè , oggi Les Grandes Tables du Monde . La possibilità di conoscere ,di viaggiare , di scoprire e l’apprezzamento degli Ospiti , dei critici e delle Guide gastronomiche hanno permesso al ristorante di affermarsi ed  essere conosciuto oltre i confini nazionali. Alla fine degli anni ’90 e nei primi anni 2000 iniziano a partecipare in modo attivo alla vita del ristorante anche Giovanni Santini (nato del 1976 ed in cucina dal 1996) e  Alberto Santini (nato del 1983 ed in sala dal 2000) .
Sia Giovanni che Alberto hanno scelto di affiancare all’esperienza lavorativa in ristorante anche una formazione universitaria. Alberto ha affrontato studi in economia mentre Giovanni in scienze e tecnologie alimentari con Valentina, sua moglie, al Pescatore dal Settembre 2007 in sala con Alberto e Antonio. Il cambiamento e lo spirito di innovazione hanno da sempre contraddistinto la realtà del ristorante e tutta la famiglia ne è sempre stata  completamente coinvolta offrendo agli ospiti ciò che desideravano trovare arrivando al Pescatore. Il ristorante si trova nella riserva naturale dell''Parco dell''Oglio Sud in un villaggio di 36 abitanti  all'' interno di un'' elegante casa di campagna con  le sale del ristorante ed i salotti  circondati dal verde dei giardini . In estate viene effettuato il servizio ristorante all’aperto nella veranda adiacente al giardino dove è possibile trascorrere momenti di tranquillità e piacere. La cucina e' curata da Nadia e Giovanni Santini  con piatti sia classici  che di ricerca .
LA FILOSOFIA - Naturalmente non si realizza in poco tempo una filosofia di cucina; Antonio e Nadia Santini sono partiti dalla tradizione di famiglia per costruire la loro impostazione gastronomica; successivamente, attraverso contatti con i colleghi di altre regioni e di altri paesi le loro finalità si sono parzialmente modificate fino a raggiungere un nuovo equilibrio tra tradizione e innovazione. Primarie sono laricerca continua della qualità, il legame al territorio senza però tralasciare la creatività.
I PIATTI - Nel tempo sempre più si va verso una sintesi d’impostazione: la cucina che propone ora il "Pescatore" passa attraverso il modo di cucinare della madre di Antonio per arrivare alla nuova sensibilità della moglie Nadia. Essa mantiene unforte legame con la tradizione, ma è in grado di rendersene autonoma, per non stagnare in una sorta di fissità eterna e inopportuna e raggiungere invece originali equilibri e armonie.
I piatti cucinati al "Pescatore" derivano generalmente dalla tradizione di famiglia o da informazioni orali raccolte sul territorio; quasi sempre le ricette vengono adattate ai tempi: i tortelli di zucca, vengono ora conditi con meno burro e meno parmigiano, per poter gustare al meglio tutti gli elementi che compongono il piatto e rispettarne i sapori, che tornano ad essere netti, puliti e lineari. Nel tempo che stiamo vivendo, si pone una grande attenzione al cibo dal punto di vista dietetico, … la cucina tradizionale si adatta dunque ai nuovi sistemi nutrizionali e ai nuovi sistemi di vita, che incidono sulle ricette in modo sottile ma deciso, senza snaturarle…
Codificare un piatto per consentire di gustarlo nella sua completezza, senza togliergli armonia, significa anche intervenire sulla preparazione con utilizzo di prodotti leggeri che tuttavia non lo rendano troppo informale o fuori dalla norma. E’ un lavoro di equilibriopiuttosto difficile, ma assolutamente necessario per dare modernità e attualità a ciò che preparariamo. Nella composizione di un piatto al "Pescatore" si cerca di rispettare il prodotto primo e il sapore semplice degli ingredienti; i Santini sostengono che soprattutto negli ultimi anni è divenuto importante arrivare ad unasintesi della cucina: mantenere intatte le caratteristiche principali e contemporaneamente rendere il piatto leggero; per questo è necessario ricercare sempre più prodotti di qualità con sempre maggiore determinazione.”


