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mercoledì 1 novembre 2023

Il viaggio: finestre italiane sull’India a cura di Urmila Chakraborty (I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno)

Venti racconti intensi e partecipati di chi per ragioni di lavoro, ricerca o studio ha visitato la "galassia" India e ogni racconto è arricchito dai commenti e dalle osservazioni della curatrice Urmila Chakraborty. 

Gli autori: Avana Amadei, Stefano Caldirola, Romina Campostrini, Giuseppe Carrieri, Giorgio d’Emilio, Alessandro Dell’Avvocata, Giovanni Di Bartolo, Isabella Labate, Manuela Lenardon, Paola Lorenzoni, Francesco Moscatelli, Emanuela Orlandini, Cristina Piotti, Emanuela Plano, Cristina Rodondi, Núria Sala Grau, Laura Sciotti, Federico Sanesi, Vittorio Tonon, Marged Flavia Trumper



Urmila Chakraborty, nata a Kolkata, India, vive e lavora a Milano da oltre vent’anni. Urmila è scrittrice, traduttrice, mediatrice culturale e formatrice. Collabora con diverse Università in Italia e in India, in particolare è docente di Scienze della Mediazione Linguistica e Studi Interculturali presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano. È scrittrice a tutto tondo, avendo al suo attivo da scritti accademici a saggi, dal crowdsourcing alla ricerca e alla narrativa (creative nonfiction). Numerose le sue pubblicazioni in ambito dell’interazione interculturale, anche in collaborazione con varie istituzioni culturali. Da ricordare che nel 2002 ha fondato Englishour, che eroga servizi linguistici e culturali alle aziende.




sabato 28 ottobre 2023

I/O by Peter Gabriel


"I/O" is a song by English musician Peter Gabriel, released as the title track of his 2023 album of the same name. The song explores themes of interconnectedness, the flow of information, and the impact of technology on human relationships.

The title "I/O" refers to the input/output process in computing, symbolizing the exchange of information between individuals and their environment. Gabriel uses this concept to delve into the ways we consume, process, and transmit information, both internally and externally.

The lyrics address the constant stream of data we encounter daily, questioning how it shapes our perceptions and interactions. Gabriel sings, "We're drowning in a sea of information / Lost in translation," highlighting the potential for overload and misinterpretation in the digital age.

Despite the challenges posed by technology, the song also acknowledges its power to connect and inspire. Gabriel suggests that the "I/O" process can foster empathy and understanding, stating, "We're all connected, still messed up individuals / But as part of a whole, maybe there's something to learn."

The song's musical arrangement mirrors the themes of connection and exchange. Layered rhythms and intertwining melodies create a sense of interwoven voices, representing the interplay of ideas and emotions. The Soweto Gospel Choir's powerful vocals add depth and resonance, emphasizing the universality of the message.

"I/O" is a thought-provoking exploration of our relationship with technology and its impact on human connection. Gabriel's lyrics and the song's dynamic arrangement invite listeners to reflect on the flow of information in their lives and the potential for both isolation and unity in the digital age.

Peter Gabriel is an English singer, songwriter, musician, and record producer who rose to fame as the original lead singer and frontman of the progressive rock band Genesis. After leaving Genesis in 1975, he embarked on a successful solo career, exploring various musical styles and incorporating world music influences into his work. He is known for his innovative music videos and elaborate stage shows, as well as his commitment to social and political activism.

Gabriel's solo career has been marked by experimentation and a willingness to push boundaries. His albums have incorporated elements of rock, pop, soul, world music, and electronica, and he has collaborated with a wide range of artists, including Kate Bush, Laurie Anderson, Youssou N'Dour, and Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. He is also known for his innovative music videos, which have won numerous awards, including a Grammy Award for "Sledgehammer."

In addition to his music career, Gabriel is a dedicated activist for human rights and social justice. He has co-founded several organizations, including Witness, a non-profit that uses video and technology to expose human rights abuses, and The Elders, a group of global leaders working to promote peace and human rights. He has also been a vocal critic of apartheid, poverty, and other social and political injustices.

