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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Direct Outreach Strategy. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 2 agosto 2012

Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port (Wiley )

Book Yourself Solid

You'll learn smarter marketing that will generate leads so you book clients this month. It really happens, and it could be you. In the book, Book Yourself Solid, small business marketing expert Michael Port takes you by the hand and walks you down the path to:
Discover and set your business foundation
Build trust with your target audience
Build credibility within your marketplace

Within a few pages of this lead generation guidebook you will:
Experience one ah-ha moment after another.
Notice a shift in your thinking.
Become inspired to take action to reach your goals and set new ones beyond what you previously thought possible.
Feel the confidence to take action using smarter marketing methods.

Here's how the Book Yourself Solid Lead Generation & Smarter Marketing System works in this book:

It's a 15-step lead generation and small business marketing system broken into three modules.
Modules I and II are four chapters each that focus on building your foundation and increasing your trust and credibility.
Module III dives into self-promotion with seven chapters, one for each of the 7 core self-promotion strategies.
Each chapter provides you with verbal and written exercises and booked solid action steps to get you going and keep you moving.
You'll learn 7 core self-promotion strategies.
These 7 core self-promotion strategies will make the most of your time, money and energy - all things you'll want plenty of once your lead generation efforts start driving in boatloads of leads. You'll get an easy-to-read roadmap to build a rock-solid:

1. Networking Strategy
2. Web Strategy
3. Writing Strategy
4. Speaking/Demonstrating Strategy
5. Referral Strategy
6. Direct Outreach Strategy
7. Follow-up Strategy

Lead Generation & Small Business Marketing advice you can't afford to pass up. Small business marketing expert and business coach, Michael Port, gives the gift of knowledge in this 288 page book, jam-packed with the lead generation advice and guidance to:
Clearly articulate what you offer, and the benefits of your services.
Turn your unique traits into profits.
Emotionally connect potential clients to what you offer - Michael taps into his former life as an actor to give you a truly unique perspective!
Avoid trial and error - leverage the experience of someone who's been there, done that. The business coaching and small business marketing advice you get in this program has propelled thousands of service professionals' practice into into six- and seven-figure assets.
Pick and choose your clients, by only working with those that are ideal for you. In fact, this lead generation system will help you attract more of those ideal clients.
Overcome the most common challenges for small business marketing.
Enjoy a full calendar, with paying clients that produce an avalanche of referrals - that's smarter lead generation!

The Book is filled with small business smarter marketing success stories

You not only read about this lead generation and smarter marketing system, you'll learn how it works through real life business cases, such as a doctor that went from $300,000 to $1,000,000 annually.
The first jump from $300,000 to $600,000 in the first year came with a shift in thinking, leveraging smarter marketing techniques and an emotional connection in marketing messages. In less than one year, he was booking 115 new clients per week!
The next jump was to $1 million annually, which came when it was time to raise his rates, thanks to smarter marketing, self-promotion and following the Book Yourself Solid lead generation system. He picked the smarter marketing and lead generation advice that worked for his business - with a focus on five of seven core self-promotion strategies:

1. Web marketing
2. Referral strategy
3. Article writing
4. Public speaking
5. Automated follow-up and keep in touch strategy

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