“Inhabitat.com is a weblog devoted to the future of design, tracking the innovations in technology, practices and materials that are pushing architecture and home design towards a smarter and more sustainable future. Inhabitat was started by NYC designer Jill Fehrenbacher as a forum for investigating emerging trends in product, interior, and architectural design. Managing Editor Mike Chino and Senior Editor Yuka Yoneda lead the editorial team, while Rebecca Paul steers business operations. The rest of the team is made up of the best design editors and writers from all over the world: Diane Pham (Architecture and Design Editor), Jessica Dailey (New York Editor), Bridgette Meinhold (Architecture Editor), Jasmin Malik Chua (copy editor + fashion editor at Ecouterre) and Julie Seguss (kids & wellness editor).
THE INHABITAT TEAM - JILL FEHRENBACHER  (Founder, Editor-in-Chief) - Jill Fehrenbacher, Publisher of Inhabitat.com, Founder of Inhabitat, Editor-in-chief of Inhabitat, Inhabitat founder, Inhabitat editor, green designer, Jill is the founder of Inhabitat, as well as a LEED-AP green designer and green design consultant based in New York City. She created Inhabitat in the Spring of 2005 as a way to catalog her search for new ways to improve the world through forward-thinking, high-tech, and environmentally conscious design. Educated at Brown University, where she received a B.A. in Art Semiotics, and Columbia University, where she’s pursuing a Masters of Architecture, she currently resides in New York City, which so far has been good for her obsession with rooftop farming and vegan fast food restaurants.
MIKE CHINO (Managing Editor) - Mike is a writer, researcher, and musician based in San Francisco. He left sunny UC Santa Cruz with a B.A. in French and Modern literature and delved into publishing through a stint at ReadyMade Magazine. Inspired by the impact that forward thinking can have on the present, he has cultivated a voracious appetite for developments in sustainable architecture, design, and technology. Mike likes to bike, blog, and build things, and in his spare time he also cooks, produces music, and rocks out.
YUKA YONEDA (Senior Editoryukabiopic) - Yuka is a writer and designer from Queens, New York. She received her bachelor’s in business management from Stony Brook University, and holds a degree in exhibition design from the Fashion Institute of Technology. In 2008, Yuka looked in the mirror and didn’t like what she saw. Always feeling like there was something missing from her life, she had turned to excess, amassing a mountain of clothes, shoes, bags, and random tchotchkes to fill the void. In an act of desperation, she founded Swyyne.com as a guide for urbanites wanting to change their piggish ways and has been learning and smiling more ever since. When she isn’t writing about sustainable design, Yuka amuses herself by making trash into treasure, hunting for goodies at her favorite thrift shop, and offering up vintage, secondhand and refashioned clothes from her own closet to raise money for Japan.
REBECCA PAUL (Business Operations Manager) - Rebecca is a designer, portrait painter, installation artist and writer. After receiving her BFA from the Savannah College of Art and Design – Rebecca moved to Los Angeles where she worked as a resident artist for The Hive Gallery and Studios in the emerging downtown art scene. During her time on the west coast she also acted as a Freelance Curator where she produced several art shows converting raw spaces throughout the city into dynamic backdrops for a variety of mediums. Uninspired by the contemporary art market – Rebecca is currently living in Brooklyn and has shifted her career path to focus on sustainable design and architecture. She plans to pursue her Masters degree in industrial design, so she can further her contribution to the field.
DIANE PHAM (Architecture and Design Editor) - Diane is a freelance writer based in Brooklyn, NY. After graduating from USC’s Marshall School, she enjoyed a brief stint at SCI-Arc, then working for the A+D Museum in Los Angeles, Perkins Eastman Architects and Resoultion4: Architecture handling their marketing, PR and graphic work. A native Angeleno, she’s also lived in Milan and Paris, and still has her sights set beyond the borders of the US. In her spare time she enjoys traveling, learning languages, playing drums, taking photographs and doing as many new things as she can, every moment she can.
JASMIN MALIK CHUA (Ecouterre Editor) - A 14-year veteran of the publishing industry, Jasmin joins Ecouterre from TreeHugger, where she wrote about sustainable fashion and beauty. She has an M.S. in biomedical journalism from New York University—she was a founding fellow of the literary reportage program—and a B.S. in animal biology from the National University of Singapore. In addition to stories published in online and print publications like Alive, Plenty, The Huffington Post, and Sprig, Jasmin has been quoted as a green expert by such publications and outlets as The New York Times, BBC Radio, BusinessWeek, Newsweek, and People. Jasmin was previously a copy editor for Computer Shopper and PRINT. (She still reads style guides for fun.)