Peter Gabriel is a true innovator and visionary, both in music and in his activism. His work has had a profound impact on popular culture and has inspired countless artists and activists around the world. He is a true legend of the music industry and a tireless advocate for a better world.

Here are some of Peter Gabriel's most famous songs:

  • Solsbury Hill

  • Sledgehammer

  • In Your Eyes

  • Don't Give Up (with Kate Bush)

  • Biko

giovedì 26 ottobre 2023

Le Figlie delle Onde di Valentina Madonna (nuova edizione) edito da I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno

Lecce, 5 Febbraio 2005 - Durante i lavori di ristrutturazione di un antico palazzo nel centro storico della città, vengono rinvenuti, nei sotterranei, i resti di una giovane donna sconosciuta. Il prezioso rosario che stringe tra le dita potrebbe forse rivelare la sua identità: l’iscrizione presente sulla medaglietta del monile rimanda all'Ancilla Domini, un collegio seicentesco poco distante dal quale, in una notte d’estate del 1938, due studentesse, Miranda D’Amelio e Celeste Barsi, erano svanite nel nulla insieme a Guido Alatri, il loro affascinante maestro di musica di origini ebraiche. Partendo da quell’austera struttura religiosa, Anna, una pronipote di Celeste, riuscirà, tra colpi di scena e incredibili rivelazioni, a far luce sulle ragioni che costrinsero i tre a fuggire, facendo emergere dagli abissi del passato una verità scomoda e inquietante che rimanda agli anni del secondo conflitto mondiale. In una sorta di vorticosa caccia al tesoro, Valentina Madonna fa muovere i protagonisti della propria nuova opera tra i vecchi vicoli della città barocca e lungo le coste frastagliate dello Jonio, tra le cui onde, come ammalianti sirene, sembrano ondeggiare sinuosamente amori e torbide passioni, menzogne e segreti, enigmi e messaggi in codice. Così come era stato per il suo primo romanzo, Capelvenere, l’autrice torna a raccontare in modo poetico il Salento, una terra magica e ricca di leggende, di nuovo teatro di eventi tanto tragici quanto romantici. Ed è su questo suggestivo e ideale palcoscenico che personaggi e vicende nati dalla sua fantasia s’intrecciano con eventi storici e luoghi realmente esistenti. Senza mai rinunciare agli elementi che caratterizzano le sue storie, ovvero la musica e il mare, la psicologia e il mistero, Valentina Madonna dà vita a un nuovo Mystery che s’ispira sfacciatamente alla produzione letteraria della sua scrittrice preferita, Agatha Christie.


mercoledì 25 ottobre 2023

One Piece - Action figure Anime Heroes (BANDAI)


One Piece è un manga e anime giapponese scritto e disegnato da Eiichiro Oda. La storia segue le avventure di Monkey D. Rufy, un giovane pirata che sogna di diventare il Re dei Pirati, il più grande pirata di tutti i tempi. Rufy e la sua ciurma, la ciurma di Cappello di Paglia, viaggiano per il mondo alla ricerca del leggendario tesoro One Piece, nascosto da Gol D. Roger, il precedente Re dei Pirati.

La storia di One Piece inizia con l'esecuzione di Gol D. Roger, il Re dei Pirati. Prima di morire, Roger rivela l'esistenza del suo tesoro, One Piece, che si trova alla fine della Rotta Maggiore, un percorso pericoloso che attraversa il mondo. La notizia dell'esistenza di One Piece scatena una nuova era della pirateria, con pirati da tutto il mondo che si imbarcano per trovare il tesoro.

Rufy, un giovane ragazzo che sogna di diventare il Re dei Pirati, decide di partire per la Rotta Maggiore. Rufy e la sua ciurma, composta da Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky e Brook, si imbarcano in un viaggio epico che li porterà a conoscere nuove culture, incontrare nuovi amici e affrontare potenti nemici.

Punti di vista

One Piece è un'opera complessa e ricca di significati, che può essere interpretata da diversi punti di vista.

