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sabato 27 marzo 2021

Neither Seen nor Heard: A Zombie Complex Short Story by Alexander Pain



“Today, you really cannot be seen and you really must not be heard. If they hear you, they will come to see you. If they see you, they will catch you. If they catch you, they will bite you. If they bite you, you will die and become a monster just like them. If you don’t want to be a monster, you have to be very, very, quiet."

Can the very young and the very old survive?

When the zombie apocalypse started, four generations of the Hastings family gathered in a modest house on the outskirts of Atlanta. Two of those generations went out to get food leaving behind the youngest and oldest of the family. That was days ago. With food running low and his great grandchildren getting hungry, great-grandfather Bill Hastings sets out into a crumbling world with his great grandchildren in tow.

One of our heroes is an 80-year-old Vietnam veteran and the other two are his ten and twelve year-old great grandsons. Can his experience and their speed and dexterity help a whole van full of younger children survive?

A custom van, guns, skateboards, and horror!

This short story has a custom van, gun battles, skateboards, and horror. When zombies threaten experienced and physically fit fighters, readers can get complacent. But, when the most vulnerable among us are threatened, the horror is palpable. Every generation has to bring their strengths to the struggle.

A spoiler free part of the Zombie Complex neighborhood!

The action in this short story occurs in the same general neighborhood as Alexander Pain’s novel, Zombie Complex, but you can read with assurance that this short story is spoiler free. It won’t spoil any plot points. If you enjoy this short read, join the neighborhood and join fight! You’ll definitely want to check out some of Alexander’s other works.


giovedì 25 marzo 2021

The Isthmus Company: Part II by Samantha Boulton



For years, he had been employed as a puppet of Isthmus. Why this girl should think differently of him was simply baffling. She had seen everything that he had done in the past few months. True, he was here of his own accord, not Ishmus's, but she could not possibly know that. Pondering the thought, he nearly tripped over another crack in the sidewalk. If Isthmus knew exactly what he was doing right now... he did not want to finish the thought.

"That and my dad still owes Isthmus a few million dollars. It's not like he's going to forget that debt. Not to mention, he wouldn't send just you to recollect the Collateral," she said darkly. As much as she hated it, she knew it was never going to end until her father could pay. As far as she knew, that was not going to be any time soon.

The second installment in The Isthmus Company series picks up the action right where the first one left off.


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