JESSICA DAILEY (New York Editor) - Jessica is a Brooklyn-based freelance journalist. A Pittsburgh native, she moved to New York to pursue her love of writing. She holds bachelor’s degrees in English and Art History from the University of Pittsburgh and received her master’s from the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism. She loves reporting on art, food, and the green community in New York City. When she’s not searching for the next best story, she spends her time foraging at Greenmarkets, whipping up new recipes, and exploring the city’s endless art scene.
JULIE SEGUSS (Inhabitots Editor) - Julie is a freelance writer living in Brooklyn, NY with her husband and French Bulldog Leo. She also blogs about green living at EcoSalon.com and writes regularly for MNN.com. Her articles have also appeared in Parents, Kiwi, iVillage.com and numerous other magazines, websites and blogs. Beyond writing, Julie loves all things related to health and fitness. She holds a personal trainer certification from the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and is founder of JivaFit, a health and wellness blog with a green twist. .
KESTREL JENKINS (Operations Assistant ) - Whether the driving force was language or fashion, Kestrel’s interest in global issues has led her around the world. After growing up in a littleMississippi River town in Wisconsin, she worked as a journalist with El Diario Austral in Chile, did PR for People Tree in London, and taught English on a Fulbright in Madrid, Spain. She found all of her interests collide in ethical fashion and sustainability, where her energy and spirit inspire a thirst to understand more and more about the field. She has a B.A. from Hamline University in global studies, international journalism, and Spanish. She currently works as a PR & Research Associate for Global Action Through Fashion. In honor of her pledge to only be ethical in her clothing purchases for 365 days, she posts weekly “looks” on her blog, Make Fashion Fair.
DANIEL MENDES (Operations/Contributing Writer) - Dan graduated from Stony Brook University with a Business Management degree with a focus in marketing, something he uses to connect his studio art experience to real world creative applications. An avid longboarder and musician he spends his free time unwired from our ever increasingly digital world while contemplating the direction of modern society and it’s effect on our environment and humanity. His interests are vast and constantly fluctuating in scope and importance and hope’s to make is mark in the world in a positive and meaningful way.
NICOLE ABENE (Contributing Writer) - Nicole is a recent graduate of NYU’s Environmental Studies program. Growing up by the beach in New Jersey, she fell in love with the outdoors and has been trying to find a way to live in harmony with it ever since. She has worked with organizations to promote urban gardening, waste reduction, and energy efficiency in New York City. Nicole enjoys camping, knitting, and continuously attempting to bake the perfect cupcake.
MARK BOYER (Weekend Editor) - Mark is a freelance writer, photographer and videographer based in Chicago. A native of Buffalo, NY, he came to the Midwest to study literature at the University of Chicago. Hungry to learn where our food comes from, he co-founded OrganicNation.tv in 2009, and spent the next year and a half traveling around the country and reporting on the organic food movement. He is currently the editor of Curbed Chicago. When he’s away from his keyboard, Mark is probably cruising around Chicago on his bike, photographing old buildings.
LAURA COWAN (Transportation Editor) - Laura K. Cowan is a writer and editor from Ann Arbor, Michigan. She received her bachelors in English and Russian language and literature from the University of Michigan and has ten years of experience in automotive media, book publishing, and blogging on sustainable living topics. Convinced there was a sweet spot where green parenting met frugality, she founded 29Diapers.com, a blog that teaches parents how to raise a green baby on a budget, and published EcoFrugal Baby: How To Save 70% Off Baby’s First Year. She contributes to Inhabitat on the subject of sustainable transportation and is the only mom blogger in existence who can explain variable valve timing and parallel hybrid drivetrains.
BETHBETH SHEA (Inhabitots Editor) - Beth is a Senior Editor of Inhabitots, and the writer and founder of Petite Planet, a blog which focuses on eco-friendly living for families, and informs parents of the best “green” choices for their children and our planet. After earning her B.A. in Creative Writing from The University of Arizona, she explored the world as a travel and spa writer, reporting for multiple newspaper and magazine publications. After having her daughter, Beth swapped airline miles and body wraps for long stroller walks and quick showers. Beth loves writing and editing for several parenting and eco based websites while reporting from the home front with firsthand accounts of raising her son and daughter. There’s a humorous memoir brewing in her daily, which will most likely have to wait to find its way to the page until her kids leave for college.