Da un punto di vista narrativo, One Piece è un classico racconto di formazione. Rufy e i suoi compagni intraprendono un viaggio che li cambierà per sempre, sia fisicamente che emotivamente. Lungo la strada, imparano a conoscere se stessi e il mondo che li circonda, e diventano adulti.

Da un punto di vista tematico, One Piece esplora una serie di temi, tra cui il sogno, la libertà, l'amicizia e la giustizia. Rufy è un personaggio che incarna il sogno, la determinazione e la forza di volontà. Il suo viaggio è un inno alla libertà e alla speranza. I suoi compagni sono un esempio di amicizia e solidarietà. E la lotta contro i cattivi è un'espressione di giustizia.

Da un punto di vista culturale, One Piece è un prodotto della cultura giapponese. La storia è ambientata in un mondo immaginario che combina elementi di fantasia e realismo. I personaggi sono ispirati a figure della cultura popolare giapponese, come i samurai e i ninja.

One Piece è un'opera epica che ha conquistato il cuore di milioni di persone in tutto il mondo. È una storia che parla di sogni, di amicizia e di libertà, e che continua a ispirare e affascinare.

Altri punti di vista

Alcuni altri punti di vista da cui può essere analizzata One Piece sono:

  • Da un punto di vista filosofico, One Piece può essere visto come un'esplorazione delle diverse filosofie di vita. Rufy, ad esempio, rappresenta la filosofia del sogno e della determinazione, mentre Zoro rappresenta la filosofia dell'onore e della giustizia.
  • Da un punto di vista politico, One Piece può essere visto come una critica al sistema governativo e alla società. La storia esplora le ingiustizie del mondo e la lotta per la libertà.
  • Da un punto di vista sociale, One Piece può essere visto come un'esplorazione della diversità culturale e della tolleranza. La storia presenta personaggi provenienti da diverse culture e background, che imparano a convivere e a rispettarsi a vicenda.

One Piece è un'opera complessa e ricca di significati, che può essere interpretata da diversi punti di vista. È un'opera che ha qualcosa da offrire a tutti, e che continuerà a essere apprezzata per molti anni a venire.

martedì 24 ottobre 2023




Mobile Suit Gundam (Japanese: 機動戦士ガンダム, Hepburn: Kidō Senshi Gandamu), also known as First Gundam, Gundam 0079 or simply Gundam '79, is an anime television series produced and animated by Nippon Sunrise. It was created by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate, and premiered in Japan on April 7, 1979, running for 43 episodes until January 26, 1980. The series was re-edited into a trilogy of theatrical films in 1981.

Mobile Suit Gundam is set in a future where humanity has colonized space and is divided into two factions: the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon. The series follows the story of Amuro Ray, a teenage civilian who becomes the pilot of the RX-78-2 Gundam, a powerful prototype mobile suit. The Gundam is the Earth Federation's only hope against Zeon's superior mobile suit forces.

Mobile Suit Gundam is considered to be one of the most influential anime series of all time. It is credited with popularizing the "real robot" genre of mecha anime, which emphasizes the realism of the technology and the human cost of war. The series also features a complex and nuanced plot, well-developed characters, and thought-provoking themes such as the nature of war, the importance of peace, and the power of friendship.

Mobile Suit Gundam has spawned a vast media franchise, including numerous anime sequels and spin-offs, manga series, video games, and merchandise. The franchise remains popular to this day, and is considered to be one of the most important and beloved anime franchises of all time.

In addition to its influence on anime, Mobile Suit Gundam has also had a significant impact on popular culture as a whole. The series has been referenced in numerous other works of fiction, and the Gundam mobile suit has become an iconic figure in Japanese culture.

Mobile Suit Gundam is a must-watch for any fan of anime, science fiction, or mecha. It is a classic series that has stood the test of time, and it continues to be relevant and enjoyable to this day.

domenica 22 ottobre 2023

Aquolina Acqua Corpo Profumata MIELE


Aquolina Acqua Corpo Profumata MIELE è un'acqua profumata per il corpo che combina le note dolci e sensuali del miele con un cuore fiorito. La fragranza è fresca e delicata, perfetta per l'uso quotidiano.