BRIDGETTE MEINHOLD (Architecture Editor) - Bridgette is a LEED accredited sustainability consultant based in Park City, UT and helps individuals and companies reduce their environmental impact. With degrees in Mechanical and Environmental Engineering, she has experience in renewable energy, energy efficiency, green building and sustainable development. She has written for Low Impact Living and Evolo Magazine. When she’s not calculating carbon footprints, recycling materials into new things, or writing blog posts, she spends her time with her dog hiking in the woods, skiing and painting in her recycled shipping container studio. She recently got married to the man of her dreams, a handsome firefighter/paramedic. And she is currently trying to talk herself into writing her first novel, which will most definitely have something to do with sustainability.
ANDREW MICHLER (Green Building Writer) - Living off-the-grid in the foothills of the colorful Colorado Rocky Mountains, Andrew Michler LEED AP BD+C and his wife Jennie are learning firsthand what low entropy really means. He built a tire wall shop, catches the snow to feed his WC, and built a modest home to the sun, wind and land. He calls the home’s design Japanese Colorado. Turning his building background to a bit of an obsession he started Baosol LLC Consulting which is concerned with developing sustainable, adaptive building, a.k.a. our third skin. He believes that what we build now creates the legacy of how we will live in the future. If he is not busy writing, he is reading green building technical manuals, checking out new building ideas, conceiving conceptual art installations, attempting to resist the urge to have another local microbrew, or perhaps nothing at all.
BRIT LIGGETT (New York Editor) - Brit is a video producer and writer out of Brooklyn, New York. She has a degree in Television and Documentary Production from Chapman University. When she’s not behind the lens of a camera, the keyboard of her MacBook or out on the green scene of NYC, she’s knitting, cooking local organic gourmet meals from Alice Waters cookbooks and dreaming up new ideas for documentaries. She currently has one eco-tinted art-doc idea in the oven and in the few free hours she can find she’s researching and developing the project.
SHAYNE MCQUADE (Board Member & Business Advisor Shayne McQuade, CEO of Voltaic, Voltaic Solar Backpacks, Voltaic Solar Bags) - Shayne is a social entrepreneur with a passion for environmental issues. He is the founder of solar bag maker Voltaic Systems. Having started, run or sold multiple startups, he contributes breadth of experience to Inhabitat’s board. Shayne’s background is in consulting with McKinsey & Co. and KPMG in London, Taipei, Melbourne and New York. He finally stopped moving when he got to New York for an MBA at Columbia University. His next challenge is designing off grid solar / lighting systems for developing countries, in the hope their electrification can be sustainable.
THOMAS UGO ERMACORA (Strategic Partner & Business Advisor) - Thomas Ugo Ermacora is a passionate Dano-Italian urbanist and geographer acting mostly as a creative social entrepreneur focused on sustainability. Unimpressed by the ethos in architecture and planning professions after work with Zero Carbon projects in Europe, in particular on a Frank Gehry Masterplan, he shifted towards a trust in participatory design practices and started the visionary CLEAR Village Initiative to rethink space one village at a time and focus on upgrading existing communities.
TIMON SINGH (News Writer) - Timon Singh is a graduate of Liverpool University where he received a degree in Social and Economic History. He has previously worked for the BBC’s “Who Do You Think You Are?” Magazine, a publication dedicated to the popular genealogy show. He has also written extensively on all aspects of worldwide infrastructure, including construction, renewable energy, transportation, security and communications and waste management. He currently resides in Bristol, where when he’s not writing for Inhabitat, he feeds his film obsession by writing for Den of Geek, and continues to hunt for the perfect pizza.