L'acqua profumata è disponibile in un flacone spray da 150 ml. È facile da applicare e si assorbe rapidamente. Può essere spruzzato su tutto il corpo, o concentrato in punti strategici come la nuca, i polsi e dietro le orecchie.

L'acqua profumata è un ottimo modo per aggiungere un tocco di fragranza alla tua routine quotidiana. È anche un'opzione conveniente, in quanto è disponibile a un prezzo accessibile.

giovedì 19 ottobre 2023

Grillo, Elevato o Illuminato? di Falco Nardi (I Quaderni del Bardo Edizoni di Stefano Donno)

Serve un grande spirito di osservazione per poter cogliere i dettagli in grado di mutare la consapevolezza della realtà e farci guardare il mondo con occhi differenti. Questo libro tenta di fare luce su una serie di elementi simbolici in qualche modo esotericamente legati al leader storico dei pentastellati, e di rispondere ad altri irrisolti interrogativi sulla carriera politica (iniziatica?) di Beppe Grillo
Prefazione di Mario Contino 




La felicità al principio di Tiziano Ferro (Mondadori)













La bambina lo guardava e stava zitta. "Non parla." "Come 'non parla'? E perché?" chiese Galassi. "E che sono, un medico? I medici costano, e se fossi un medico non starei qua. Non parla. Capisce tutto, in due lingue, reagisce, ci sta con la testa... Però non parla. Se la vuoi, è tua!" Angelo Galassi aveva approfittato al volo di un errore burocratico che lo dichiarava deceduto, facendo perdere le sue tracce così bene che ormai tutti lo consideravano morto: i suoi genitori, il suo agente, il suo pubblico adorante. Il grande cantautore, l'idolo delle folle, era in realtà un uomo tormentato e depresso, che aveva sperato di riuscire a sfuggire a sé stesso e ai suoi problemi nascondendosi tra i grattacieli di New York. Ma la vita è più forte, e dal nulla appare Sophia, una figlia che Angelo non sapeva di avere, cinque anni, muta per scelta. Tiziano Ferro racconta la storia di una "disfatta salvifica". Di una lunga discesa agli inferi, iniziata con un'adolescenza di abusi e ossessioni e culminata in una clamorosa rinuncia. La felicità al principio è un libro sorprendente, rabbioso come un urlo ma pieno di tenerezza.



martedì 17 ottobre 2023

Lenovo Yoga Slim 6 Notebook


The Lenovo Yoga Slim 6 Notebook is a thin and light laptop with a stylish design and a variety of features. It is powered by an Intel Core i5-1330P processor and 16GB of RAM, making it fast and responsive for a variety of tasks. The Yoga Slim 6 also has a 14-inch IPS display with a resolution of 1920x1200 pixels and a 16:10 aspect ratio, making it ideal for both work and entertainment.

Design and Features

The Lenovo Yoga Slim 6 Notebook has a sleek and stylish design with a magnesium alloy chassis. It is available in two colors: Slate Grey and Abyss Blue. The Yoga Slim 6 is also very thin and light, weighing in at just 1.3kg and measuring 16.9mm thick.

The Yoga Slim 6 has a variety of features, including:

  • A backlit keyboard with a comfortable typing experience.
  • A large touchpad with support for Windows Precision gestures.
  • A fingerprint sensor for fast and secure login.
  • A webcam with a privacy shutter.
  • A stereo speaker system with Dolby Atmos support.
  • A variety of ports, including two Thunderbolt 4 ports, a USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A port, and a microSD card slot.

Performance and Battery Life

The Lenovo Yoga Slim 6 Notebook is powered by an Intel Core i5-1330P processor and 16GB of RAM. This hardware configuration provides excellent performance for a wide range of tasks, including web browsing, productivity work, and creative applications. The Yoga Slim 6 also has a 512GB or 1TB PCIe 4.0 SSD, which provides fast storage and loading times.

The Yoga Slim 6 has a 60Wh battery that provides up to 15 hours of battery life on a single charge. This makes it a great laptop for all-day use, even without access to a power outlet.

The Lenovo Yoga Slim 6 Notebook is a great option for users who are looking for a thin and light laptop with excellent performance, battery life, and features. It is a good choice for both work and entertainment.

sabato 14 ottobre 2023

BENYAR Orologio da Uomo Cronografo Analogico


BENYAR watches are a popular brand of affordable and stylish timepieces. The company was founded in 2015 and has quickly become a favorite among consumers who are looking for a high-quality watch at a reasonable price.

BENYAR watches are made with a variety of materials, including stainless steel, alloy, and leather. The company also offers a variety of different styles to choose from, including dress watches, sports watches, and casual watches.

Some of the most popular BENYAR watches include:

  • BENYAR BY-5121: The BY-5121 is a popular dress watch that features a classic design and a variety of different color options. The watch is also water-resistant to 30 meters.
  • BENYAR BY-5176M: The BY-5176M is a popular sports watch that features a bold design and a variety of different color options. The watch is also water-resistant to 50 meters.
  • BENYAR BY-5108: The BY-5108 is a popular casual watch that features a minimalist design and a variety of different color options. The watch is also water-resistant to 30 meters.

BENYAR watches are available at a variety of retailers, including both online and offline stores. The company also has its own retail stores located in China.

Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of BENYAR watches:


  • Affordable prices
  • Wide variety of styles to choose from
  • Available at a variety of retailers
  • Good customer reviews


  • Some watches may not be durable
  • Some watches may not be suitable for all activities

Overall, BENYAR watches are a great option for consumers who are looking for an affordable and stylish timepiece. The company offers a wide variety of different styles to choose from, so you are sure to find the perfect watch for your needs.

venerdì 13 ottobre 2023

Skechers Uno - Stand On Air, Scarpe da ginnastica Donna


Skechers is an American footwear company that was founded in 1992 by Robert Greenburg. The company is known for its comfortable and stylish shoes, which are available for men, women, and children. Skechers shoes are also known for being relatively affordable, making them a popular choice for consumers of all ages.

Skechers offers a wide variety of shoe styles to choose from, including sneakers, sandals, boots, and dress shoes. The company also offers a line of work shoes and shoes for specific activities, such as running and walking.

Some of the most popular Skechers shoe styles include:

  • Skechers Go Walk: The Skechers Go Walk line of shoes is known for its comfortable and supportive design. The shoes feature Skechers' signature Air-Cooled Goga Mat Technology, which provides cushioning and support for the feet.
  • Skechers D'Lites: The Skechers D'Lites line of shoes is known for its stylish and chunky design. The shoes feature Skechers' signature Air Cooled Memory Foam Technology, which provides cushioning and support for the feet.
  • Skechers Bobs: The Skechers Bobs line of shoes is known for its colorful and fun designs. The shoes are also known for their charitable giving, as Skechers donates a portion of the proceeds from Bobs sales to help animals in need.

Skechers shoes are available at a variety of retailers, including both online and offline stores. The company also has its own retail stores located around the world.

Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of Skechers shoes:


  • Comfortable and stylish designs
  • Affordable prices
  • Wide variety of styles to choose from
  • Available at a variety of retailers


  • Some shoes may not be durable
  • Some shoes may not be suitable for all activities

Overall, Skechers is a popular footwear brand that offers a wide variety of comfortable and stylish shoes at affordable prices. The company's shoes are available at a variety of retailers, making them easy to find and purchase.

David Jones Piccola Borsa a Tracolla


David Jones Paris is a French leather goods brand that was founded in 1987. The brand is known for its high-quality and stylish handbags, wallets, and other leather accessories. David Jones Paris products are made with the finest materials and craftsmanship, and they are designed to last.

David Jones Paris products are available at select retailers around the world, and they are also available for purchase online on the brand's website. The brand offers a wide range of products to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your needs and style.