STARRE VARTAN (Contributing Writer) - Starre Vartan has been an environmental journalist for almost a decade, focusing on natural beauty, eco fashion and sustainable living on her blog, Eco Chick, on which her book, The Eco Chick Guide to Life: How to Be Fabulously Green (St. Martin’s Press), is based. Starre was chosen as one of Glamour Magazine’s ‘Green Women’ for their 70th anniversary issue last year, and has written for a number of online and print venues, including guest-blogging at elle.com, contributing to E/The Environmental Magazine, writing the ‘Green Guru’ column at Audubon Magazine, and style editing at Plenty Magazine. She was most recently managing editor for Greenopia.com. She is currently a regular contributor to The Huffington Post in the Green and Style sections, as well as writing for MNN.com. Starre has fun appearing on TV and radio as a green living expert and also consults on green and lifestyle topics for Fortune 500 companies. Starre lives on the Connecticut shore in a 100-year old Victorian house (that she is slowly greening) with a rescued cocker spaniel and two fluffy cats. When not on the road visiting her family in Australia or checking out swimming holes the world over, she gardens, makes videos, hikes, mountain bikes and snowboards.
EVELYN LEE (Los Angeles Editor )- Evelyn is a 2012 dual degree candidate getting a sustainable MBA & MPA from the Presidio Graduate School. Trained as an architect, she received her Masters in Architecture from the Southern California Institute of Architecture’s (SCI-arc) Metropolitan Research and Design Program. Prior to going back to school, she was program manager for Public Architecture in San Francisco, CA, where she oversaw all aspects of their 1% Program, encouraging architects to give 1% of their time to the public good, pro bono. Evelyn is constantly searching for new avenues to expand her architectural knowledge, and is a freelance writer for a number of written and online publications. When she’s away from the computer, Evelyn enjoys running, playing the piano, driving her Prius, and coaching/playing soccer.
MEGHAN BEITIKS (Contributing Writer) - Meghan Beitiks (Moe for short) is a writer, artist, gardener and biofuel lackey living in Oakland, California. She was originally turned on to the concept of sustainability while studying site-specific theatre on a Fulbright scholarship in Latvia. She spent the following years immersing herself in the worlds of organic farming and recycled veggie oil fuels by working on a farm in Oklahoma and driving across the country in a grease-powered veggie bus. Since then she’s sought every opportunity to combine her passions for ecology and the arts in a manner that affects daily city life. She is the Blog Editor for greenmuseum.org and a contributing writer on environmental art for the lohasian. A certified Urban Permaculture designer, she daydreams about bioremediative theater and is excited to be part of a sustainable future.
ANA LISA ALPEROVICH (Contributing Writer) - Ana Lisa is a trained eco-designer and sustainable culture producer from Buenos Aires. She received her BA Hons from Goldsmiths, University of London, a city where she spent most of her 20s and inspires her enormously. After gaining experience on designing public events for [re]design through England and China, she went back to her hometown to find out what was going on about her subject of study while she was away. Impressed by the creative use of local resources, her love for sharing knowledge and her belief in learning through experiences, she co-created the Sustainable Festival. A 4-day educational not-for-profit event dedicated to the celebration of emerging sustainable design practices, held at the luscious Botanic Gardens in the heart of Buenos Aires. Ana Lisa cannot help being an environmental activist and is interested on discovering new eco-design concepts and learning about the design of systems. She is a vegetarian who loves riding her folding-bike, playing hand-ball, japanese culture, making her own clothes, gardening and cats. She now works independently doing all sorts of things related to critical sustainable design thinking and practices: she is a consultant for big and small brands, a curator of exhibitions, workshops organizer and now a contributing writer for Inhabitat!
LEA BOGDAN (Contributing Writer) - As Chicago-based industrial designer and self-proclaimed master multi-tasker, Lea is most excited that her career has been riddled with such a variety of opportunities. Back in 2002, her sustainable design thesis at Philadelphia University was internationally awarded the First Place Professional Winner of the International Design Resource Awards and winner of the Saint Étienne International Design Biennial award for eco design. She has been published in the Eco Design Handbook, and is also a part of the permanent collection of the Huxley College of the Environment at West Washington University. Her successive product design work and her time as a design professor at the Art Institute in Philadelphia have sufficiently kept her on her toes! Lea spends her days designing energy efficient lighting, kitchen and bath fixtures, and a range of other products. She also stays busy with her hobby of amateur photography.
CAMERON SCOTT (Contributing Writer) - Cameron Scott is a freelance writer and editor and author of the blog The Thin Green Line. A claustrophobic nature-lover, he self-interestedly hopes the planet and the species will survive the mistakes of the industrial age. He’s especially interested in how new ideas can protect the planet while also saving us money, improving our health, or otherwise making life more pleasant. Cameron enjoys hiking, biking, board games, and punk music.
- Lacking the skills or the patience to be a designer herself, Haily Zaki is a PR maven, freelance writer andsecret agent in Los Angeles who contents herself by promoting, writing about, and surrounding herself with great design. Besides running Secret Agent PR and working with some of the best architecture and design brands in LA, Haily is a contributing writer for The Architect’s Newspaper, the Epoch Times, and any other publication that likes her story ideas. She’s also a co-organizer of de LaB (design east of La Brea) – part design lab, part social experiment for creative professionals who work, live or play on the Eastside of Los Angeles. She was first turned onto the idea of sustainable living when she worked with the Mapuche people in Southern Chile and hopes one day to move to the end of the earth where she would live happily in a green prefab pod writing torrid romance novels. For now, she focuses her energy on communicating through the media, re-training herself to be a good, green consumer, and not killing her tomato plants.
HELEN MORGAN (Contributing Writer) - Helen is a freelance journalist and photographer currently based in Buenos Aires. Moving from London to pursue a writing career, she enjoys the greener side of the literary capital by riding her bike and visiting local markets. A graduate in Literature and International Relations, she combines reporting on microfinance with policy research for an NGO. But above all she loves to write about art and design, sustainable initiatives and community schemes. To help seek out new article ideas she tries different projects, most recently spending the summer working on a French farm by watching sheep (which means running up and down mountains and trying not loose them) and making organic cheese.
PIPER KUJAC (Contributing Writer ) - Piper is a LEED accredited designer in San Francisco with architectural experience ranging from project manager at C. David Robinson Architects to design consultant at Origo, Inc., developing the Best House Ever business model. Trained in Architecture at the environmentally-conscious University of Oregon, she admits to an obsession with materials and resources and thrives on finding new means and methods of sustainable design. She is co-chair of the NCC Emerging Green Builders committee of the USGBC and teaches a class in Sustainable Project Development at the UC Berkeley Extension. She enjoys knitting, running marathons, and the occasional design competition, winning first prize in the Green Dollhouse Competition. She also loves trekking through virgin rainforests in Oregon, Thailand, Malaysia, and Brazil, where she recently fell in love with Ipe trees.
HAZEL SAUNDERSON (Contributing Writer) -  Hazel is a Scottish designer, marketer and writer. She studied design in three leading European design schools in Glasgow (UK), Paris (France) and Cologne (Germany) as part of the MEDes exchange program and graduated from the Glasgow School of Art in 2008. Hazel is currently working for a not-for-profit organization, where she is inspired by progressive design thinking and the power of social media. She believes that good sustainable design should facilitate meaningful dialogues with its users and provide people with an alternative means of interpreting the roles that products and services play within their lives. A keen cyclist, she writes a bicycle based blog and has written a report titled ‘An Exploration of the Cycling Culture in Europe’. She also loves cooking, photography and capoeira!
LORI ZIMMER (Contributing Writer) - Lori Zimmer is a freelance writer, curator, art consultant and the creator of Art Nerd New York- part travel guide, part art history, created for the art obsessed, featuring art sites in NYC beyond the obvious and ordinary.
CLIFF CHAMPION (Contributing Writer) A self-proclaimed “pragmatic idealist,” Cliff Champion is constantly on the prowl for news about ideas that are shifting our global culture in a more positive direction. He recently graduated from Pepperdine University with a double major in French and Intercultural Communications, and is trying to adjust to life outside of the proverbial nest. Next year, he will attend the Associated Colleges in China program in Beijing to perfect his Mandarin, and to better acquaint himself with the growing Chinese environmental movement. He also hopes to one day unify his jumbled array of interests with a graduate degree in the field of sustainable design. Until then, he will be spending his summer months in Connecticut and NYC before setting off for the far east.