Here are some of the most popular David Jones Paris products:

  • Handbags: David Jones Paris handbags are known for their classic and timeless designs. The brand offers a variety of handbag styles to choose from, including totes, shoulder bags, cross-body bags, and clutches.
  • Wallets: David Jones Paris wallets are made with high-quality leather and they are available in a variety of colors and styles. The brand offers wallets for both men and women.
  • Other leather accessories: David Jones Paris also offers a variety of other leather accessories, such as belts, key holders, and travel wallets.

If you are looking for high-quality and stylish leather goods, David Jones Paris is a great brand to consider. The brand offers a wide range of products to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your needs and style.

Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of David Jones Paris products:


  • High-quality materials and craftsmanship
  • Classic and timeless designs
  • Wide range of products to choose from


  • Can be expensive
  • Limited availability at retailers

Overall, David Jones Paris is a great brand for those who are looking for high-quality and stylish leather goods. The brand offers a wide range of products to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your needs and style.

giovedì 12 ottobre 2023

Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 PRO 5G


The Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G is a mid-range smartphone that was released in September 2023. It is the successor to the popular Redmi Note 11 Pro 5G, and it features a number of improvements, including a more powerful processor, a better camera system, and a faster charging battery.

The Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G has a 6.67-inch AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate. The display is bright and colorful, and it is perfect for gaming and watching videos. The phone is powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 1080 processor, which is a powerful octa-core processor that can handle even the most demanding tasks.

The Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G has a triple-lens rear camera system with a 50MP main sensor, an 8MP ultrawide sensor, and a 2MP macro sensor. The main sensor takes excellent photos in both good and low light conditions. The ultrawide sensor is great for capturing landscapes and group photos. The macro sensor is perfect for capturing close-up shots of small objects.

The Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G has a 5000mAh battery that supports 67W fast charging. The battery can easily last a full day on a single charge, and the fast charging feature allows you to charge the phone from 0 to 100% in just 30 minutes.

Overall, the Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G is a great mid-range smartphone that offers a good balance of features and price. It has a powerful processor, a good camera system, and a long battery life.

Here are some of the pros and cons of the Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G:


  • Large and bright AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate
  • Powerful MediaTek Dimensity 1080 processor
  • Good triple-lens rear camera system
  • 5000mAh battery with 67W fast charging
  • Affordable price


  • No built-in microSD card slot
  • Some features require a Xiaomi phone

If you are looking for a mid-range smartphone that offers a good balance of features and price, the Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G is a great option to consider.

Xiaomi Smart Band 8


The Xiaomi Smart Band 8 is a fitness tracker and smartwatch that was released in July 2023. It is the successor to the popular Xiaomi Smart Band 7, and it features a number of improvements, including a larger display, longer battery life, and more advanced health tracking features.

The Xiaomi Smart Band 8 has a 1.47-inch AMOLED display, which is larger and brighter than the display on the Smart Band 7. The band also has a new design with a more rounded shape. The band is made of soft TPU material, and it is available in a variety of colors.

The Xiaomi Smart Band 8 features a number of health tracking features, including:

  • Heart rate monitoring
  • Blood oxygen monitoring
  • Sleep tracking
  • Stress monitoring
  • Fitness tracking
  • Activity tracking

The band also has a number of smart features, including:

  • Notifications
  • Music controls
  • Weather forecast
  • Alarm clock
  • Stopwatch
  • Timer

The Xiaomi Smart Band 8 has a battery life of up to 16 days on a single charge. The band can be charged using the included magnetic charging cable.

Overall, the Xiaomi Smart Band 8 is a great fitness tracker and smartwatch for the price. It offers a variety of advanced features and a long battery life.

Here are some of the pros and cons of the Xiaomi Smart Band 8:


  • Large and bright display
  • Long battery life
  • Advanced health tracking features
  • Smart features
  • Affordable price


  • No built-in GPS
  • Limited app support
  • Some features require a Xiaomi phone

If you are looking for a fitness tracker and smartwatch that offers a good balance of features and price, the Xiaomi Smart Band 8 is a great option to consider.

mercoledì 11 ottobre 2023

Crema Acne e Brufoli Viso Crema - ACQUEL



Acquel is a luxury skincare brand that was founded in 2017 by Dr. Raquel Welch, a dermatologist who is passionate about creating products that are both effective and safe. The brand's products are made with high-quality ingredients, and they are clinically tested to ensure their efficacy and safety.