LEONEL PONCE (Contributing Writer) -  Leonel is an architectural professional, graphic designer, and photographer from Rio de Janeiro. His exposure to Rio’s failing infrastructure motivates a search for solutions to urban plight through design. Since switching hemispheres, Leonel has lived in New York, Texas, and Portugal, and traveled around Europe and Latin America, immersing himself in both regional and cosmopolitan cultures. A graduate of The University of Texas in Austin’s School of Architecture, he looks to be involved in a greener, healthier planet. Leonel has volunteered with Oxfam Action Corps NYC and the US Green Building Council, and participated in design competitions through Architecture for Humanity and The Archive Institute. He hopes to incorporate this experience, his time at Inhabitat, and his graduate studies in Environmental Systems at The Pratt Institute into a career in renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure. While Leonel is an avid city walker and explorer, he doesn’t mind if you take public transportation.
MOLLY COTTER  (Contributing Writer) - A Detroit native, Molly strongly supports the movement for green design and innovation. She moved to New York years ago to attend the Christie’s MA in Art Business program. After years of working with 19th Century American paintings, she joined the living art world, and has become a freelance writer and researcher for artists, galleries, and curators. She most recently spent a summer studying Art Crime in Italy, and that is all she is allowed to say about that.
WILL GIRON (Contributing Writer) - Will is a freelance writer, researcher, photographer, and graphic designer, born and raised in Queens, NY. He is currently completing his studies in Photojournalism and Television/Film Production at St. John’s University. His main areas of interest are in urban policy analysis, particularly in community development, environmental sustainability, alternative energy, transportation, and local politics. He currently maintains a blog covering and promoting social/global justice and progressive policies through art and activism. When not reporting, he is actively involved in the local NYC music scene. He also enjoys competitive sports and recreational cycling.
TAFLINE LAYLIN (Contributing Writer) - After receiving her B.A. from Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Tafline led “eco-friendly” camping trips throughout North America. It soon dawned on her that she was instead leaving behind a trail of gas fumes, plastic bottles and Pringles. In fact, wherever she traveled – whether it was Viet Nam or South Africa or England – it became clear how inefficiently the mandate to re-think our consumer culture is reaching the general public. So she has picked up her mighty pen to bring better exposure to environmental issues. At other times, she waxes philosophical about culture and travel on her personal blog. Tafline was born in Iran and raised in the United States, and is currently based in South Africa. She also blogs for www.greenprophet.com and her work has appeared in Africa Geographic, The Ecologist, Urban Green File, and other publications.
ALLISON LEAHY (Contributing Writer) - Allison Leahy is a freelancer who writes with the aim of furthering the dialogue on sustainability, climate change, and global health. She is a graduate of Vassar College and currently lives in San Francisco. Her interests include long bike rides on the beach, live music, home brews, raw vegan cuisine, and people in costumes.
MARK LUKACH (Contributing Writer) - Mark Lukach is a freelance writer based out of San Francisco’s Ocean Beach, where he finds the soothing snoring of his bulldog and the chill of the fog a perfect backdrop for getting work done. When he’s not typing away at his laptop, he loves to get outdoors and play in the ocean, ride his bike for way too long, or run barefoot on the beach. His greatest design accomplishment is in his ability to make the perfect milkshake.
EMILY PILLOTON (Senior Editor) -  Emily Pilloton is Inhabitat’s senior editor, and Founder of Project H Design, a charitable organization that supports, inspires, and delivers product design initiatives for Humanity, Habitats, Health, and Happiness. She is also a freelance design writer, furniture designer, and nomad “based” in San Francisco. Trained in architecture with degrees from UC Berkeley and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, she has written for GOOD Magazine, Innovative Home, and ID, and has also taught design theory in Chicago. When she isn’t traveling or emailing, Emily enjoys baking cupcakes and playing trivia board games.
SARAH RICH (Senior Editor) - Sarah Rich is a writer and editor working where sustainability intersects with design, architecture, art, food, urbanism, branding and consumer culture. She is an editor at Dwell magazine and the editor of Dwell Digital. Previously Sarah was the managing editor of Worldchanging and co-authored the book by the same name. She launched and edited the Slow Food Nation blog in 2008 and co-founded the site that emerged from that event, CivilEats.com. She lives in San Francisco.