Acquel products are designed to address a variety of skin concerns, including dryness, fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and acne. The brand offers a wide range of products to choose from, including cleansers, toners, serums, moisturizers, and masks.

Some of the most popular Acquel products include:

  • Acquel Gentle Cleansing Gel: This gentle cleanser removes dirt, oil, and makeup without stripping the skin of its natural oils.
  • Acquel Hyaluronic Acid Serum: This serum hydrates and plumps the skin, and it also helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Acquel Vitamin C Serum: This serum brightens the skin and reduces the appearance of hyperpigmentation.
  • Acquel Retinol Serum: This serum stimulates collagen production and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Acquel Moisturizing Cream: This rich moisturizer hydrates and nourishes the skin.

Acquel products are available for purchase on the brand's website and at select retailers. The brand also offers a variety of subscription services, so you can get your favorite products delivered to your door on a regular basis.

Acquel is a great brand to consider if you are looking for high-quality skincare products that are made with safe and effective ingredients. The brand offers a wide range of products to choose from, so you can find the perfect ones for your skin type and needs.

Moroccanoil Frizz Shield Styling Spray


Moroccanoil is a professional hair care brand that was founded in 2007 by Carmen Tal. The brand's signature product is the Moroccanoil Treatment Original, which is a leave-in oil treatment that is infused with argan oil. Argan oil is a natural oil that is extracted from the argan tree, and it is known for its nourishing and conditioning properties.

Moroccanoil products are designed to be used on all hair types, and they offer a variety of benefits, including:
  • Reducing frizz and flyaways
  • Adding shine and softness
  • Protecting hair from heat damage
  • Strengthening and repairing damaged hair
  • Promoting hair growth

In addition to the Moroccanoil Treatment Original, Moroccanoil also offers a wide range of other hair care products, including shampoos, conditioners, styling products, and finishing products. The brand also offers a line of body care products, which are also infused with argan oil.

Moroccanoil products are available at salons and beauty retailers around the world. The brand is also popular among celebrities and stylists, and it has won numerous awards for its products.

Here are some of the most popular Moroccanoil products:

  • Moroccanoil Treatment Original: This leave-in oil treatment is the brand's signature product, and it is known for its ability to reduce frizz, add shine, and protect hair from heat damage.
  • Moroccanoil Hydrating Shampoo and Conditioner: This shampoo and conditioner duo is designed to hydrate and nourish dry hair.
  • Moroccanoil Dry Texture Spray: This spray adds volume and texture to hair, and it is also great for refreshing second-day hair.
  • Moroccanoil Luminous Hairspray: This hairspray provides a strong hold without making hair feel stiff or sticky.
  • Moroccanoil Body Soufflé Fragrance Originale: This body soufflé is infused with argan oil and vitamin E, and it leaves skin feeling soft, smooth, and hydrated.

If you are looking for high-quality hair care products that are infused with argan oil, Moroccanoil is a great brand to consider. The brand offers a wide range of products to choose from, so you can find the perfect ones for your hair type and needs.

martedì 10 ottobre 2023

Crocs Classic Clogs




Crocs is an American footwear company based in Broomfield, Colorado. It manufactures and markets a variety of foam footwear, including clogs, sandals, and boots. Crocs shoes are made from a proprietary material called Croslite, which is known for its lightness, comfort, and durability.

Crocs shoes were first introduced in 2002 and quickly became popular for their unique design and comfort. Crocs are often worn for casual activities, such as running errands or going to the beach. They are also popular among healthcare workers and people who spend a lot of time on their feet.

Crocs shoes are available in a wide variety of colors and styles. They can be plain or decorated with Jibbitz charms, which are small plastic accessories that can be inserted into the holes on Crocs shoes.

Crocs shoes are not for everyone. Some people find them to be too bulky or unattractive. However, Crocs have a loyal following of customers who appreciate their comfort and convenience.

Here are some of the things that make Crocs a good brand:

  • Crocs shoes are made from a lightweight and durable material called Croslite.
  • Crocs shoes are very comfortable to wear.
  • Crocs shoes are available in a wide variety of colors and styles.
  • Crocs shoes are affordable.

If you are looking for a comfortable and affordable pair of shoes for casual wear, Crocs are a good option to consider.

Seiko 5 Sports Orologio Automatico




Seiko is a Japanese watchmaking company founded in 1881 by Kintarō Hattori. It is one of the world's largest watchmakers, producing over 3.5 million watches per year. Seiko is known for its innovative and reliable watches, which range in price from affordable to luxury.

Seiko has been at the forefront of many technological advancements in watchmaking. In 1969, Seiko introduced the world's first quartz wristwatch, the Astron. In 1988, Seiko released the Kinetic watch, which uses the wearer's movement to generate electricity to power the watch. Seiko also developed the Spring Drive movement, which combines the accuracy of a quartz watch with the sweeping second hand of a mechanical watch.

Seiko watches are used by people all over the world, including professional athletes, adventurers, and celebrities. Seiko is also the official timekeeper of many sporting events, including the Olympic Games and the FIFA World Cup.

Some of Seiko's most popular watch collections include:

  • Prospex: A collection of watches designed for sports and outdoor activities.
  • Presage: A collection of automatic watches with classic designs.
  • Astron: A collection of solar-powered GPS watches.
  • Grand Seiko: A collection of high-end watches with luxurious finishes and movements.

Seiko watches are known for their reliability, accuracy, and durability. They are also known for their wide range of styles and prices, making them accessible to people of all budgets.

Here are some of the things that make Seiko a good brand:

  • Seiko has a long history of innovation in watchmaking.
  • Seiko watches are known for their reliability, accuracy, and durability.
  • Seiko offers a wide range of styles and prices to choose from.
  • Seiko watches are used by people all over the world, including professional athletes, adventurers, and celebrities.

If you are looking for a high-quality watch that will last for years to come, Seiko is a great brand to consider.

Contrasti Radioattivi di Paolo Laddomada (I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno)

26 aprile 1986 - Alle ore 1:23:45 locali, durante un test sulla sicurezza nella centrale nucleare di Chernobyl, precisamente sul reattore n. 4 sito in Pripyat, per un (presunto) errore del personale al lavoro in quel momento, accade l’irreparabile. Il test doveva essere condotto di giorno, da personale appositamente preparato ma, a causa di un parallelo calo nella rete che forniva l'energia alla vicina Kiev, il via libera per ridurre la potenza del reattore di Chernobyl senza rischiare deficit di fornitura, venne dato solo di notte, quando era in servizio il personale del turno successivo, completamente all'oscuro delle procedure di emergenza. L’esplosione e il conseguente incendio del reattore n. 4 provocano, a tutt’oggi, il più grave disastro nucleare della storia. Tra le pagine di questo libro, rivivono per immagini testi, contesti, viosnari e fantasmatici di un multiverso comunque appartenente alla nostra più recente storia contemporanea



Non proprio un colpo di fulmine di Meghan Quinn



Tutte le coppie hanno una dolce storia romantica da raccontare sul momento in cui Cupido ha trafitto i loro cuori con la sua freccia… tutti, ma non Lottie e Huxley. Loro due si scontrano, letteralmente, nelle strade di Beverly Hills, lei disperata e lui furioso. Finiscono a sfogarsi sui loro guai in un bar e tra i due non nasce un colpo di fulmine… bensì un accordo: Huxley, agente immobiliare di grido di LA, propone a Lottie di essere la sua Vivian, come in Pretty Woman. Lui farà una buona impressione sui clienti come fidanzato amorevole e lei risolverà i suoi problemi economici, oltre a rimediare un perfetto futuro marito da presentare alla sua acerrima nemica del liceo, che tra l’altro l’ha appena licenziata. Nonostante l’inizio burrascoso, non è detto che Cupido rinunci a mirare ai loro cuori!

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