JORGE CHAPA (Contributing Writer) - After finishing his architecture degree at the University of Monterrey in 2001, he realized that he wanted to focus on sustainable architecture, and knew nothing about it. Foolishly thinking that it would become important in fifteen years time, he packed up his suitcases, left Mexico and headed for Australia, where he studied a Masters in Design Science at the University of Sydney. During his time in Sydney he worked as an ESD consultant and product assessor, looking at everything from the thermal performance of a building, to the environmental impacts of a particular product. Currently working at the Green Building Council of Australia, he continues in his quest to learn what sustainability is and how to achieve it. He figures that it will take some time, but refuses to make any estimates.

SALVATORE ARANZULLA – divulgatore informatico

“Salvatore Aranzulla (21 anni) è il divulgatore informatico più letto in Italia con un seguito di oltre un milione di lettori al mese. E’ il fondatore e l’autore della rubrica tecnologica del portale Virgilio.
E’ costantemente presente come relatore a convegni specialistici e come ospite in trasmissioni radiofoniche e televisive in qualità di esperto. Ha pubblicato tre libri di informatica con i maggiori editori italiani. L’ultimo, Sicurezza Informatica, edito da Edizioni FAG e in una edizione speciale da Mondadori, ha scalato la TOP 5 dei libri più venduti in ambito tecnico. Nel corso degli anni, Salvatore ha scritto per le più autorevoli testate di settore, tra cui Win Magazine, Internet Magazine, dove ha curato le rubriche L’exploit del mese e Bug & Debug, ZEUS News, Punto Informatico e Wired. In passato, Salvatore ha scoperto delle pericolose falle di sicurezza, prontamente corrette dopo le sue segnalazioni, nei siti Internet più conosciuti ed usati al mondo: Google, Microsoft, Yahoo!, Mediaset e Poste Italiane.”

Fonte QUI



Dopo Henry Miller, Flannery O’Connor, Raymond Carver, la collana Filigrana continua a ospitare le riflessioni dei grandi narratori sul mestiere di scrivere. Stavolta si tratta di Zadie Smith, autrice di romanzi che hanno scalato le classifiche di tutto il mondo (Denti bianchi) ma anche autorevole saggista (Cambiare idea). Sono qui raccolti due suoi saggi, mai precedentemente pubblicati in volume: «Perché scrivere», testo di una conferenza tenuta nel giugno 2011 in occasione del Premio Vallombrosa-Von Rezzori e «Il fallimento riuscito», originariamente pubblicato sul Guardian.
Nell’epoca di internet, della frammentazione delle informazioni, della spettacolarizzazione della cultura, della frenetica corsa al consumo e al successo individuale, che ruolo può ancora avere lo scrittore? In cosa consiste la sua rilevanza? Scrivere può ancora essere un gesto politico? Quanta importanza ha la tecnica? Cosa serve per scrivere bene? Da cosa si misura il valore di un libro, e del suo autore? Che significa scrivere onestamente? Zadie Smith affronta queste domande in maniera intelligente e diretta, a partire dalla sua esperienza di autrice e dalla sua acutezza di critico culturale: ne escono pagine che sono al tempo stesso un vademecum per gli aspiranti scrittori, una brillante provocazione verso gli intellettuali, e uno spunto di riflessione affascinante per chiunque ami la letteratura.
“Perchè scrivere* - Non vi preoccupate: so come ci si sente. Sono stata a tante conferenze tenute da scrittori. Spesso la sala è grande e piena di spifferi, e le sedie non sono comode come quelle che avete a casa; c’è una lunga introduzione – specie se la conferenza si tiene in Italia – e poi uno scrittore sale sul podio, con l’aria a volte timida, a volte molto sicura di sé, ma sempre con la bocca un po’ troppo vicina al microfono. Il riverbero stride: lo sentite fin dentro i molari. Esaminate lo scrittore. È proprio come ve l’aspettavate, oppure totalmente diverso da come ve l’aspettavate, e pensare a questo vi porta via qualche minuto, ma intanto la conferenza è iniziata: e voi vi siete persi il titolo, vi siete persi l’argomento, sentite qualche verso di poesia in lingua straniera sfiorarvi le orecchie... “(tratto da Perchè scrivere di Zadie Smith edito da Minimum Fax)

* Testo di una lectio magistralis tenuta a Firenze il 15 giugno 2011 in occasione della quinta edizione del Premio Gregor von Rezzori.

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